Do you think a very minor on and off headache is a concern?
I’m going to have to see a doctor I guess, although I feel sure they can’t diagnose anything without a scan.
I’m curious if the collective has any experience with something like this.
For a few months I get a pea size headache above and slightly left of my left eye in the middle of my forehead top to bottom. It’s inside my head, not far behind my forehead, not on the skin. I would feel the pain for a few seconds and then it goes away.
Today, I feel it on and off all day. It only lasts a few seconds and might go away for an hour, and then come back for a few seconds, gone for a few seconds, back a few seconds, gone a few hours.
What’s consistent is the pain is very slight and only lasts a few seconds when it happens.
Of course I’m “worried” it’s an aneurysm. Not worried enough to go to the ER. I was just at the doctor for a check up a week ago, and it had been weeks since it had happened and I didn’t even think of it.
I do get shingles above that eye, but this is more left and feels nothing like shingles.
I don’t get it more when I exert myself or anything like that.
Would a weakness in an artery be a constant pain?
I have no other symptoms. My husband knows we NEVER joke about not being able to move our limbs or slurred speech or not being able to put a sentence together.
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