General Question

Strauss's avatar

Do you think Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is really trying to crack down on "vote harvesting" or is this another case of voter suppression?

Asked by Strauss (23883points) August 26th, 2024
82 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

This article in the Texas Tribune, is about Texas AG Ken Paxton executing an early-morning warrant on a Democratic Party operative, alleging voter fraud and/or vote harvesting. Democrats, including the “League of United Latin-American Citizens”(LULAC) claim it is another case of Republican voter suppression.

Anyone who is familiar with my political posts in the past knowl which side of this fence I’m on. It’s straight from the 1983 (and earlier) Republican playbook that states that the higher the voter turnout, the better it is for the Democrats.

What do you think?

General, civil discourse encouraged!

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LadyMarissa's avatar

Paxton is the 2nd biggest crook in Texas!!! I’m sure it’s voter suppression. Since Harris is doing so well, Texas is turning purple with signs of turning blue. Between Abbott & Paxton, I’ve wondered what they would do to slow or stop the madness.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppression. And the word must be coming down from Trump Central to crack down, becuase they must be worried in Texas that Harris could win.

Clearly voter suppression and intimidation.

janbb's avatar

They also have a fake online voter registration site that makes it seem like you’re registered but you’re not until you print off the form and send it in!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

S U P P R E S S I O N ! ! ! ! ! !

jca2's avatar

It’s probably setting the stage for Trump to say that Harris cheated him out of a win, if he happens to lose.

kruger_d's avatar

Yep, just sowing seeds of doubt and suspicion.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Oh my gosh. That should be a felony.

cheebdragon's avatar

“The Secretary of State and county voter registrars have an ongoing legal requirement to review the voter rolls, remove ineligible voters, and refer any potential illegal voting to the Attorney General’s Office and local authorities for investigation and prosecution.”

“Since Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 1 into law in 2021, Texas has removed over 1 million people from the voter rolls, including:”

Over 6,500 noncitizens
Over 6,000 voters who have a felony conviction
Over 457,000 deceased people
Over 463,000 voters on the suspense list
Over 134,000 voters who responded to an address confirmation notice that they had moved
Over 65,000 voters who failed to respond to a notice of examination
Over 19,000 voters who requested to cancel their registration
Total: Over 1.1 million

“Of the over 6,500 potential noncitizens removed from the voter rolls, approximately 1,930 have a voter history.”

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon Was that not happening anyway? I don’t get it. Every state I’ve moved from eventually sends me a notice to see if I still should be registered. It does take about three years after I’ve moved. I’ve been registered in two states many times. I even called Florida one time to get me off of the voter role because I received a jury duty notice and they told me to call back in a few months after the election was over, they were very busy. Lol. It was right before Obama was elected.

You do realize being registered doesn’t mean someone voted. People are registered for all sorts of reasons when they aren’t allowed to vote.

Strauss's avatar

@cheebdragon The issue is not purging ineligible voters. That has been happening legitimately since before I was born in the first half of the last century.

The Republican party has long seen a lower voter turnout as beneficial to them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I agree with @Strauss – whether thee voter cleanup (culling) is legit or not, the fundamental point is that some legitimate and registered voter is going to show up to vote, and his/her registration will not be there.

Statistics show that it is democrats whose registrations are dropped more frequently than republicans.

So the end result is that the legitimate voter is going to be hassled and discouraged. That’s good for the republicans.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Exactly, this is the problem. People on the voter rolls who shouldn’t be hasn’t proven to be much of a problem.

It’s just a way to rile people up. Another issue politicians love to talk about to anger their constituents, and the worst part is as you said, some legitimate voters get screwed, more than likely Democratic voters.

seawulf575's avatar

I couldn’t read the given citation so I looked it up elsewhere. It looks like there is, indeed, evidence of voter fraud and ballot harvesting. It was identified by DA in one of the counties. They did a 2 year investigation and came up with enough evidence to get search warrants. So it even went through the courts to get those.

Another case is mentioned where a former data analyst from the now-dissolved county Elections Administration Office has been charged with six felony counts related to the 2022 general election. It doesn’t say what those charges are or what it applies to. But again, they had enough evidence to bring charges.

Sounds like they are taking voter fraud and games seriously. And I’m sure you’d all agree that if there is someone cheating on an election then they should be stopped and arrested/charged for the crimes, right?

chyna's avatar

The Newsweek article said they removed 6,000 convicted felons.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Where in that article does it show proof of voter fraud? Maybe I read too fast?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I wonder if “You know WHO” is still registered in Mar-A-Lago, Florida ?

