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GAMBIT's avatar

Why did Governor Palin wink at the audience?

Asked by GAMBIT (3958points) October 3rd, 2008
27 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

It made me feel like I was in high school and she was telling me to meet her under the shade tree after gym class.

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deaddolly's avatar

Because she’s an idiot and is using whatever she can to get ppl to like her. To make us feel that she’s just like us. Exactly why she shouldn’t be in Washington.

wundayatta's avatar

She was trying to be folksy, sort of in a Reaganesque way. I was sitting there imagining folks across the nation being suckered in by it, but maybe not, if the overnight polls are to be believed.

I thought she did very well; much better than I thought she would. I thought that if people were McCain supporters, they might feel more confident about her being the backup, should he be unable to serve.

She’s a charmer all right.

basp's avatar

I think she went a little overboard on the folksy thing. Although, there are enough non thinking voters that will fall for her performance.

EmpressPixie's avatar

To be folksy and charming. It didn’t work on me, but it might have worked on others.

Edited to add: According to a friend, it was because she was hitting on him.

marissa's avatar

Because she was telling you to meet her under the shade tree after gym class. Didn’t you go meet her? ;0)

GAMBIT's avatar

@marissa, In high school I did and she was voted Miss Congeniality but now that I’m married and have a family I’m not easily lead by my hormones.

Bri_L's avatar

I only saw her do it once and I thought it was at her family.

Did she do it more than once?

dalepetrie's avatar

You’re doggone right she was folksy, I’ll tell ya.

galileogirl's avatar

She had been hyped as a great debater and I saw a clip of her against another Alaskan candidate that was pretty good.

I coach high school forensics and yesterday I was talking to some students about what to do in an upcoming event. This morning as I walked down the hall one of my students came up to me all excited because Gov Palin did something I told them to do yesterday in case they didn’t know an answer but still had to say something.

So you have to give her this, she is an adequate high school orator.

susanc's avatar

I think Bri is right. I think she was talking about her dad and winked at him to acknowledge. Maybe I made this up.
I thought she was remarkable. Very, very different from the way she was in
every single interview. She was crafty (didn’t answer a lot of the questions)
but she mostly spoke in complete sentences and only got tripped up by vocabulary twice that I noticed: “exceptionalism” and “Achilles heel” (answered the question about hers by telling about her strengths instead of her weaknesses).

DandyDear711's avatar

The ultimate in folksy – Joe Six Pack winks at this great country of ours…

dalepetrie's avatar

susanc, don’t forget nucular.

DandyDear711's avatar

Can you diagram this sentence?

I know that John McCain will do that and I, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on January 20, that will be our top priority is to defend the American people.

basp's avatar

She also mid spoke when identifying a military leader. Called him by another name.

dalepetrie's avatar


I think the diagraming of that sentence would look like this:

noun/verb/idiot rambling

Bri_L's avatar

I don’t care what is acceptable in debates. In my mind it should never be acceptable or considered a victory to NOT answer questions and look poised.

GAMBIT's avatar

In my opion you can look like shoe leather male or female but please if you want my vote let me know what you are going to do how you are going to do it and please convey in some type of fashion that you are a person I can trust.

Last night I would have said “Sarah please help my wife with the potato salad we will be having 20 quest over next week and can you please come over and make sure that everyone is comfortable I know you are good at that, thank you.”

gailcalled's avatar

I thought that she would have made a really perky president of the PTA and would have hounded me until I agreed to bring home-made brownies (and probaby would have shot me if I used a mix.)
Can you imagine her dealing with the leaders of most of the other countries?

GAMBIT's avatar

@gailcalled, I don’t think they will take her serious which means they wont take us serious either.

galileogirl's avatar

gail or anybody: I heard on one of those news teasers that one of the ME leaders she met with last made a culturally inappropriate gesture. Did anyone hear about that?

gailcalled's avatar

I need more info. I know she sat down with Kissinger, but he’s at the drooling stage, I think.

Bri_L's avatar

@ Gail – you said brownies, last night I actually said, when she started one of her local color rants “here she goes with her lemme make ya some brownies and we can talk it out”.

Snoopy's avatar

@susanc I don’t think she made a mistake/misunderstood the Achilles heel Q. I think she purposefully answered the question by giving her positives. I thought it was a smart play…

@ galileogirl I don’t know if this is what you are referring to…but one of the ME leaders (Pakistan, I think?) didn’t realize his mic was on and was audiotaped telling her how beautiful he thought she was….

Bri_L's avatar

@Gambit – With regard to this:

“In my opion you can look like shoe leather male or female but please if you want my vote let me know what you are going to do how you are going to do it and please convey in some type of fashion that you are a person I can trust.
Last night I would have said “Sarah please help my wife with the potato salad we will be having 20 quest over next week and can you please come over and make sure that everyone is comfortable I know you are good at that, thank you.”


GAMBIT's avatar

@Bri-L Thank you

galileogirl's avatar

Just google newsed it. Evidentlly Pakistan’s al Zadari made some personal comments including that she was ‘gorgeous’ and he could understand ‘why Americans were so crazy about her’. That made things difficult at home because Pakistani women politicians felt he was disrepectful and the clerics have supposedly issued a fatwa for flirting with a shortskirted woman.

Maybe that’s the way he talks to all politicians “Oh Gerorge, you have the bluest eyes and the strongest grip. Can you open this jar of pickles for me?”

surlygirl's avatar

i think bill maher (or perhaps it was jon stewart) had clips of her winking during the debate. i believe it was a total of four times. very creepy, if you ask me. i think she comes off condescending, despite being unable to craft a complete sentence. i’m not sold on obama/biden, but i absolutely can’t vote for her. guess i’ll be writing in perot this year.

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