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adri027's avatar

What's the worst film you have seen?

Asked by adri027 (1415points) December 2nd, 2008
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missingbite's avatar

Don’t mess with the Zohan

Hands down the worst movie ever.

aanuszek1's avatar

Recently, Tropic Thunder. I don’t care what anybody says, Ben Stiller is not funny.

shadling21's avatar

This movie called Cafe Lumiere tops the list, I think. It attempted to emulate the style of the great Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu, but IMO the director had gotten it all wrong. It was as though he saw Tokyo Story, saw how slow moving the plot was, and decided that he’d double the slowness and make a film of basically nothing happening.

Close seconds? The melodramatic mess of Pearl Harbour didn’t float my boat, and neither did Twilight. Two movies that were hyped and horrible letdowns.

A random one I saw in school that was hilariously bad was Invisible Ghost.

@aanuszuk- Nit? Are you sure?

chyna's avatar

HATED Eyes Wide Shut.

joeysefika's avatar

Superhero movie or Meet the Spartans.

Mtl_zack's avatar

Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

eatmunky's avatar

As I said there, The Room. But it’s amazing in its badness, so it ends up being hilariously enjoyable.

peziak's avatar

Ironically Catwoman and Batman & Robin. Thank God they rescued the “Batman” franchise

Plus Hamlet 2 – makes me so angry. I still want my money back

syz's avatar

Dreamcatcher. The guys poops out a scary alien in the toilet! Puhhlease! And Morgan Freeman’s character can only speak in trite cliches.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Computergenius's avatar

“Magnolia” with tom cruise is the worst movie ever. Period.

poofandmook's avatar

AI: Artificial Intelligence was unbearable.

Bluefreedom's avatar

There are several really bad movies on my list and it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. Here are a few that top my list:

Plan 9 From Outer Space
Dumb and Dumber
Vanilla Sky
Battlefield Earth
Caddyshack II
Meet the Spartans
Epic Movie
White Noise
Staying Alive
any movie with Will Ferrell in it
almost every Steven Seagal movie

Allie's avatar

Open Water.

aanuszek1's avatar

I almost forgot to mention, Blues Brothers 2000. The first one was amazing, it’s top 3 of my favorite movies, but the sequel was terrible. RIP John Belushi

Trustinglife's avatar

I hated Closer.

I’m surprised to see Borat hasn’t been mentioned.

poofandmook's avatar

I loved Closer.

and Borat.

adri027's avatar

@trustinglife: what?!?!? Borat not funny???

queenzboulevard's avatar

Wild Things

SuperMouse's avatar

American Beauty
You Light up My Life
Point Break
Can’t Stop the Music

funkdaddy's avatar

Sphere is the only move I’ve paid for and left before it was done, by halfway through I just didn’t care what happened anymore

@supermouse I’m surprised by American Beauty, why so bad?

unravel101's avatar

200 Cigarettes

jtvoar16's avatar

Fear dot Com. Worst Movie EVER

TitsMcGhee's avatar


And I particularly detested Doomsday.

arnbev959's avatar

@super: American Beauty is on my list of best movies.

Romeo + Juliet (1996) was bad.
@tits: we agree on something at least.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@pete: American Beauty we do agree on… but I liked Romeo + Juliet too :) I thought it was brilliant visually.

shadling21's avatar

@pete and Tits:
(ehehe, what a combination of names)
– American Beauty, awesome.
– Romeo and Juliet, I’m with Tits. Bad, except for the sets and cinematography.

@poof- A.I. was great! Why don’t you like it?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I particularly like the phrase “I’m with Tits.”

If I had a s.o., I would make them that tshirt.

aidje's avatar

Plan 9 From Outer Space
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (and I didn’t bother seeing 3)
Dark City
Master of Disguise
Kung Pow! Enter the Fist
The Happening (and I love M. Night Shyamalan)
No Country for Old Men (for me to like a movie, it needs to be entertaining, edifying, beautiful, or any combination of the above)
The French Connection (I watched it because it was a classic, but I felt like it was a waste of time afterward)
any and every Hallmark movie that I’ve watched with my grandmother (though I love her very much)

Also, movies that did terrible, terrible things to books that I love:
Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Golden Compass
both Narnia movies so far
probably more but it’s way past time for bed

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@aidje: Kung Pow is great when you’re blazed…

or a thirteen year old boy.

