We have had an unusually long stretch of really hot and humid days in the Mid-Atlantic. Normally, that is tempered by at least somewhat of a chance of thunderstorms in late afternoon or evening, but we are in such a weather pattern that we haven’t been getting any rain either. Thankfully, that’s supposed to change for the better by the end of the week.
If you watch Seinfeld at all, I would best describe my summer so far as the summer of George. Meaning, I had all kinds of things I wanted to do this summer, but because of my unexpected stay in the hospital in may, I’m now pretty much stuck at home except for running small errands like taking out the trash, getting the mail, etc.
But I’m making the best of it. I’m reading some good books. I’m trying to organize some stuff that has needed it for the longest time. I’ve almost got my other bedroom set up, which is also where my large TV is so if I want to sit in there and play video games, I can. I’m just trying to make the best of a bad situation.