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JonnyCeltics's avatar

Do you kiss on the first date?

Asked by JonnyCeltics (2721points) October 24th, 2008
19 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Just had a nice date – nothing too amazing, but there was definitely something there….but we didn’t kiss at the end, which I normally do…would love to hear from some women on this…how can I interpret this, other than she wasn’t that into me?

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MacBean's avatar

Was it a blind date or have you known each other for a while? And if you’ve known each other for a while, how long, and were you good friends or just casual acquaintances?

JonnyCeltics's avatar

Met her in a Starbux – asked for her #, then went.

MacBean's avatar

Then I’d probably wait for a phone call/second date (or lack thereof!) before deciding if she’s really not that into you.

JonnyCeltics's avatar

yeah….I think I’ll wait a few days then give her a call myself, set something casual up.

thegodfather's avatar

Never. In almost every case, you’re better off leaving it to another date.

emilyrose's avatar

yeah i rarely kiss on the first date, sometimes it takes me several, up to 5 even! I think if you call her after a couple of days rather than the requisite 3, she might appreciate it….

asmonet's avatar

It depends on the person and the connection. I once kissed someone about an hour after meeting him, don’t regret it a bit… another guy I’d known for seven years. It just depends.

But since you met in Starbucks and had one date you are essentially a stranger, so leaping into each others arms isn’t likely, look for verbal clues like her mentioning things she likes to do, body language, etc. Give it a few days like you said, suggest something fun and and take it from there. If you got the impression it was amazing, it was probably at the very least good n her end. Rarely are people way off the mark.

Personally, on a date date, no I don’t think I’d usually kiss. Hug, sure.

Good luck with her!

basp's avatar

You don’t say how old you are but from the nature of the question I would guess you are in your early teens. If that is the case, give yourself some time. You will mature and these things will come easier for you with confidence and age.

jlm11f's avatar

mmm I am pretty sure he is not in his early teens.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I think that not kissing on the first date is better than a non-spontaneous kiss.

basp's avatar

You may be right. I don’t have any idea how old he is… I was just estimating based on the question asked.

jessturtle23's avatar

I think you shouldn’t wait to call her if you want to see her again. That is a stupid rule. I have always thought it was cool when the guy called the next day and tried to set up something or left me to call him when I felt like getting together. I wouldn’t usually kiss someone on the first date if they were a stranger.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I think some guy trying to appear cool made up the the three day rule.

Back in the Stone Age, when dating did not mean “hooking up”, usually the guy called the next day and said, thank you I had a nice time. Then asked may I call you in a few days. Girl either said I had a nice time, that would be really nice, or I had a nice time but I’m afraid I’m going to be really busy for the next month. If she said that would be nice, a few ideas get tossed around about what she would think would be a nice thing to do (several non-committed ideas). Guy then called back in 2 -3 days with an invitation to do something with him. If she said she was busy for an extended period, he knew she wasn’t interested.

EmpressPixie's avatar

If I feel like it.

I’ve kind of got a first date horror story: in my current relationship, at the end of our first date I saw a bus coming and literally had to run to catch it (or stand in the freezing snow for thirty minutes for another bus). I tossed a goodnight, goodbye, thanks! over my shoulder, but didn’t hug or kiss or anything. Luckily, we were both having a great time so we got together again pretty much the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. And honestly, we haven’t really broken that pattern much since then. So, you know, not getting a kiss isn’t the end.

Oh! And we have since kissed. Many times. In fact, the next time I saw him, I think. So it was just a momentary bus-mental-lapse on my part. It helped that he understood the bus need very deeply. But it was also indicative of: neither of us really knew what to do at the end of a date.

asmonet's avatar

@basp: Those are some crazy ass hormones in his school lunch if that’s the case.

Just his avatar. :-p

wildflower's avatar

It really depends: is it a ‘get-to-know-each-other’ date or a ‘finally-getting-around-to-going-out’ date. The first; no, wouldn’t kiss, you’re just trying to form an impression of the person. In the second; yea, probably.

blueydbby91's avatar

It depends I dont plan whatever happens happens…

chelseababyy's avatar

I agree with blueydbby91.

Just go with the flow, let everything fall into place, if it’s meant to be, it will.

beckers's avatar

ive never kissed anyone before :(

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