General Question

Bluefreedom's avatar

If you could be president of the United States for 6 months, what changes would you make during this time?

Asked by Bluefreedom (22944points) December 2nd, 2008
27 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Based on the fictional premise that we had an agreeable Congress on many issues and your changes had an above average chance of being passed into law, what major changes would you make for the country? I know this is unrealistic but I’m just curious to see what people might like to see changed.

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asmonet's avatar

None. Congress wouldn’t let me move that fast. Doesn’t matter how agreeable the little bastards are being. :’(

Universal free health care supported by taxes. Steve Jobs should be paying for the brain tumors his iPhones are gonna cause. j/k

I would also overhaul education. Funding should be doubled there is no excuse for screwing over children and I really truly believe math and science should be kick started. You should be learning Geometry in 8th grade not 10th, and Biology in 7th, Human Anatomy in 8th, which I think would lower teen pregnancy and increase health awareness if taught for a half year or more. Fewer, skinnier children all around!

Allie's avatar

I’d work on the healthcare system too. It’s messed up right now. Good one asmonet.
P.s. – I’m sending you a PM about Steve Jobs.

TheKitchenSink's avatar

I would pardon everyone in the nation and flee.

augustlan's avatar

Universal health care, flat tax with no loopholes and no other taxes, election reform to make it standard country-wide as well as change the campaigning and ballots to reflect issues only – no party affiliation.

El_Cadejo's avatar

MARIJUANA! Legalize it and tax it. The hemp industry create thousands of jobs with all the uses. The first diesel engines were built to run on hemp oil….So we could grow our own fuel right here on our soil thus cutting out ties to foreign oil and making a greener choice at the same time. By just legalizing one plant i feel it would get the country out of much of its economical issues.

its a shame non of that will probably ever happen :(

Maverick's avatar

I would break corporate control of the US electoral process. It’s the single biggest threat to the US “for the people, by the people” democracy. I’d make industry lobbyists exstinct and limit corporate campaign contributions to $250, like Canada has done, to prevent corporations from hijacking political policy that is supposed to be representative of the people… Something that US policy has not been for many decades.

laureth's avatar

I’d let people know how farmed-out the land really is, and how we’re not always going to be able to dump petroleum-based fertilizer on it. Then, I would try to mandate large-scale composting, so as to have something to replace the fertilizer with. There are many pressing problems, and while this might appear tiny in the grand scheme, I assure you, if we don’t have food to eat, we won’t really care as much about election reform, legal pot, or education spending.

More information here.

chelseababyy's avatar

Honestly, I’m not experienced enough to be president therefore I wouldn’t do it! Our government is completely fucked, so I’d have Ron Paul do it.

dynamicduo's avatar

Other than the legalizing cannabis described by uberbatman * high fives *, I’d make true free trade between Canada and the States. We are each other’s biggest trading partner, and in economic times like this, it makes sense to remove any barriers that cause us to not buy stuff from each other (taxes for importing, limits for importing, delays in shipping or my favorite, packages simply never showing up). Of course it would require cooperation from the Canadian government which interestingly enough might be “overthrown” by the opposition next Monday!

jessturtle23's avatar

I would figure out a way for people to stop losing their homes and jobs. The Feds are about to start taking over small banks as well as the larger ones. Instead of bailing out huge banks that are turning around and giving huge payouts to their CEO’s I would get everyone up to date on their mortgage payments. It wouldn’t take as much money as they gave in the first bailout. I don’t know if anyone’s cities are going through what mine is but times are tough and there are zero jobs. My BF lost his company he owned, my mom is about to lose her job with her insurance and she is a transplant patient, and many of my friends construction businesses have gone under. There is no job security anywhere unless you own a debt management company or a pawn shop.

dalepetrie's avatar

I’d flip the entire budget process on its head and create an economy where needs are examined before sources. Our current budget process projects how much money we’ll get from various sources, then we try to stay within that budget, and that’s good when you’re doing a budget for yourself, but when you’re the government and you can essentially set your own salary (unlike you and me), a lot of needs are going unmet which don’t need to.

I’d say, let’s look at our priorities, what do we need to invest in education to ensure that everyone has access to whatever standard we think should be a birthright for all Americans. What do we need to invest in public health and well being (insurance or whatever)? What do we need to invest in infrastructure (transportation and roads, etc.)? What do we need to invest to make sure that if everyone who is willing and able to work can find work that pays for a standard of living outside the poverty line at minimum (even if that means the government needs to employ them)? How can we ensure that if you get too sick or old to work your needs will still be met? What do we need to do in order to ensure that in one of the richest nations in the world, everyone who is born here can live free from fear that they will be left behind…that they will be able to grow up healthy, with access to the same education that everyone is able to obtain, that they will be able to put their education to use when they are done, that they will be able to commute to their jobs safely and efficiently, they will always make enough money to eat, buy clothing and put a roof over their heads and their families heads, they will be able to see a doctor if they get sick or injured and they will never fall through the cracks, and that they will have a strong military in place to keep them safe from foreign threats.

