Would it be tacky to send a sympathy card?
I have a card that I intended for my cousin, who lost her home in the devastating Montecito fire last week (http://www.fluther.com/disc/27633/what-would-you-grab/). She has a place to stay and is starting to piece her life back together again.
I intended to send the card to her with a check to help her get back on her feet after losing everything. The card does not say anything about “condolences,” “bereavement,” or “loved one.” This is the message, paraphrased: every loss is unique, and even though we don’t know exactly what you’re going through right now, we send our sympathetic love and support.
All that is true, and loss of a loved one is by no means the only kind of loss one might wish to recognize with a card and note. But of course there are no cards for most such occasions. (I am envisioning a line of cards right now that say sorry you’ve lost your job…your business…your investments…your favorite supplier of x….) Still, this card was designed and intended as a traditional sympathy card, for the death of someone close, and nobody died. So, pen in hand, I am having second thoughts.
Should I put this card aside and use a conventional notecard, or would this manner of expressing sympathy and concern be appropriate?

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