General Question

kasmel's avatar

Is he interested?

Asked by kasmel (104points) November 24th, 2008
30 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I feel like a child asking this, and in this relationship, I’m acting like one. I’m confused as to whether this guy I’m interested in is interested in me.

I’ve known him since freshman year of college (I’m a junior now) and some sparks flew freshman year, but I was incredibly shy at the time and we never really got to know each other.

He’s in a lot of my classes this year and I’m having trouble switching over from being that freshman I once was. Let’s see, here’s some evidence to suggest that he is interested-

- he asked me the second week of class if, when I got the time, he could paint me (we are both painting majors)
– lots of little flirty stuff has happened between us
– once late at night when we and a few other people were pulling an allnighter, he did tell me he liked me, but not in a way that I could take as being entirely serious
– he is very helpful and very generous
– he seems to light up when he sees me
– this month he randomly invited me over to his room for a beer, and was planning on making dinner and offered it to me, but I had to go. When I left, I gave him my number and told him to call me if he wanted to hang out.

But he hasn’t called. He’s been a little difficult lately, and kind of ignoring me. I can’t deal with mixed signals as I send them myself. Why wouldn’t he call? I don’t understand. I realize that the mature thing would be to just tell him I’m interested, but that is sometimes very difficult in process. What do you think?

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chyna's avatar

Go to his apt. and knock and when he opens the door say, “I like you and was wondering if you liked me too?” I saw this on “Party of 5” and it worked for her. lol
I have a horrible time with telling if guys like me or not. I usually think they dont and it ends up that they do or did and I blew it by being shy.

cheebdragon's avatar

maybe he liked you before but has since met someone else…?

Bluefreedom's avatar

It certainly appears like he is giving off some positive signs that he is attracted or interested in you. Could it be he hasn’t called you back because you haven’t reciprocated (as much) the signs back to him that you are interested just as much?

You mentioned being shy and maybe he can’t determine yet if you like him as much as he does you. Being straightforward and just admitting your interest in him might just be the catalyst that puts everything into a positive groove for both of you. Just some food for thought and I hope it works out well for both of you. Best of luck.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Call him, and ask for his help/opinion on a painting. Get face time with him. Then in the course of conversation, tell him you’re really shy, and that people in general misread your social cues for lack of interest or being stand-offish. If you feel awkward about saying that, you can say it and ask him if you think that shows in your painting.

dynamicduo's avatar

I get the feeling he does like you. There are many reasons he has not called yet, including him being busy, and him being nervous to ask you on a date. One thing I’ve learned is it sucks to sit around and wait for things to happen when you have the ability to speed things up, so go and talk to him!

jholler's avatar

I agree with bluefreedom, we as guys are not very good mind readers…we need positive feedback, or we feel like we’re wasting our time. What have you done to show interest?

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I agree with jholler. Guys are not good mind readers, and life gets so much easier when women stop expecting men to be able to second guess them, and just get to the point.

Here is a story to that point. last one, I swear. This and the al-gebra piece is all I’ve got

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

I agree with some of the others above with him sending in positive signals; however, don’t take things too seriously (at least not yet, just in case so you won’t be disappointment right away).

Since I can not visually see the situation it is hard to say what he is really thinking, but the easiest way to find out is to ask him yourself (I know, it’s harder than me typing that phrase).

He did not call you – don’t assume anything. Maybe dynamicduo is right and he is simply busy. I have finals coming up in 2–3 weeks so maybe he is studying for that (who knows!).

But I personally think you should talk to him. Communication is key and you wouldn’t want to mess that up in a relationship with assumptions (I know I’ve done that a few times).

answerjill's avatar

I know that this may not be what you want to hear, but…. I was in a situation that sounds very much like this one. It turned out that the guy was actually in the process of getting involved with another girl. I ended up being extremely hurt, partly because I did not get to the bottom of things early on. So, I suggest that you approach him in a straightforward way, even if it is by email. I’ve been in too many situations where the guy seemed kind of interested but things never went anywhere. Despite my feminist ways, I actually recommend the book, “He’s Just Not That Into You.” Hope some of this advice helps!

