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rossi_bear's avatar

What would cause a person to have the chills all the time?

Asked by rossi_bear (753points) November 19th, 2008
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I am always chilled and am never warm can you tell me what might be causing this?

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funkdaddy's avatar

Under clothed? Thin blood?

Living in Maine your whole life?

bythebay's avatar

Ambient air temp; humidity levels; Medications; poor circulation.

rossi_bear's avatar

thank you both bythebay and funkdady. i am well dressed( believe me here in Maine you have to be, if you blink the weather will change) and the temapture is always above 75 here in the house. I have had no recent changes in my meds. And I do know that I have bad circulation.(but have had that for years.) and I do have thin blood but always have had it. so what else could it be?

dynamicduo's avatar

What happens when you put on a lot of warm clothing, like 2 sweaters, do you get warm enough to stop being chilly, or does it continue? As well, have the chills been happening for a long time, or is it a recent development? I think the best place to start is to figure this out is to determine if it’s your if surroundings or your body that’s causing this to happen.

susanc's avatar

malaria? dengue fever? not enough rum toddies? not enough sex? wait for shilolo, he will sort this out.

funkdaddy's avatar

I apologize, I was half-kidding and it probably wasn’t the appropriate time. For someone in Texas, who has trouble with the cold, Maine seems about 50 miles north of the arctic circle.

If you’re consistently cold even when you feel like you should be warm pretty much anything that would restrict your circulation or metabolism could be to blame. Have you changed your diet or started eating less? Do you take a daily vitamin? Are you diabetic? Low blood pressure or not enough “up and about” time could also be causes I would think.

Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge could chime in but a quick search online pointed out thyroid or digestive issues could play a role. (try “always feel cold”)

Personally, if I wake up cold, I tend to be cold that day. Maybe it’s as simple as the weather getting colder and putting another blanket on the bed.

rossi_bear's avatar

thank you all. I was told it was low thyroid but have been on meds for it for about 4 months now and still no change. i don’t like going to the dr. they can’t seem to get my blood most of the time. that is why i am asking for help here. i have 2 shirts on all the time ven in bed with the woodstove right next to me( i mean literally next to me about 10 feet away) and have 5 heavy blankets on the bed now as it is and i wear my winter jacket all the time in the house,even though it is over 75 degrees here, see this all started about 7 months ago. i do have low blood sugar and that has been since i was a teen. so that is nothing new there. i do have digestive problems. i had t have all but 5 inches of my colon taken out this past january. and am not able to eat like others. i can only eat 3 times a week at most. but the rest of the time i drink the ensure drinks to help me keep up the nutrition that i am missing. and on vitamins too.

skfinkel's avatar

It sounds like you have had some serious health problems in the past. But as for being cold, without being a doctor (and I see shilo is crafting something for you now), I would think about getting moving—get some good exercise. If the chills come on in spurts though, that sounds like a reason to check out a doctor again, even if you don’t want to.

shilolo's avatar

@Rossi bear. I’m sorry to hear about all of your medical problems. Sounds like quite the compilation of illnesses. Not being privy to your detailed medical history makes it impossible to diagnose your problem. There are numerous things that can cause so-called chills, from infectious problems (like pneumonia, for example) to metabolic or endocrine problems (like low thyroid, which you mentioned). The later are not necessarily chills, but rather, a manifestation of cold intolerance.

I know you mentioned a dislike for visiting the doctor, but neither I nor anyone else can give you a diagnosis over the internet, especially considering the complexity of your medical history. However, if I were to venture a guess (and it is only a guess), I would say that you probably need more thyroid medication (given the chronic nature of your problem and your history of hypothyroidism, since cold intolerance is a common manifestation of low thyroid). Every person is different, and many medical conditions and medications affect the amount of hormone replacement that you need. It is typical for people to need frequent monitoring in the beginning of treatment until the right dose is found. (I have a close doctor friend who has severe hypothyroidism, and he is taking huge doses of thyroid hormone, which took him and his endocrinologist months to arrive at).

So, in summary, I strongly suggest a return visit to the doctor who can do a more thorough and formal analysis.

gailcalled's avatar

There is always large heat loss from extremities. Try a woolen hat, gloves with finger tips cut off and really serious mountaineering socks (worn indoors) for temporary relief.

That said, listen to the Doctor ^^, altho we know he is sleep-deprived. He still knows more than the rest of us unlicensed and uncertified medical flutherers.

rossi_bear's avatar

thank you skfinkel,shilolo and gailcalled for your help. i guess it looks like i have to go and get stuck with the needle 5–7 times again. ugh! :( i am on hormonal meds as i have had a hystorectomy too so maybe they might need to be highered as well? they did higher my thyroid meds already about three weeks ago. but that was just a guess for him to do that because he couldn’t find a vein. they are too small and blow as soon as they find one. they have even had to go into my neck to get blood. so you can see why i really dn’t want to go back to the dr. but it looks like i am going to have to. thanks again for all you help. bless you.

shilolo's avatar

@rossi bear. Also, since the problem is likely metabolic in origin, perhaps you can ask your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist (a doctor who specializes in metabolic and endocrine problems). She might be better able to help you navigate titration of thyroid (and other) hormones without the need for blood draws (given her increased experience with the subject).

basp's avatar

I was also going to suggest a thyroid problem but I see someone has already done so.

rossi_bear's avatar

thank you shilolo and to you too basp! that sounds like a very good idea shilolo. anything to not get stuck with a needle.:) bless you all for your help.

sjmc1989's avatar

I can relate it can be 75 degrees in my house and im shivering and i have on pants long sleeve shirt and a blanket. Its almost like Im not cold externally but internally as weird as that sounds. I can have a heater blowing right on me and Im still freezing. I dont know why but my grandmother was the exact same way.

tjakmoor's avatar

He is like this year around. At the moment he is fully dressed and wrapped in a blanket. House Temperture is 76.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[...believe me here in Maine you have to be,
Solution: move to a warmer climate.

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