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mcsweeney's avatar

If no aliens then god?

Asked by mcsweeney (7points) November 24th, 2008
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am currently seventeen and was not raised in a very religious family. We never really talked about what happens when you die, my parents just said they believe in heaven thats perty much it.. so as a young kid i search for meaning and purpose in this life.. i like to think i took an equal look at both sides, allthogh how could i im 17? the side i looked at first was religions that believed there is some sort of god, and everything that ever made sense in their ways relied on pure faith or could be proved wrong with science, but then i thought what if there is things in this life that we just are not ment to undertstand, which is basicaly what religion says… but would you really want just go on doing the norm and find out later that science was really our way to eternal life and there is no after life… would really suck to be given this great life like religion says it is but for it to be wasted by misinterperted messeges. and by this i mean the very real and becoming more realised fact that being given these lifes is our chance at eternal life right there, we don’t need to wait for it to be over to go into some sort of unseen spirit form, when we could use the things we have and know, and what we have an know is that we are now closer than ever the being able to recreate life and if we look at it now that we can then we have to believe that other life could have done it before us… when i look how they explain everything in the past, its all the words of men who could do nothing but believe well not it has come the age where we can know longer believe but understand… is it really that hard to believe that aliens could have been mistaked for gods? what is a god? a supream being with ways beyond our understanding… i think aliens would have that and i sure and hell bet it seemed that way to people with no ounce of technology.. SOOOO this leaves me at this thoo… it truly scares me to believe that aliens do exsist and if we don’t find a way here to live on then its over when we die… so by realising this i have come to the conclusion i can continue on blieving in aliens and what not but if in the future, turns on they don’t come and we don’t find them… then really before i die i must say i sure as hell know i would start praying.. but what if its too late then did i miss the cut off?? and if i don’t believe in aliens do i have to turn to god? To turn to god would that be submitting my self to his will? im not totally sure but the question im mainly asking is can you have a fullfilled life with out religion because i cannot see my life with religion everything crosses somthign els out no one is right and i don’t want to be on the wrong side of the fence… BTW i have looked at evolution, just some scientist found a gene called p53, not sure if its real or not but if it is then it cancles out evolution, because p53 is said to be a anti mutate gene

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syz's avatar


syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Jeruba's avatar

> can you have a fullfilled life with out religion

Yes, indeed, you can.

Keep searching, darlin’, and do some good reading. You don’t need to just take what’s handed to you. It’s the questions that matter, and you are asking them.

dynamicduo's avatar

I believe there could be other sentient life forms in the universe, the existence of humans is a very improbable event but has obviously occurred, and I believe it has occurred before elsewhere in the universe. But knowing this doesn’t change how I live my life, well it makes me hope for continued investment in space programs, but it doesn’t change what I eat for dinner or how I behave with other humans.

If you feel religion is not for you, take a step back from it and just focus on making yourself happy. Go and volunteer at a soup kitchen. Talk with other people. Go start a new hobby you’ve never done before. I guarantee you you’ll find something that makes sense to you, from where you can draw strength, whether it’s religious or not, spiritual or not. But it’s always good to be able to draw strength from yourself. My #1 priority is being happy and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

PIXEL's avatar

Religion has lots of lies in it cough Hell cough and you certainly do not need religion to live. Spirituality is really science, just more advanced. Everything is linked to science and I can certainly understand why people become atheists.

All your answers are in the books “Conversations with God” (sorry to post that again). It’s about an elderly man in the 21st century who had a conversation with God. This dialogue then became a bestseller. It’s a true story. God explains the meaning of life, how religion isn’t healthy, how there is life on other planets, how science and spirituality are linked, what happens when you die, and many more. I just wanted to share that because it changed my life and I hope it will change yours too.

kevbo's avatar

Not that this is your question exactly, but the Pope says it’s okay to believe in aliens.

Not everyone will agree with this, but IMHO we are, in part, spiritual beings with a connection to a greater and universal consciousness. This connection is “sold, marketed or otherwise envisioned” in numerous ways, including the world’s major religions, which may or many not substitute or alter this knowledge or wisdom with some degree of control. Regardless, the connection is there, and I would say that avoiding that connection is what constitutes being “on the wrong side of the fence.”

mcsweeney's avatar

Wellllllll im sorrry but i really don’t believe you can have an a fullfilled life with out meaning so sadly i feel compelled i must choose…. why not continue crik and wattsons work.. i think they were stumbling down the right path.

But if you want to believe that some man talked to god, you have to keep an open mind that some one els talked to somethings els… for instance, Rael A man who claims he talked to aliens… i could tell you all about this religion but there is a video that explains what i need to say in shorter version, This video is the Raelian messege you don’t have to watch it but to understand something one must look at it from all sides and views.. take a look at this one more peices fit than you would think…
go to this link and click the video Raelian messege if interested in a different way of looking at whats really going on…..
who are we..
where did we come from..
and where are we going….

shilolo's avatar

Well, if Rael says so, it must be true…

PIXEL's avatar

@mcsweeny No, no. This was a true story. This guy was on the news, made millions, and is now living a happy life. Also many of the things that were mentioned in the book are very similar to “The Secret” Don’t know if you’ve heard of it. and what many other wise men have claimed to be true. I really recommend you atleast take a look. If you don’t want to I don’t mind but it will make you look at everything in a whole new way.

charliecompany34's avatar

aliens could be possible, but only as far as the carnal world can fathom. spiritual things do exist, but you have to toss out your worldly images of aliens. God, therefore, does exist and is not to be compared with alien images popular with what the world believes is “alien and outer space.” God is and is and what is to come.

mcsweeney's avatar

@Charlie lol well i really hope your right cause believe me god would make life easy!!! you have no idea how many problems arise with the fact that if there is aliens lol….. how do humans act to something unknow and different lol we try to kill it. to rule out what i have put out to u is just reckless and you are not being open minded, the one thing your freaking saviour religion literally requires you to do to have any hope in what is to come for you…

I never said what rael says is true…. i mearly looked at the world from a different point of view.. all your smart religious people who have to defend your religions will always say they can not prove it too you, you have have to believe. so to prove your theory true i look to cancle out other theorys to leave it the only one left.. but clearly other people have done that already. They created different religions….

God may be what is to come but first we will see in 2025 when Rael completes his embassy, and expects to welcome the elohim. im not saying hes right but and im wrong to be curious about what is really happening in todays world.. you forget all you bibles were written will no scientific understanding..

augustlan's avatar

Life without meaning may very well be unfullfilling (is that a word?), but it need not be a religious or alien meaning. Go forth, do good. Everything else is just gravy.

toyhyena's avatar

17 and questioning this the way you are, I’m impressed. I just recently have, and I’m like 23 now. I’m glad that you’re looking at both sides equally, but I want to stress that you don’t think of it as science versus religion, think of it as science versus spirituality. I think spirituality (which ISN’T the same as religion) is definitely a worthier contender. Also, it helps to think of spirituality = consciousness instead of some magical ghost.

The stuff about aliens creating people makes me wonder if you’ve been reading about the Annunaki.

My recommendation to buffer up your spiritual info intake? Try checking out near death experiences. That’s what kicked me off (actually, the book the Quantum and the Lotus kinda did… but I can’t ask you to read a book :b) Really get a good sampling of the NDEs though, you might find it interesting that they share several elements…

But yeah, don’t stop questioning! I hope we both find it, and try not to get discouraged; a lot of people don’t understand this type of search. I think you’ll have your answer if you do enough research and knock out some ideas on your own. I feel like I’m onto something myself.

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