That’s what I’d want to see, and I think we get there by determining how much it would cost to create this society. Then we know what we need to do in terms of taxation. We then structure taxation in a manner so that your income up to a certain point (the point at which you will have enough money to support yourself) is not taxed, but every dollar thereafter is taxed at the same rate for everyone. That is, we only tax discretionary income, but we tax it all equally, no special exemptions or write offs, we’ll just say, for example, it costs $20 grand a year to live a life of any discernable quality, so everyone who works should make at least $20 grand, but the first $20 grand isn’t taxed. You make $100 grand, pay taxes on $80 grand…you make $100 million, pay taxes on $99,980,000 of it. I’d find a way to balance out the taxation collected by local and state municipalities, usage taxes and such, those taxes which are regressive in nature as well, even if it meant I had to revoke rights of anyone but the Federal government to collect taxes and finance each state via direct Federal aid.

I don’t know exactly what the ultimate solution would look like, i.e. how much tax is collected at each level of government, who pays for what things ultimately, what portion of taxes are collected on business profits vs. what’s collected from personal income, but my goal would be to make it as simple and transparent as possible and to make total revenues be sufficient to do everything the people should be able to rely on their government to provide (i.e. the things they can’t simply provide for themselves), and government would essentially ultimately only be an intermediary as everyone would collectively be paying for these things by paying taxes on their incomes. You do better, you pay more in taxes, it’s the price of being allowed the opportunity to prosper in a capitalist society.

And I’d legalize a whole slew of “victimless crimes”, i.e. rules against what chemicals you can put voluntarily into your body, or what parts of your body you can put voluntarily into other people’s bodies and whether or not compensation can be involved.

augustlan's avatar

I say again: Dalepetrie for president!

galileogirl's avatar

I would work on getting my term expanded

tiffyandthewall's avatar

well my idea is that the U.S. needs to take the occasional break to get together as a country rather than split up into groups – such as, those who feel they need to meddle in who gets married vs those who are for gay marriage, those who are like ‘to hell with the environment!’ vs those who are against offshore drilling, etc – so i propose a national ‘dancing in the street day’, as inspired by the song. how awesome would the country be for one day if everyone just put all of these BS debates to the side and danced?
also, i’d put a PRONTO stamp on the public education issue, because honestly? it’s getting ridiculous.

laureth's avatar

Yeah, but then the nation would split into factions that think we should have a “dancing in the street” day and those that think we should not.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

oh very true. unfortunately. who knows, it might even split the union again. dancing can be very controversial. haha

meowsamantha's avatar


RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

1, bring our troops home now, immediately. Pull it out so fast it makes her scream.

2, legalize all drugs.

3, get every single stimulus dollar back.

4, give every American citizen $25,000 cash

5, abolish the Federal Reserve and income tax altogether

6, put live web cams in every politicians office making every meeting open to the public

7, make credit cards and bank loan policies universal

8, establish a universal free health care system (but don’t prevent private health care)

9, promote good parenting skills by offering continued education about it

10, require a license for procreation

augustlan's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Just out of curiosity, how would you finance universal health care with no tax dollars?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


Run it all on sales tax.

augustlan's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies You’d have to raise that considerably then, right? Isn’t that a regressive tax on low income families?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


I’ve heard that argument before, but tend to look at it in a different manner. No, I don’t believe it is regressive at all. Here’s why…

The wealthy will buy more expensive, higher quality products which automatically demands a considerably higher tax. They will purchase in higher volume as well contributing accordingly to the fare.

The impoverished tax contribution is considerably less based on volume and cheaper discount items, on sale, coupons… and perhaps even a welfare system to allow certain exemptions altogether.

Manufacturing would keep these two demographics in mind when considering the grade of product they choose to distribute.

dalepetrie's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies – To a degree the wealthy will buy more expensive, higher quality products and higher volume. But when you make $30,000 a year, you spend every penny, therefore every penny is taxed. If you make $3,000,000 a year, you save some, invest some, etc….you build WEALTH. With a sales tax, that money is NEVER taxed. If you save 50% of your money, your effective tax rate is 50% of the rate someone who spends every penny pays, therefore it is the VERY DEFINITION of a regressive tax.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


Then those rules should be looked at in detail and adjusted to fit the greater good. Remember my plan allowed for certain sales tax exemptions for those who are more economically challenged. Either way I see no reason why the sales tax couldn’t take care of it all, and without the need for an illegal income tax. Especially if the military budget was cut drastically to 1/5 of what it currently is.

All in all, this is an extremely, yet realistic proposal, and far from what I’d really like to see happen. I see no reason why the Janitor is worth less that the Athlete. In fact, society actually needs Janitors more than Athletes. Pay scales should be adjusted all across the board. But I didn’t really want to get into all that. I’ll stick with my stated proposals for now.

dalepetrie's avatar

Here’s one option:

The word is fair. I think you could do it through income as well. Bottom line though for me is you should create a system where taxes don’t kick in until you make a certain amount of money, then after that everyone pays the same amount, that amount should meet all the needs of the government, and those needs should be based on the needs of its citizens. But a sales tax is by definition a regressive tax unless you adjust it somehow, which the fair tax would do, though I’m not 100% enamored of that plan.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


I’m all about fairness friend. And in all fairness, the income tax system is a sham. It is time to kill this ugly ugly beast. Income tax is unneeded, unwarranted, and very arguably illegal.

Nearly 18,000 pages and the gov will sell you a copy for $1,150.

So wrong.

If you don’t like the “regressive” definition of the sales tax… then lets change it.

talljasperman's avatar

I would trade one of the Hawaiian islands to China/Japan in exchange for forgiving 2 trillions of more of debt. I would trade one to Canada in exchange for artic rights for drilling in the north pole. And I would make a snack available act… where All children have a right to healthy food. Also would extend high school three more years and make passing at 50% to go to masters program in university.

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