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seawulf575's avatar

What does all this tell us about Bluesky?

There has been a lot about the website Bluesky in the news lately. It is supposedly an alternative to “X” that is geared towards left-wing persons. It is noted to censor out language they don’t like and suspend accounts of those that make the statements.
CNN gave us this story about people leaving “X” to go to Bluesky.

But then we see reports like this where it shows the users are flagging each other like crazy. 42,000 flags in one day, an average of 3000 per hour.

So what does this say about Bluesky? Are they doomed to censor themselves out of business or will they finally settle out and become a left-wing echo chamber? Will they have to change what they decide is unacceptable comments?

I’m not looking for condemnations of X…that is neither here nor there. I’m looking at what is happening to Bluesky specifically and for speculation of their future. And please note this is in the General section.


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