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cdwccrn's avatar

Any home remedies for migraines or severe headaches?

Asked by cdwccrn (3610points) November 12th, 2008
11 responses
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I seem to have frequent headaches, possibly hormone/age related. Any ideas for relief?

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EnzoX24's avatar

Hot wash cloth on the head worked great since a kid

nexstar5's avatar

drink more water, and try not to get into stressful situations.
do you wear glasses or seem to strain your eyes, you may need a new prescription or start wearing something.

srtlhill's avatar

darken the room.
Lay down.
Breath in through nose out through mouth and repeat concentrating on slowing your heart rate. Good luck headaches suck boo to headaches and coworkers that cause them.

babygalll's avatar

I usually take a hot shower and sleep it off with in a dark quiet room. If it’s really bad I do the same thing, but either take advil or motrin before sleeping. Good luck.

AstroChuck's avatar

Motrin and strong coffee often works for me. If that doesn’t do the trick I whip out the Vicodin.

augustlan's avatar

Lie down in a dark and quiet room, with a cool (migraine) or hot (sinus) damp washcloth on your eyes.

hearkat's avatar

I have heard that putting your feet in cold water helps, because the circulation leaves your head for your feet. I’ve never tried it though.

There’s a pressure point between the thumb and index finger that you squeeze and feel a sensation like the funny bone. That helps almost immediately.

I take 2 Advil and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol (they work differently). Whether I add caffeine depends on the time of day and how much I’ve already consumed. I go to as dark and quiet a place as possible, and practice some relaxation and breathing. If I feel sinus pressure or nasal congestion, I’ll add allergy and/or decongestant mets to my mix.

AstroChuck's avatar

I should mention that the remedy I listed above helps me much of the time, but I don’t get migraines. Headaches run in my father’s family and, unfortunately, I didn’t miss out. The good thing for me, however, is that as bad as they can get, I haven’t had a real migraine. I doubt if ibuprofen and caffeine is going to make much of a difference with a migraine headache.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I was just reading last night about drinking Gatorade when you have a headache.

syz's avatar

I suffer from migraines. They started at about age 12 when I entered puberty and I would sometimes have 1 or 2 a week that incapacitated me for a couple of days. Through high school and college, I would have to go to the emergency room about once a month for a “knock-out” shot, then I’d sleep for 12 hours and be ok afterward.

Mine are less common now and I’ve learned how to manage them (for the most part). If I have a headache that progresses to early migraine, I take 800mg of ibuprofen and then lay in a tub of (almost) scaldingly hot bathwater. For some reason, the hot bath suppresses my vomiting reflex and allows the ibuprofen to take effect. If I get out too soon, the nausea returns and I still risk tossing up the pills. I stay in the heat for at least 20 minutes to allow the pills to dissolve.

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