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2late2be's avatar

I just won $1,000,000!

Asked by 2late2be (2292points) October 10th, 2008
32 responses
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hipotetically, LOL!!! what would you first do right after you had the cash on your account???? i would looove to pay the house of my mom, and get one for me of course!!

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robmandu's avatar

Translate that cash into something of real value in the coming economy: whiskey and guns.

jtvoar16's avatar


JackAdams's avatar

I would puchase a new BUTT.

The one I now have, is cracked.

elchoopanebre's avatar

Invest it. Oh wait…

dalepetrie's avatar

Pay off all my bills so I would a) not be part of an economic system that is about to collapse, and b) my paycheck would not be spent every month.

You had me excited though…

jtvoar16's avatar

LOL @ elchoopanebre! Good one. I was wondering who would get to that one first!

TheNakedHippie's avatar

Unfortunately a million dollars isn’t worth much anymore… I wouldn’t change my lifestyle and probably wait until the market went back up to invest.

eambos's avatar

Build a shelter 1 mile underground and hide for the next decade. I’d have the most exspensive computer I could afford and the fastest Internet commection known to man. After this depression blows over, I’ll come out, all pastey, but free from the stress of a failing economy.

JackAdams's avatar

It’s possible you know.

The US Government is selling off abandoned/deactivated missile silos.

eambos's avatar

If the reward was more to the tune of $100,000,000,000 I would colonize the moon, becoming the first permanant resident of an astrological body other than earth.

robmandu's avatar

I think, and I could be wrong, but if you want to live on an astrological body, it would be more correct to refer to it as Luna.

The moon is an astronomical body.

Nimis's avatar

Lurve for coming out all pastey-like.

scamp's avatar

I’d do my own version of the Extreme Makeover show on my Florida property. I’d level the existing house and build a better and bigger one there. I would build a smaller guest house in the back for my wasband to live in, and I’d also re-do the landscaping. Then I would move back home to stay.

JackAdams's avatar

Let me get this straight:

You would build a house in an area where hurricanes are known to “visit”?

Strange indeed…

syz's avatar

I would pay off my house, give some to friends and more to family, and then travel the world.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
basp's avatar

We paid off all our bills, bought a good running car,purchased a house, and got my son’s teeth fixed, I tucked the rest away for retirement.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I got myself an iPhone too.

Mr_M's avatar

I’d sponsor one of those Cake Decorating competitions they have on the Food Channel! All the cakes would go to me and I’d have a huge cake party. I’d have like 25 contestants, maybe more.

JackAdams's avatar

I won $27,000 in a state lottery and immediately moved to Hawaii, where I lived for several years.

loser's avatar

Damn! I was so happy for you for a second!

Yeah, I’d get a house.

scamp's avatar

@JackAdams What’s so strange about it? Hurricanes have not been “known to visit” that area. But oddly enough, they seem to frequent Hawaii more often. The link I just furnished says this:

Hawaii lies in the central Pacific, which, on average, has four to five tropical cyclones observed in the basin every year. These numbers range up to 11 a year.

I am also including a list of Florida hurricanes. You won’t see Alachua county on that list. (Scroll down to see the list)

So I ask again, why do you think it’s strange that I would want to build a new house there?

cheebdragon's avatar

mr_m- can I go????please!! I love that show! They always have such pretty cakes!

buster's avatar

I would buy a million dollars worth of cocaine and have a huge party.

Magnus's avatar

Honestly; I’d buy alot of music, a very good sound system, shoes and t-shirts.

scubydoo's avatar

I’d definitely purchase a house with lots of land. An underground bunker with guns and lots of ammunition lol.

scamp's avatar

@scubydoo we could be neighbors!!

eambos's avatar

I’d also prepare for the zombie invasion. Maybe I’d buy an abandoned off shore oil drill rig, because everyone knows zombies can’t swim.

scubydoo's avatar

@scamp :) anytime. But not tooo close of neighbors. that may defeat the lots of land part lol.. :)~

scubydoo's avatar

now why did that just put a line through my text?

eambos's avatar

a ”-” on each side

beccalynnx's avatar

i’d travel. all over the place. first europe, then australia, then india. i’d stay in india for the longest time.

Fallenangel's avatar

@TheNakedHippie umm… no, im pretty sure a million dollars is still worth a million dollars ;-)

sorry hun, hadda do it

mrscroberts1's avatar

I would purchase a modest home and pay off my current bills and bank the rest

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