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wundayatta's avatar

What could I say that you would take as a mortal insult?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) November 30th, 2008
38 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

On another question, gailcalled said she wasn’t insulted when I cast general aspersions on everyone. I asked what it would take to insult her, but she demurred. Now it makes me wonder, slightly more seriously, what people would find trully insulting in their lives.

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syz's avatar

Daloon, your previous question combined with your topics list on this one are causing me concern. Are you okay?

I’m probably about average in my sensitivity to insult (aspersions on my intelligence, my physical appearance, the quality of my work, and so on). In general, though, I am quick to forgive and not so quick to forget.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
KatawaGrey's avatar

As a child of artificial insemination, I come head to head with a lot of uneducated ideas about my origins. Anything about my conception gets me pretty riled up. Once, a kid i was involved with said that AI was playing god. That might be the worst thing anyone has ever said to me.

SuperMouse's avatar

Having grown up with three big brothers, I can take a lot of teasing and it really takes a lot to insult me. However, start putting down my parenting or my kids and I’ll turn into a mama bear on you – that I will take as a mortal insult.

AstroChuck's avatar

That my posts suck.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Astro, not to be insulting here but, I’ve been meaning to mention that “song title” thread you started. I mean come on, you’re not up to 450 responses yet? I think you might have phoned that one in.

dalepetrie's avatar

the one thing I find insulting is when people question my integrity/motives unjustly

AstroChuck's avatar

@SuperMouse- Actually, I iPhoned it in.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Not being accepted or welcome somewhere would do it for me. I recognize dalepetrie, but 90% of the people here on fluther, I don’t know. If someone told me I was butting in or asked me why I was here, I’d be crushed. That would insult me big time. Most times I just come here & read because I do feel like an outsider. (I enjoy your posts, AstroChuck. You’re one of the few funnies here. )

susanc's avatar

On fluther?
If someone tells me I’m “living in a gated community” or am “a whore”, what do
I care? They don’t know me. They’re wrong, stupid, and mean, and they don’t matter.

If someone tells me I mispunctuated something, I bow to their great brain.

MrMontpetit's avatar

@jbfletcherfan You don’t have to feel like that at all. I used to feel like that, and still feel like that at times. But I still ask and answer question as if I have been here for 3 years! Fluther is really a great community, the people here would never tell you anything like that. You don’t need to feel like an outsider, you are always welcome in Fluther.

btmanley's avatar

The only thing I can’t take is if someone insults my wife. I just can’t handle that.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@bt: I hear that. I’ll bounce back from anything nasty said to me but woe be unto he who goes after my mother or my friends.

queenzboulevard's avatar

I’m insulted when someone thinks I did something that I didn’t do. Even when it’s something good, I think.

Also when I say some fact or piece of knowledge and someone absolutely will not believe it, that’s pretty insulting.

MrMontpetit's avatar

When people don’t trust me.

gailcalled's avatar

I didn’t demur. I said that insulting Milo would do it for me.

cookieman's avatar

I’m only insulted by people who are supposed to be close to me.

If someone on Fluther thinks I’m an idiot: Meh
If someone I work with thinks I’m an idiot: Meh, but I may think about it.
If my close friend thinks I’m an idiot: I’d be a little hurt.
If my wife thinks I’m an idiot: Then I’m probably an idiot and would be hurt deeply.

AstroChuck's avatar

Boy, that Milo sure is a hairball spewing fuzz butt!

augustlan's avatar

Don’t question my integrity. When I was much younger, a customer on the phone called me a liar and I broke down in tears. Angry tears.

MacBean's avatar

I can deal with just about anything, but there are two very simple ways to get me upset. First is to use the wrong set of pronouns—for me or for anyone else—after being politely corrected. It is SO rude and disrespectful.

Second is to call me selfish. That one only works coming from my parents, though, because it just reinforces the fact that they don’t know me at all. One of the things I’m working on in therapy is being MORE selfish; my doctors agree that I’m self-sacrificing to a harmful degree.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@MrMontpetit, thanks you so much for the kind post. I’ll remember that.

BTW, why is the @ used on here to address someone who’s posted before? Why not just say their name? I’m curious about that.

gailcalled's avatar

@AstroChuck; Luckily MIlo has my sense of irony (it’s in the gene pool) and is laughing himself silly. Ever since the Vet told him he was one handsome dude last week, his self-esteem is beyond reach.

wundayatta's avatar

Wow! Can we declare open season on Milo insulting? I mean, with self-esteem beyond reach, there’s no doubt it’ll slide right off his allergy-inducing hide. Oh yeah, and cats are stupid, too. I know, I know. Not very creative, but sometimes the truth is the truth! [daloon is not a cat person, in case that wasn’t obvious]

gailcalled's avatar

@Daloon: Milo would love to respond, but he says to tell you that he is in the middle of chapter four of his novel, “Catachresis.”

AstroChuck's avatar

Plus I doubt if Milo wants to respond to someone that speaks of themself in the third person.

TheKitchenSink's avatar

Nothing really. I’m never offended; insults are usually used in an argument, and as an ad hominem attack, all it would do is give me a leg up and start to pity the other.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo is an equal-opportunity responder. All insults in all persons are welcome. (He even forgives the use of the passive voice.)

AstroChuck's avatar

What an understanding puss.

wundayatta's avatar

So that dustmop with legs has literary aspirations? Perhaps if he were writing “Catacombs,” he might be inspired by the title to make himself a bit more presentable!

hmm, I thought one hurled insults at persons, not in persons. Silly me.

gailcalled's avatar

See AC’s dig: “Plus I doubt if Milo wants to respond to someone that speaks of themself in the third person.” I was referring to that althought Milo suggests it should be “someone who speaks of himself etc.”

@Daloon; The sequel, at least for now, is to be “Catalepsy.”

And HRH does hurl occasionally, but usually only after bolting his food.

wundayatta's avatar

So gail. If we kidnap you, and place your toes over hot coals, will Milo give up his grammaticophilia to get us to let you free? Hmmm?

gailcalled's avatar

@daloon: A good start to the day. -grammaticophilia…swoon.

And given the temperature inside my house, tootsies roasting on an open fire would be welcome.

Milo’s biggest problem is logorrhea.

wundayatta's avatar

@gail, hmmm, an excessively verbose cat! What on earth is he talking about? Is it he who tells you what to type on fluther? Are you the puppet and Milo the puppeteer? Is the truth that we are talking to Milo, and not a person, at all?

gailcalled's avatar

Milo is absolutely the brains here. I am the server, the groomer, the litter-box guardian, the sycophant and the obedient slave.

wundayatta's avatar

@milo, how’s it hangin’, dude?

gailcalled's avatar

It’s Gail here. Sorry, Milo has eaten and now is having his morning siesta.

wundayatta's avatar

@milo, Dude, I refuse to believe that gail character is real. Whatcha hidin’ for? Your fans are waiting patiently. They’ve been standing in line for days (never you mind how they smell -wouldn’t want you thinkin’ there was a lot of old fish around). Time to show your face, my man. Time to man up!

gailcalled's avatar

@Dal; we have to take this private. Unfair to all the others who are waiting to be mortally insulted. Later, however. I have to get back to my life.. g

Penny's avatar

You all sound like your having fun so I thought I might join in. I would be offended if it were suggested I hadn’t tried in my life. Doesn’t matter if I haven’t always suceeded as long as I tried.

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