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girlofscience's avatar

Do you have a diet-diary website to recommend?

Asked by girlofscience (7567points) December 2nd, 2008
16 responses
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I am interested in losing 5–8 pounds over a period of approximately 2 months. Considering that I currently eat the most unhealthy things ever (tons of fried food, pizza, ice cream, etc.), I’d imagine that simply eating healthy will cause me to lose 5–8 pounds in 2 months. (Dieting experts, does that sound correct?)

Anyway, since I am new to healthy food and dieting, I would like to use a free online dieting diary. I would like a user-friendly, nicely designed website that is interactive.

Do you have any recommendations?

Or, do you have recommendations for how I should go about this diet?

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rockstargrrrlie's avatar is pretty good, if I actually ever got around to using it.

dynamicduo's avatar

Yes, your approach sounds correct, you should aim for 1–2 pounds lost per week. Eating healthily will cause you to lose weight. But if you go back to your old eating habits once you’ve lost the 8lbs, it’ll all come right back on, and maybe even a bit more if you overeat because you missed ice cream, etc.

What would be really great is increasing your exercise each day. Even a 30 minute walk around your living area each day is enough to remove another few pounds of weight. A yoga class, martial arts, even cleaning your house is exercise. Strive to find something you love and will stick with for your life. I have found my kettlebell workout to be this exact thing. Exercise is never a chore for me (yes even getting up at 5am for the 6am class isn’t as bad as it was when I started), it’s something I love to do cause I can see myself improve!

Since you’re new to dieting, let me make this as clear as I wish someone had made it to me: dieting only works while you stay on the diet. The minute you go off the diet, you’ll go back to your old habits and become the unhealthy person you were, only less however much money you spent on the book and the special food. Going on and off diets constantly is known as yo-yoing, and is pretty bad for your body and might increase the chances of later diets failing. Now I don’t know about you, but I sure couldn’t go through life with no ice cream ever! And I know if I followed a diet where I was not allowed ice cream, I would eventually eat ice cream, and probably feel bad about it. That’s not a healthy approach to food at all. Which is why instead of dieting, I advocate living a healthy life. A bit of ice cream is fine, the entire tub is not. Even fried food is OK for you so long as you watch your portions and only eat until you’re not hungry, not till you’ve licked the KFC bucket clean.

I find it’s easiest to think of it like this: your body is a machine. Food is the energy it needs to keep going. Your body spends a certain amount of this energy in simply living, breathing, blinking, etc. By exercising, you can push your energy usage beyond what you eat each day, and cause your body to start using its stored energy, aka fat. But you need to eat healthy – eating nothing or very little will cause your body to throw on the brakes and STOP burning fat (cause it thinks you simply cannot find any food and thus need to ration out your stored energy), you’ll be groggy and cranky and you’ll see no results – not the way to go at all.

I recommend Spark People linked above, but beware they will flood your inbox with messages all the time (I set up a filter to deal with them). It has a great food tracker, but more importantly a strong community to answer questions or offer support and guidance. I stopped using it because I really got annoyed with their constant emails. Now I’m using a Nintendo DS program called My Weight Loss Coach which I highly recommend if you have a DS. It comes with a pedometer that tracks your steps, all the advice has been written with a nutritionist, so it’s really down-to-earth and realistic, things like drinking more water, making small changes and how they count, advice on preparing and buying food from grocery stores so that you don’t end up buying take out all the time, etc.

Good luck, never lose your motivation, keep at it. Strive for success and you’ll be met with success.

girlofscience's avatar

@dynamicduo: Great, thanks for all the tips! That sounds good.

Yeah, I can see it being easy at the beginning of a diet to decrease food intake way too much, which would end up screwing you later. So it’s best to start off in a way that is reasonable to continue eating forever, right?

dynamicduo's avatar

That’s pretty much it. If you eat healthily and exercise, your body will adjust to suit the new situation, which if you’re coming from eating not-so-healthy and not doing a lot of exercise, means losing weight and developing muscle.

dynamicduo's avatar

Oh, one last thing. It’s good to weigh yourself, but don’t get hung up about the numbers. They change from day to day based on what you eat, how much water or alcohol you drink, what time it is, etc. Plus, if you start training and working out you’ll develop your muscles, muscle weighs more than fat so you’ll not lose weight but you will lose inches. I find it’s best to weigh myself at the same time each day, record this in a spreadsheet program and graph it, that way you’ll see trends instead of a one-day result, and as long as that trend is moving towards losing weight, that’s all that matters. I’m more interested in measuring and tracking the inches on various parts.

funkdaddy's avatar

Just started trying out The Daily Plate at LiveStrong and it seems pretty good so far. They’ve got an easy to use iPhone app (if that matters) and a database of thousands of foods so you don’t have to worry about labels. The database is actually useful in this case and seems pretty complete as is, of course you can add things as needed as well.

You can also use it to track exercise and your weight. Ohh and it’s free, so no costs involved, which is always a bonus.

cooksalot's avatar

@rockstargrrrlie I love the Spark People Site. Why pay for WW when there’s Spark People.

Likeradar's avatar is also pretty good. And it’s free.

cdwccrn's avatar

I like sparkpeople, too. It seems to cover all the bases in terms of good health habits, yet is flexible. You can use whatever components appeal to you, and it’s all free.

autumn43's avatar

I am hopping on here to see what people recommend. I am joining a contest Saturday at a local gym – ‘Biggest Loser’ – 12 weeks, 10 people on a team. Whichever team loses the most weight wins. I am so scared! But I think the tips and ideas on here will help me. Wish me luck!

joni1977's avatar

Try Alli (Orlistat or Zenical), it’s diet pill that safely blocks about 50% of the fat you eat, but you don’t have to take the pill to get the diet-diary plan – since most people consider taking diet pills cheating, not to mention somewhat dangerous. But I discussed the option with my PCP and he said it was a great idea and that it is safe. So far, I’ve been taking it for about 6 months and I’ve lost a significant amount of weight. I’m not ruling out diet and exercise, but the pills will give you a great advantage. Just go to the Alli website, they provide great info. Hope this helps! :)

joni1977's avatar

Good Luck @ Autumn…Are you going to be on the actual show? I love it!

autumn43's avatar

@joni – Nope – not the show. I could never do that. Those people are very brave! (well, one that’s left I don’t like too much…) It’s a local competition.

Thanks for the good thoughts!

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kris81's avatar

One of the great sites that has some good reviews is

Ladymia69's avatar is a great raw food recipe-sharing website. I have found that when I incorporate raw foods into my diet, I can better maintain my weight, and I feel much better.

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