Strauss's avatar

IMHO, the issue of “voter fraud” is only a small subset of a much larger issue, that being “election fraud”. As in asking a state official to “find” a certain number of votes; as in attempting to stop the certification of a valid election; as in…(need I continue?).

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie I probably typed too fast. ELECTION fraud, not Voter fraud.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 What exactly is election fraud?

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie It could be any number of things. It could be hiding votes, generating false votes, messing with the tabulators to mess those up, it could be registering illegal aliens to vote, it could be filling out bogus mail-in ballots, it could be ballot harvesting, anything to illegally influence the election…the article didn’t say exactly what the issues were. I found another page where they found one of the guys they served the search warrants on had 65 cell phones and 41 computers in his home. That seems a bit odd for personal use. And I suspect that is the sort of stuff they expected to find. The guy is now scrambling to keep the information on those items secret…keep them from being allowed to be viewed by the police. We’ll have to see how this all plays out in the courts…again…as usual.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I’m all for a fair and honest vote. Like I said, states already purge names, so that’s not really new as long as they take steps to be sure the person truly should not be on the voter role. If they ate just wiping people off of the rolls without attempting contact, that seems wrong to me. Some people only vote in the general elections, so dropping someone off, because they haven’t voted in three years would be wrong to do.

Immigrants without papers are not going to vote. That’s crazy. They try to avoid interacting with the police or authorities. They are doing their best to stay under the radar. People with work permits, green cards, school visas, they are hyper aware of what they can and can’t do and avoid sending up red flags.

Someone who is registered but doesn’t vote should not be thought of as a fraud! Millions of people are registered in two or three states, some states might allow non-citizens to vote in lower elections, some immigrants maybe sign up for voting not know what to do it’s just put in front of them when they get a driver’s license.

All you have is hysteria about one guy, who very well might be trying to cheat the system. They are investigating it. That’s no reason to think thousands or millions of people are committing voter fraud. No matter what you do there might be a criminal or two trying to cheat the system, but it’s extremely rare.

False accusations of voting machines not working cost Fox News millions of dollars. Every American wants the machines to be accurate, it’s not like Democrats want them to malfunction or easy to hack.

Go work at the polls. You’ll feel better.

filmfann's avatar

It is just seeking more tools to be able to force an election how he wants.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Election fraud is exceedingly rare and not enough to effect results.

Ineligible voters on the rolls is not election fraud. The dead and moved-out-of-the-jurisdiction people are not voting. They’re just detritus in the records.

If Republicans are shrieking about something as if it were a dire threat, you can always breathe easy. It’s fake outrage to undermine elections and whip up hate against immigrants and minorities.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Immigrants without papers ARE voting. And there are efforts to make it easier for them to vote. They are now adding a function into your MyChart from the doctor’s office to let people register to vote. Yes, there is the statement of “Are you allowed to vote?” but if someone clicks yes when they aren’t, how do you catch them? So an illegal alien goes to the hospital for anything, a MyChart is started and they are shown how they can register. You have California setting them up with driver’s licenses and then trying to pass laws that if you have a license you can register to vote. NY is trying to follow suit. Allowing non-citizens to vote in any election is wrong. They aren’t citizens of the country, state, county, or city so why should they be allowed to vote? That’d be like me visiting France at election time and voting. I’m a non-citizen yet I’m there so why not?

Someone who is registered and not voting is not committing fraud. Where did that come from?

And there is no hysteria…except from the left. Look at this question. The lefty talking point is 100% of the time that there is no voter fraud or it is so rare that it is meaningless. Yet every time someone starts to investigate it or tries to pass laws to stop it, the left comes unhinged screaming about how it is voter suppression. Why is that? There is no evidence of voter suppression here. There is an accusation from a group that is looking to be a beneficiary of illegal voting or other election fraud and that is good enough to start the whine generator up.

chyna's avatar

^Source supporting your statements that immigrants are voting?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I want a source also about immigrants who aren’t citizens voting.

I could see an immigrant who doesn’t speak great English filling out all documents put in front of them. They worry about doing things right and some cultures tend to be very obedient to people with authority. If they answered all of the Q’s for voter registration as part of getting a license or in a hospital, that doesn’t mean they would vote. They probably wouldn’t necessarily understand they were signing up to vote unless the person helping them really explained it. I think most immigrants would say no, they can’t vote, but I’m just saying I can see it innocently happening.

Hopefully, the voter registrations all ask “are you a citizen” to prevent any mistakes up front. Although, an illegal immigrant might lie out of fear if asked verbally at a hospital. Someone with papers likely would not lie. I’m against it being done at a hospital.

