General Question

Snoopy's avatar

Do you have a bathroom in your basement?

Asked by Snoopy (5803points) November 1st, 2008

If not, do you wish you had one?
We are going to finish our basement and are wondering if we should go through the hassle of adding one…..

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18 Answers

Les's avatar

Yes. And it is an unfinished basement and I hate having to go down there. There are ucky centipedes down there. It’s the stuff of nightmares. (It is nice to have a second bathroom, though. Something to consider…)

Snoopy's avatar

We have a ranch w/ two bathrooms on the “main” floor.

I am just thinking of the time down the road when the kids will have friends over…..and them jogging through the house to go to the bathroom.

Although maybe that is a good idea. Force them to cross my visual path every so often through the evening. :)

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Basement bathroom is a +plus+ all of the time. If you can afford it, do it. You won’t regret it.

charliecompany34's avatar

yes. it is one of three. most used because it is near family room. make it happen in your home.

mea05key's avatar

if have the cash and the space why not.

critter1982's avatar

If you can afford it and have the room for it, I would absolutely recommend it. First because if you are entertaining in the basement, it’s a hassle to have to go upstairs. Second, if you put a full bath in the basement you can claim it as another bedroom if you were to sell the house. I have a bathroom in my basement, but I bought it that way :). I also finish a lot of basements and have never had anyone regret putting one in, but the last basement I did, my customer did not put one in and has since reconsidered.

Snoopy's avatar


If you would add a bathroom, would you add a shower? Or just the toilet and the sink?

augustlan's avatar

If you’re going to the trouble, I’d add a shower. Especially if you have outside access to the basement. This way it could be converted into a Mother-in-Law suite or apartment in the future. Even if you never convert it, it’s the ideal place to shower off dirt and grime from working in the yard, etc.

Schenectandy's avatar

My grand-uncle installed a urinal in his garage so he wouldn’t have to break too long from his woodworking.

“Marge, can we get a trough?”
“For the last time- NO!”

SuperMouse's avatar

We have a bathroom in the basement and I am glad we do. It does not have a shower and I really wish it did.

cdwccrn's avatar

don’t have a basement here, but in a former home, we had a water closet right off the laundry room. Came in very handy.

gailcalled's avatar

My house is built on the side of a hill, so basement has pine floors and windows and sliders to outside on one end. There is a family room, laundry room and a separate bedroom. Bath has a small shower, tiled floors, sink and toilet. It is wonderful because I have my computer and TV down there.

gimmedat's avatar

Complete bathroom in the basement means my 15-year-old daughter doesn’t share a bathroom with anyone. Perfect!! Added bonus=when said daughter’s friends don’t share a bathroom with the family! Double perfection!

gimmedat's avatar

Oh, and I make it my business to cross everyone’s visual field when they’re in the house, even when they’re in the basement hanging in the teen’s quarters.

daisy's avatar

It depends on what you are using the basement for. Are you adding a bedroom? Are you are adding a family room only, and if so, do you plan to also use it as guest space (with a hide-a-bed)? If so, I’d add a bathroom w/ a shower. If it’s just a family room and you plan to spend a lot of time there, then I’d consider a half bath. I have a ranch also with 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms on the main floor. We also have 2 bedrooms and a family room in the finished basement. We have a full bath in the basement which for us is a must since we have lots of overnight guests. So you need to decide what you are using the space for.

Snoopy's avatar

Thanks daisy. All good points. We are using it for an occasional guest space w/ a hide-a-bed. Most of the time, it will be a family room….

mike_perrault's avatar

My house does not have a bathroom in the basement and I wish I did have one with a shower. It is a great investment that will add value to your property

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

I’m so rich,I have a basement in my bathroom.

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