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gondwanalon's avatar

Are other people using your Social Security Number (SSN)?

Over the last 40 plus years a total of 7 different people (that I know of) have been or still using my Social Security number.

The IRS, the U.S. Army and LifeLock know about this but is unable to do anything about it. Even though they have verified it’s my SSN.

A couple days ago the IRS sent this message to me:
“Another person has used your SSN to obtain employment. We can’t give you specific details about the identity of the individual but we placed an indicator on your tax account to identify that you may have been an identity theft victim. Therefore a Form 14039, identity theft affidavit isn’t necessary”.

My SSN is very sequential. I liked it at first as it was so easy to remember. However as such it is easy for people to just pick it out of thin air.

LifeLock has told me about numerous people (over the years) using my SSN but since it was only to get a credit card or employment then there’s no problem.

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Any one attempt theft of your identity?

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