Are you saying I committed election or voter fraud by being registered in two states? It’s obviously ilegal for me to vote in two states.

There are some countries that allow non-citizen residents vote. I’m not saying the US should, just saying it exists.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Let’s see some evidence that MyChart is a voting registration tool.

jca2's avatar

I just took a glance at the NC voters’ registration form and it asks for last four digits of your SS # or your driver’s license number, and there’s a box if you don’t have a SS #, so I don’t know what they do about that. I am guessing that when you apply for your driver’s’ license in NC, they have something about citizenship but I don’t know. That’s just one state, I know. I actually googled voting registration my chart and all these states came up, so I clicked on the NC register to vote link.

jca2's avatar

Here’s a clip from a NY Times article re: Nebraska:

When the Nebraska Legislature voted 38 to 6 this year to allow people convicted of felonies to cast a ballot immediately after completing their sentences, it was a moment of bipartisan unity.

That moment did not last.

Just before the measure was set to take effect last month, the state’s Republican attorney general, Mike Hilgers, issued a written opinion that the law was unconstitutional. He did not stop there. Mr. Hilgers added that a law on the books since 2005, allowing felons to vote two years after finishing their sentences, was also based on a flawed interpretation of the Nebraska Constitution.

In the weeks since, people convicted of crimes and election administrators have been caught in legal limbo. Had thousands of former criminals been wrongly allowed to vote for 19 years, as the attorney general argued, or were potential new voters being unfairly blocked from registering this year, as supporters of the new law claimed?

Hastily scheduled arguments held in front of the Nebraska Supreme Court on Wednesday are the best hope of settling those questions before Election Day, when Nebraska’s vote could carry special import because of the way the state splits its Electoral College votes by congressional district.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Go up and look at @cheebdragon‘s citation he provided. He already listed one. 6500 non-citizens on the voter registration rolls.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I’m amused now. I saw the pages and just went back to them and the sites say they no longer exist. The issue was Vot-ER, a non-profit made up of doctors was partnering with EPIC, the company that makes MyChart to add the voter registration. Here are the two links:

Since both organizations had similar things on their websites and then mysteriously made them go away, I can only imagine it was true. They may have caught a whole lot of backlash for it and closed out the program. But it was something being done. It might still be done in the future. Vot-ER’s founder is buddy-buddy with Kamala and has had representatives at the WH to talk about ways to increase voting registrations.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 Being on the roll doesn’t prove they voted. Maybe a republican put them on the roll to vote republican? Or democrats? Not seeing real proof here.

Strauss's avatar

@seawulf575 …to talk about ways to increase voting registrations.

How does increasing voter registrations equate to election fraud? It’s probably a way to counter the Right’s push to decrease voter registration!

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna How did they get onto the roll? Being on the roll doesn’t mean they voted. But it does mean that somehow they got registered to vote. They COULD have voted. We don’t know. But there’s the problem…they were registered to vote, obviously against state law as well as federal law. That, in itself, is election fraud. Which party put them there is insignificant. The security of our elections is the real issue.

Can you think of a legal way that they could be registered to vote as non-citizens? What this actually shows is how weak our election security really is. And there are no safety nets in place to catch it as it happens. The part that drives me up a wall is that any time a conservative brings stuff like this up, the lefties go crazy trying to make sure the elections are as weak as possible.

seawulf575's avatar

@Strauss How does increasing voter registrations equate to election fraud? It doesn’t if the only people you are registering are citizens and they can prove who they are and they aren’t already registered in other states.

But the problem is you are trying to take one partial sentence out of context and make is sound unreasonable. The issue is they are/were trying to put voter registration in as part of getting medical treatment. Every time someone goes to a medical provider that uses MyChart, if they are a new patient a new MyChart is started for them. Yet everyone wants to say that illegal aliens have to have access to free medical care. So an illegal alien goes to the ER for something. They bring them in, give them treatment, and then allow them to register to vote. There really is nothing stopping it from happening. Doctors and nurses don’t even have to help them. All they would have to do is to say “here are some of the things you can do on MyChart…” and point out all the options including registering to vote. Yes, there is probably something that says “It is against the law to register to vote if you are not allowed to”. But you just told this person, who may not be familiar with our laws or even our language, that they have registration as an option…it is, to them, allowed. What if it was a convicted felon and they are barred from voting by the laws of their state? But they are out of state when they go to a doctor and Voila! they can register outside of their state. There are no checks or balances on any of this.

Strauss's avatar

@seawulf575 The validity or non-validity of a voter registration does not determine voter fraud. Voter fraud exists if (and only if) an ineligible person casts a vote.

