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skabeep's avatar

Where near Chicago are some good places to hike/camp?

Asked by skabeep (927points) November 17th, 2008
8 responses
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going in January. Will I need snow chains, etc to get to the spot?

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Les's avatar

I always went camping at White Pines state park located near Dixon, IL (about a two hour drive from the city). It is sort of pine trees in the middle of the corn fields, so the hiking isn’t fabulous, but I like the camp grounds. You’ll have to check to see if they allow winter camping, though. And no, you won’t need snow chains. In fact, I don’t think Illinois allows chains. Another place is Starved Rock near Utica, IL. That is a really pretty place, but again, check to see if they have winter camping. I just checked: there is camping year round at white pines.

Hope this helps.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. Rock Cut State Park near Rockford. Both are abuot 70 -80 miles from downtown Chicago and are excellent for camping and hiking. You wont need chains for either of these spots. Not mountainous in the least.

basp's avatar

There is someplace called the sand dunes that members of my family camp at.
Are you sure you want to camp out in January in that part of the country??!!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@Basp: I think you are talking about the Indiana Dunes near Michigan City, IN on the shores of Lake Michigan.

basp's avatar

@Sue, right! Thanks for coming up with the information I was so vague about!

kelly's avatar

McHenry County Conservation District have many diverse properties, trails, camp grounds, some are along the Fox River

skabeep's avatar

yeah it sounds crazy huh? lol my girlfriend is dead set on making a snow fort and sleeping in it. we are sometimes a little nuts i think but we have fun =)

basp's avatar

Good luck with winter camping! I grew up in Minnesota and did my share of camping in all kinds of weather and the cold can be brutal. Be sure to be prepared for anything.

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