Zaku's avatar

He does like you. However, as answerjill pointed out, guys often like multiple girls at once. If he’s not showing clear signals, it could be that he’s engaging with someone else, is misreading your unclear signals, is busy with something else, or anything. So ask or do something to find out.

TheBox193's avatar

Alright. Obviously the first answer is just to ask him. I understand how hard that is. I’ve been there.
He might be a little turned off that you had to leave that one day, or he can’t think up a good excuse to call you. I always have to have some ambiguous “reason” why I call a girl. Sad as this one sounds, maybe he found someone else he is sorta interested in. Guys aren’t really good at picking up signals from girls, so he might think you aren’t interested.

All of those earlier signals were what I would consider an ‘affirmative’ he likes you.

If you like him, no sense waiting around like I am, go get him.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Call him right now and report back. Don’t leave your fellow flutherites hanging…

Trustinglife's avatar

I’ll share what just happened with me – it sounds like it might give you an idea of how to approach the conversation with him.

I’ve been attracted to this woman that I’ve seen around a few times. In a group setting, we were finally sitting down and having a really nice conversation. Toward the end of it, she asks me:

“So, what do you do on Sunday’s?” (It was Saturday night.) I had no clue what she meant. I said, “Um, what do you mean?” Flustered, she said, “I wondered if maybe you wanted to hang out?” Suddenly clear what she meant, I said, “Oh! Do you want to have coffee tomorrow?” She said, “I’d love to!”

And then we had an amazing first date last night. I’m very happy. Guys can be dense. Find a way to communicate how you feel. Even if it’s subtle, and even if it’s in a way that still calls him to take initiative. Good luck!

scamp's avatar

Have you considered that he might feel shot down since you didn’t stay for dinner that night? He might think you were sending mixed signals and doesn’t know how to proceed with you. He might think you left your number as a friendly gesture and nothing more. So why not reciprocate the offer, and make some dinner for him so you two can pick up where you left off?

I think the others are right. Let him know you are interested. Good luck!!

Mtl_zack's avatar

he was, then he got confused because you didnt send signals back, then he gave up but still had you in the back of his mind, now he’s moved on. sorry, but you missed the boat.

ive been in the exact same position as him

tiggersmom's avatar

Honestly, I think he is tired of waiting for you to accept the advances or hints that he’s already sent you. You could be losing the one true love of your life because you aren’t going for it. I think about now, you should go ahead and talk to him about it, or start making those advances a bit more well known. Hope this helps, best of luck to you. Keep in touch will you? Let me know?

kasmel's avatar

Ok, I will keep you guys informed! I’ll talk to him tomorrow.

sillymichelleyoung's avatar

:)))) I’ll be waiting to see what happens. ^_^ Good luck with everything!

shadling21's avatar

I don’t know. I hope things work out for you, though.

stevenb's avatar

Any news yet? How did it go?

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Between kasmel and Zack, we’re reliving our college years. LOL

stevenb's avatar

Always remember the golden rule of men. If you are a girl, and are open to our fumbled advances, then we are ALWAYS interested.

kasmel's avatar

Yay! The answer is yes. I overheard him talking about me with a friend and it gave me the confidence to talk to him about it. We’re going out this weekend.

answerjill's avatar

Yippee! Thanks for the update!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Thanks for letting us know, kasmel!!! Have fun!

Trustinglife's avatar

Oh goodies! I’d sure be curious to hear how you talked to him about it. That’s such an interesting thing to me. But if that feels private, I’d sure understand.

Zaku's avatar

Nice. :-)

stevenb's avatar

Sweet. I’m glad to hear it! I hope all goes well with you. Good luck!

Malcrony's avatar

Good luck !

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