But I think we are ignoring a large part of the larger picture of election fraud, that part being voter suppression That was the main idea behind the original question.

seawulf575's avatar

@Strauss And what you are missing is that (a) if someone registers illegally, it is almost impossible to say whether they voted or not and (b) it is a crime to register a non-citizen. You can poo-poo that all you want, but it is already election fraud.

As for the claim of voter suppression, what is the mechanism of suppressing the votes? Please, dazzle me. The TX AG did a 2 year investigation into this, found adequate evidence to get search warrants, and at least one individual has been charged with 6 felonies (which is what started the entire investigation). So what you are telling me is that criminal behavior supports honest voting? Or that arresting criminals somehow suppresses voters? How does that work?

Your question made the assumption it was voter suppression. You got that from the claim of people that could be found culpable of crimes trying to muddy the waters. But please, use your intellect and dazzle me with how doing a criminal investigation is voter suppression.

Strauss's avatar

@seawulf575 Of course I assumed it’s suppression by intimidation. Anyone who wishes to assist a person or persons (perhaps homebound elderly or disabled persons) to mail or drop off their ballot might be less inclined to do so, making it more difficult for legitimately registered voters to cast their vote. We should be encouraging people to vote, not the opposite.

seawulf575's avatar

@Strauss So how many of those cases exist? Where is the proof? See, that is what you guys give me if I say there is election fraud. “Prove it!” “Where are the citations!” This whole “voter suppression” argument is bullshit. It doesn’t wash. There is that hypothetical old person somewhere out there that might have difficulty getting a ballot to the mailbox. Show me the case where it happened in this TX issue.

It is time you guys play by your own rules. If I can present logical arguments for why election security is crap and needs to be bolstered and you guys get to play the details game, it is only fair that when you make wild claims about voter suppression that you show the details.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That isn’t suppression. That is an accusation of suppression by the group that is under investigation. Try again.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wrong color is cause for investigation ! !

It was a fright wing leader ! !

Trump’s and the Far right’s mantra is “Lie, Cheat and INTIMIDATE !”

MrGrimm888's avatar

So Trump is guilty of “election fraud.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is guilty of desegregation of Arlington Cemetery, he is a “lying sack of SHIT” and has no respect of military or people that died for their country…. for him it is “ME ME ME !”

I have three friends that are in Arlington Cemetery, one received the Congressional Medal of Honor ! !

Veterans should have zero support for a Hitler wannabe, but some think he will clear out all the people of color.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Your proof? Show me the evidence. Show me the people that were arrested and convicted for voter suppression. You are really good and spewing, but your rants are foolishness. Bold type and lots of exclamation points don’t make an impression on me, other than to show how fragile your psyche is.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Your proof? Another crazy claim for which there is no evidence. Show me the conviction he has for committing election fraud.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Your proof is Trump is best thing since HITLER

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, you are obsessed, I understand.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I hate dictator wannabes !

You love them !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I have three friends from high school that are buried in Arlington Cemetery. One received the Congressional Medal of Honor, that received it while he was alive.

After Vietnam he worked at a VA Hospital as a patient advocate !

MrGrimm888's avatar

Don’t play stupid, please.
Your “stable genius,” provided us with a recording.
The crimes are actually far greater, as he was also abusing his office at the time.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’d suggest you don’t play stupid. You claim he gave you a recording. Yet how many times have the media and the Dems tried inferring meaning to something he said? You guys do it all the time. But you stated “Trump is guilty of election fraud”. That is a complete lie. For that statement to be true, you’d have to show me the conviction. Show me the proof, otherwise it is just bullshit opinion just like so many other claims about Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Since you aren’t stupid, what do you think that number has to do with this conversation?

Hint. It has to do with GA secretary of state Brad Raffensperger.

seawulf575's avatar


Since you aren’t stupid, what do you think that number has to do with this conversation?

Hint: the number of convictions Trump has for election fraud. Which means you were wrong and just spreading lies.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It is him asking Georgia for 11,780 more VOTES FOR HIM ! ! ! 2020.

Recorded on a phone call . . .

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Compulsive liar felon convicted of 34 felonies has not yet been convicted for election felonies.

Truly an upstanding law-abiding admirable man who should be elected as the ultimate example of American virtue.