But I generally would figure that it’d be easier to achieve the first…

shadling21's avatar

@aidje- Kung Pow is fun, and at least it has style.

But I’d agree with many on your list.
And I’ll add Failure to Launch.

Trustinglife's avatar

@Adri, I really enjoyed Borat – even more the second time. I just thought I’d see it listed. Not in this crowd!

much2smile4's avatar

Mamma Mia, I always watch movies til the end, no matter how bad, but it was sooooo bad I didn’t make it past 15 mins.. It did my head in..

hammer43's avatar

rush more.

aidje's avatar

Let me add License to Wed to the list. The only reason I even considered watching that movie was because I hadn’t hung out with those friends for a while.

shadling21's avatar

Talledaga Nights!

poofandmook's avatar

@shadling: AI should have ended about half a dozen times before it actually did. We’d get to the part we thought just had to be the end, and lo and behold, it wasn’t! Ugh! Longest, most terrible piece of garbage I’ve ever sat through.

@mouse: Are you NUTS?! AMERICAN BEAUTY?! I think I need to sit down. I am in love with that movie. I’m shocked anyone mentioned it here. I know just about every word by heart too. Ah, to each his own I suppose. shocked. LOL

SuperMouse's avatar

@Poof, I know I am in the minority, but I loathed that movie. I love Annette Benning, I tolerate Kevin Spacey, but I walked out of the movie about half way through. I am not really sure why, it just grated on me like crazy! I would like to say that maybe I’ll give it another chance but there is no way that is going to happen. Ever.

poofandmook's avatar

I LOVE Kevin Spacey.

eatmunky's avatar

I can see why someone wouldn’t like American Beauty… but worst film you’ve ever seen? I’d watch American Beauty over any “not another” movie any day.

SuperMouse's avatar

@eat, I hear that almost every time I mention that I hate that movie!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@hammer: Rushmore? Like jason schwartzman rushmore?


shrubbery's avatar

Aww I love American Beauty, Romeo and Juliet and AI!

The worse movie I have ever seen is some B grade “horror” called Ice Queen. Bleurgh. It wasn’t even one of those ones that is so not scary it’s funny. It was just utter crap.

hammer43's avatar

@titsmcghee, it is a movie that came out in 1998 and it’s biggest star was Bill Murray…yes it was a movie, and it was so bad I was the only person in the theater room watching it…it was so bad I had to get an usher to have them start the movie!!! they couldn’t believe someone paid to see it.

shadling21's avatar

Oh my goodness! The title “Ice Queen” reminded me of another terrible movie, probably even more bad for its forgettable-ness.

In it, there were twin figure skaters in Russia who were killed. Or… something. I think there were spies in it, too.

Help, guys! What movie is this?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@hammer: no, no I know what Rushmore is, I just meant I can’t believe you didn’t like it!!!! I loved it; I think Wes Anderson is absolutely brilliant!

hammer43's avatar

@titsmcghee, you liked it…well if you lived in michigan it would have been just the two of us in the theater.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

lucky you. i went to it because i adore robert downey jr, and left right after his part (plus i thought it would get better), and was miserable up until i saw him. it was so so boring and just pointless. also, that dinosaur movie that totally ripped off land before time. as a diehard Land Before Time fan throughout the 90s, i was pretty offended when i saw how they tried to pass of Dinosaur as an original movie. it sucked either way ):

kheredia's avatar

Cloverfield.. and I’m expecting Quarantine to be the same crap!

SkygreenLeopard's avatar

‘The Marine.’ Terrible, terrible film.

Horus515's avatar

Point Break

Any Steven Seagal Movie

Ghost Dog (Way of the shitty Forrest Whitaker Samurai)

Street Kings

Alpha Dog

On a side note, I always think of Forrest Whittaker’s lazy eye as hating his acting so much that it is perpetually rolling in disgust.

Darbio16's avatar

Bruno. If i want a cock in my face, i’ll ask.

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