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Nimis's avatar

Why does my tattoo ache when I'm sad?

Asked by Nimis (13255points) September 26th, 2008
35 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Just to clarify, it’s not just stress-related.
While being sad could be considered a type of stress,
my tattoo only aches when I am sad
(and not when I am worried about family, work, etc.).

What’s up with that?

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robmandu's avatar

What does it look like? Might that be relevant?

Nimis's avatar

You mean the design itself?
I don’t think that would be related?
Would it?

waterbearer's avatar

Where is the tattoo? That could be relevant. ?

scamp's avatar

Maybe your blood pressure affects it???

robmandu's avatar

@Nimis, was just wondering if there there might be an emotional attachment to the image itself.

I mean, if it’s just some random image probably not worth considering in that way.

Lost_World's avatar

Im sad right now and i posted a topic foe advise on how not to be sad and the mod removed it and now I’m sadder.

Nimis's avatar

Wat: It’s on my shoulder blade.
Sca: Does being sad affect your blood pressure?
And in turn, does blood pressure affect your body aches?
Rob: It did at the time. But haven’t been sad about that in ages.

Celeste00's avatar

@Melonking the mods want you to be sad. If you are not, you wouldn’t be looking for affection on the internet and would give them less traffic.

deaddolly's avatar

i’ve never had any of mine hurt. i would think blood pressure may influence it.

SuperMouse's avatar

My tattoos never hurt, sad or not sad.

I wonder if it is because of the original emotional attachment you had to it; the sad connotations it might still carry for you, even if they are only in your subconscious. I think that’s what Rob was getting at. Apologies Rob if that wasn’t your point at all.

Nimis's avatar

I just realized that sometimes I can be really curt about my answers!
I kind of shortened my original train of thought.

You mean the design itself?
Hmmm…that makes sense. If the design has some kind of emotional attachment to it.
But I haven’t been sad about that for a long time though, so…
I don’t think that would be related?
Though I wonder if it aches out of habit, because it was used to aching when I was sad before?
Would it?

scamp's avatar

This guy’s tat hurts me, ha ha!

I wonder what he does for a living? Could you imagine going to the doctor’s office because you need some type of surgery and having that guy walk into the exam room in a lab coat? AHHHHH!!!

Nimis's avatar

Would much rather have that dude than this person.
Was trying to find a picture of a cat that been shaved and tattooed with a feline skeleton.
I’d seen it somewhere before and thought it looked rather interesting.
I didn’t exactly find what I was looking for. But I did find this though. I love it!

deaddolly's avatar

i think both were cool. some of my friends are very serious about their body mods.

Nimis's avatar

The latter scares me because they remind me of the lion lady.
[shudder] Yeesh.

syz's avatar

Sounds psychosomatic to me.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (2points)
deaddolly's avatar

some ppl just want to be different…it’s their body.

Nimis's avatar

Syz: I was thinking the same. Most logical answer I’ve got.
My body has a lot of weird psychosomatic responses.
But they’re usually triggered by any kind of stress.

It’s weird that my tattoo only aches when I’m sad.
Especially since I haven’t been sad about anything tattoo-related at all.

I wonder if certain aches and pains can be attributed to dopamine levels?
Or if blood pressure can cause weird aches and pains?

Nimis's avatar

Dea: Do you think she actually meant to turn out that way?
It seems like plastic surgery gone wrong. Very wrong.

deaddolly's avatar

i think she’s got some kind of freaky fetish. I hope she meant to turn out that way…
she was smiling!?

Nimis's avatar

Dude, I don’t think she can stop “smiling”.

deaddolly's avatar

yeah, kinda like Joan Rivers…

sundayBastard's avatar

I was tatt’d up by this Yakuza tattoo artist in Japan. So my tattoos always ache.

Nimis's avatar

Sund: I think I’m missing the correlation?

sundayBastard's avatar

they ache because I do not know what half of the Kanji shit on me says haha

sundayBastard's avatar

I think I told him to put

Fuck the world
Fuck your mom
and Fuck some other stuff
all while inside beautiful dragons and panthers

I was young?!?!?!

sundayBastard's avatar

I’m joking

I never heard of an old tattoo aching

wildflower's avatar

High blood pressure can cause odd sensations, everything from pressure pains to swooshing sounds in your ears when you move, so I’d say that’s possible, but unlikely unless you have hypertension or other cause for high blood pressure.

My vote is for psychosomatic too. I know I feel mine more when I feel run down, but then, mine’s on my spine and my shoulders and back are usually the first to feel it if I’m stressed/worn out.

scamp's avatar

@sundayBastard You crack me up!!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Didn’t that lion lady star in the Team America: World Police movie? She looks like a marionette. I’ve never heard of a tattoo aching, but I sure do wish I could get the eyeball tattoo on the back of my skull to blink, that’d be cool.

Nimis's avatar

I’ve heard they’ve been improving the ink for UV light tattoos.
I’d wait for it to be officially FDA-approved though.

An overlay of it would be cool.
Just keep turning the lights on and off.

Mine is in white ink.
It showed under UV when it was newly done,
but fades rather quickly. I’ve had it redone several times.

syz's avatar

@Nimis That is seriously cool!

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

As a man with three tattoos, let me tell ya a lil story. that’s my redneck asshole persona sneaking back in If you get a tattoo in a highly visible place, such as the back of your hand, or god forbid, on your face, remember, employers will see that. Tattoo removal is cheaper than it ever has been, but it isn’t fun. It hurts worse than hitting your thumb with a hammer in 30 degree temperatures.

Light colored ink fades quickly, and black ink is the hardest to remove.

robmandu's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra, what about Wrecking Balm? Was wondering if that works.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@robmandu, I would assume not, simply because a tattoo is in the 2nd layer of the dermis, and I doubt any sort of salve or creme is going to be able to penetrate that far to break up the ink. I’ve seen plenty of ads for tattoo removal creams and ointments, but when you read the ingredients lists, it sounds like the ingredients in ordinary skin lotion. That, and the stuff I’ve looked at sells for an outrageous price. Laser removal is by far cheaper, and I know from experience, it does work. It just hurts like a bastard for a couple of days. Of course, I am having the lasering done on the back of my hand, and that is no place for any sort of painful treatment. I remember how much the tattoo hurt when I got it. I would assume lasering on a more fleshy part of the body probably isn’t as bad.

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