Thanks for the enlightenment, cult member!

chyna's avatar

Don’t forget he was found liable in sexual assault of E. Jean Carroll.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Again, he was not convicted of any election fraud charges. In fact he wasn’t even indicted for them. Fani went for RICO charges, not election fraud.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Another misinformation. He was not found liable for sexual assault. He was found guilty of defamation. This is the problem. The left has created a ton of lies and repeated them to the point where you folks no longer know the truth and just repeat what has been said over and over…incorrectly.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna You just gave two citations that say Trump raped Carroll. That was not the findings of the jury. That is disinformation. The jury specifically stated that she didn’t prove he raped her. As for the sexual abuse, that is still in appeals and will likely go away as well. But this was a civil case. That is not the same as saying he sexually abused someone. It is saying he was accused of it in a civil case and a sympathetic jury bought it. Sexual abuse is indeed a criminal act and it was never brought in this case.

Strauss's avatar

Appeal or not, he was found liable for sexual assault.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

“Grab ‘em by the pussy” is sexual assault. Your cult leader isn’t ashamed of it, why deny it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. Trump was recorded. The recording will live FOREVER, and will likely be common knowledge, in regards to history.
Just like all of the other things he’s been recorded saying or doing, Trump’s lies will never be lived down.

His supporters, who never grow tired (or ashamed) of denying reality, only galvanize opinions(facts now) that they are not as intelligent as lefties.

What an interesting time, we live in. Trumpers will no doubt be remembered as well, as evidence of a time when people were VERY gullible, and sadly underdeveloped in their thinking.

Also the amount of elections Trump has won. He couldn’t get more votes than Hillary or Biden.

In fact, the last republican president who won the popular vote, left office almost 30 years ago.

Do you honestly think, if Trump doesn’t win in November, he won’t eventually be found guilty of dozens more felonies (real bad felonies, this time)?

Will you surrender the rest of your life, to cry over Trump being held accountable for his crimes, I wonder. Will you carry the hate he unlocked, with his lies, to your grave?
I sure hope, you get something out of your support for Trump.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@MrGrimm888. I will pay for someone to visit his hero in jail. I’ll only pay for transportation . . he’ll have to come up with the money for a room at Mar-a-Lago or Rikers Island.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m not joking. It’s no fake news, or deep state media BS.
Trump WILL face ALL his trials, if he doesn’t win. They’re going to get the documents thing, back on track eventually too.
That case, also includes obstruction of justice….

If he loses, there will be little reason, for anyone to financially rescue Trump again either.

It’s crazy, how fast things change. The optics, are looking worse for Trump, bu the day…

Strauss's avatar

If he loses he says he’ll go to Venezuela.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yep, he was recorded. That recording can be taken many different ways. That is not a conviction. Keep trying.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Just remember this, Hitler was never convicted !

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. Perhaps you can enlighten me, as to ALL the different ways it can be taken?

MrGrimm888's avatar

TW. That’s true. I guess Hitler was just another victim of left-wing media.

I actually know a guy (yep, he’s a Trumper,) who thinks the holocaust was fake, and essentially that the west manufactured or embellished, the worst acts of the Nazis.

It’s crazy to see how brainwashed people can be.
Some, only agree with history that doesn’t offend them.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Sure, as soon as you show me the conviction for those charges.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I accept your admission, of having an indefensible position.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You are the one that cannot defend his statements. I have defended mine. You are the one that claimed: “So Trump is guilty of “election fraud.”” For him to be guilty, there would have been a trial and a conviction. Anything less is your bogus opinion. It is fear mongering and misinformation. It is what the MSM has fed you. It is not a fact. But you cannot defend it so you try deflecting. Answer the damned question, what was the trial that convicted him of election fraud?, and you will see you are wrong. There was no trial that did that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^See previous post.

seawulf575's avatar

^still dodging and avoiding. Still psychologically incapable of admitting you are wrong. Talk to your therapist about this.

Strauss's avatar

IMHO: One of the most effective ways to destroy a system is to destroy public faith in the effectiveness of that system. According to the Cyberstructure and Infrastructure Security Agency. “The November 3rd (2020) election was the most secure in American history.” Yet there were thousands of US citizens who were willing to risk life and limb because they were convinced that their candidate had been defeated by fraudulent actions.

The erosion of faith in this system is a phenomenon that has been built up over several election cycles (anyone remember “hanging chads?). I believe this is the biggest and most dangerous firm of “election fraud ”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. This is in General. Otherwise, I’d be more willing to indulge your irrationality, lack of logic, and mostly unimaginative right-wing media regurgotations.

Threads often reach a point of extreme futility, with you (in regardsto politics.) We’ve apparently reached that point.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 agreed, but you are usually a part of that futility yourself. Own it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Someone’s M.O. is “kill the kids” and control control control . . . @MrGrimm888 !

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s fair Wulf.

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