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EnzoX24's avatar

Great movies to have in college?

Asked by EnzoX24 (1991points) October 6th, 2008
50 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

So I am in a situation where I can have just about any movie on DVD, and a bunch of them. The only problem, I don’t know what movies to get. This is where Fluther comes in! What are the greatest movies ever, that would be perfect for college?

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richardhenry's avatar

Awesome! How many can you have? I potentially have a couple suggestions for you. What kind of stuff are you into?

Bri_L's avatar

Every Monty Python movie

to start

richardhenry's avatar

@Bri_L: Everyone needs a copy of Airplane.

JackAdams's avatar

You want to give us you address, so we will know where to mail them?

Comedian's avatar

@Bri: Monty Python is a given lol.

Buy the whole Monty Python series plus the movies.
Worst Witch
Mona Lisa Smile (Dominic West is in that hehe)
Lord Of the Flies (the newer version)
The Robin Hood series (the one on BBC)

That’s in….for now…I’m sure I’ll think of more

Bri_L's avatar



Arrested develpment

jasongarrett's avatar

The Wall
Fight Club
Apocalypse Now Redux
Dude Where’s My Car

JackAdams's avatar

The ONE movie that should be in every dorm at every college campus:


eambos's avatar

Grandma’s Boy
Harold and Kumar
Any other stoner movie

richardhenry's avatar

I might aswell just list everything I suppose. I just finished college, here’s the best movies I have on DVD:

Black Snake Moan
Napoleon Dynamite
Ray — Must have
Garden State
Cloverfield — Turn off the lights and pull up the couch
Lost in Translation
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
Primer — Quite confusing though
Pulp Fiction
Edward Scissorhands — If you haven’t already seen this you’ve been living in a cave :p
Minority Report
Reservoir Dogs
War of the Worlds — Despite what some people say, the newer version is more gripping
Planet Terror
Cool Runnings — Yeah!
A Scanner Darkly
Miami Vice
Fight Club
Zodiac — The new one with Jake Gyllenhaal
Children of Men — Lives up to the hype
28 Days Later
Wolf Creek
The Great Escape
Donnie Darko
Blood Diamond
The Assassination of Jesse James [ ... blah blah blah it’s really great though ]
Layer Cake
Smokin’ Aces
American Pie — Get a box set it’s super cheap
V for Vendetta
The Darjeeling Limited
Little Miss Sunshine
Solaris — High re-playability, as the colours are really pretty and fun to fall asleep to
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Matrix
Anchorman — #1 of 2 Will Ferrell films to get
Blades of Glory — #2 of 2 Will Ferrell films to get
Escape from New York
The Prestige
Dead Man’s Shoes

There’s probably something in there you could enjoy.

Comedian's avatar

I was just about to say that richard is going to have a long answer lol

richardhenry's avatar

If you liked Donnie Darko by the way, absolutely watch Primer. It’s described as “time travel for grown-ups”, and it lives up to that. It’s really great once you’ve watch it enough times to get what’s going on. Probably one of the most intelligent films I’ve ever seen.

Comedian's avatar

I’m going to give you a great answer for that

richardhenry's avatar

No Country for Old Men…

Oh, and Lost in Translation is another “high re-playability due to pretty colours” film.

richardhenry's avatar

(Not to mention that it’s really wonderful besides the photography.)

JackAdams's avatar

richardhenry: Respectfully (and I really do respect you), I don’t think you are “normal”.

Of all the movies you list, as far as I can tell, not one of them is pornographic.

That’s impossible, for someone your age.

richardhenry's avatar

@JackAdams: Who buys them on DVD? :p

richardhenry's avatar

Speaking of pornographic (although it’s not really pornographic), you should also get The Secretary. Maggie Gyllenhaal. Amazing.

bodyhead's avatar

Pan’s Labyrinth
The Hills have Eyes
Repo Man

marinelife's avatar

The Paper Chase
I second RH’s Donnie Darko

richardhenry's avatar

Catch Me if You Can

Comedian's avatar

I don’t know. Are you fast? lol

richardhenry's avatar

I am quite fast, yes.

eambos's avatar

American History X

Comedian's avatar

Then I probably can’t. I do throwing not running lol. actually I don’t do track anymore. I tap dance lol

richardhenry's avatar

@Eambos: Great suggestion. In the same vein, take a look at This is England. British skin head culture in the early 80s.

bodyhead's avatar

My number one pick might be Shawn of the Dead (speaking of the British).
Hot Fuzz is pretty good too.

richardhenry's avatar

Has anyone loved both Superbad and Caddyshack? I’m interested to know if Caddyshack is worth watching.

Comedian's avatar

I’m british!

JackAdams's avatar

Too bad. My condolences.

(j/k, Old Bean!)

PrancingUrchin's avatar

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Comedian's avatar

@jack:was that directed at me?

JackAdams's avatar

Was your name mentioned?

jasongarrett's avatar

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
From Dusk Til Dawn
Leaving Las Vegas

Comedian's avatar

@jack: no…unless you called me old bean

jjd2006's avatar

The Motorcycle Diaries
The Shawshank Redemption

JackAdams's avatar

I have someone else whom I refer to as, “Old Bean”. I was addressing that person.

Comedian's avatar

ok. just making sure

bodyhead's avatar

Jack I told you never to use my nickname in public.

JackAdams's avatar

Sorry, it won’t happen again.

EnzoX24's avatar

Wow, thanks for all the great suggestions! I will definitely be entertained this year and years to come. With movies like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction mentioned, I’m surprised no one suggested The Departed or hell, even the Godfather.

Comedian's avatar

That’s what we’re here for

Bri_L's avatar

always have one porn for your roomate to “accidentally” leave in the DVD. ;-)

shadling21's avatar

A Clockwork Orange, Dr Strangelove, or anything directed by Kubrick. They’re entertaining and involving. And I think they represent something important to a college student.

If you feel like delving into film studies, or just want to be film literate, here is a helpful list to check out. Can’t say that they’re all MANDATORY, but certainly interesting.

deaddolly's avatar

life as a house
pay it forward
midnight in the garden of good and evil
the serpent and the rainbow

all john waters movies

rob zombie’s halloween
house of 1000 corpses
devil’s rejects

girlofscience's avatar

True Romance.

augustlan's avatar

Dawn of the Dead – newer one
Shawn of the Dead – one of my favorites!
The Breakfast Club

surlygirl's avatar

definitely get caddyshack. or anything with bill murray, really. and ferris bueller. the whole indiana jones series and at least the original set of star wars. and equilibrium with christian bale. and anything by m. night shyamalan.

here’s another possibly helpful list.

markylit's avatar

The Social Network, Good Will Hunting, and The Graduate would be my top 3. I would also recommend Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Roadtrip. Here’s a great list called The 15 Best College Movies of All Time. I think Revenge of the Nerds is cool as well.

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