Are noses a reliable source of entertainment?
While waiting my turn the other day at the Department of Motor Vehicles (always an endurance test), I wrote this in my notebook:
I’m waiting at the DMV office to renew my driver’s license, long wait, and I’m probably the only one in the place who’s looking around and thinking: Noses are funny. All noses are funny.
This isn’t eccentric-old-lady stuff. Way back decades ago, as a youngster in church with my family, I often had to find distractions from interminable sermons. My father liked us to sit along the right-hand aisle, so my view of the pulpit and choir loft fell across a good many profiles of congregants. I would study and compare noses for entertainment. Sometimes I got the giggles, and of course could not explain why.
Never did I see a nose that wasn’t funny. Sure, some of them were only mildly funny, not hilarious, but the strictly serious noses were apt to be the funniest.
This is a gift that hasn’t deserted me with age.
Granting their utility and their ability to hold up your eyeglasses, what’s your take on noses?
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