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gimmedat's avatar

Are you approachable?

Asked by gimmedat (3951points) December 12th, 2008
19 responses
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Some people have that “approachable” or “friendly” aura. I do not. I don’t mind that I’m not approachable, I rather like my anonimity. What makes people want to talk to you? What makes you want to talk to others? Are you the person who talks up the cashier, or others waiting on-line? Are you the one who sits back and watches the world and jumps in when necessary?

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Snoopy's avatar

It depends.

Am I on the subway in Chicago?

Or am I in a neighborhood park w/ other moms and kids?

gimmedat's avatar

That is funny, Snoopy. Dudes in NYC have no problem talking to me, but moms at the local park, not so much. I guess it all depends on setting!

Snoopy's avatar

@gimme Hrmmmm. Don’t know what to make of that…? I would talk to you in the park!

gimmedat's avatar

Thanks, Snoopy. SuperMouse and I took two trips to NYC, and we both laughed that guys talked me up. I have never fit the mold of suburban mom, hence no park friends. Something about purple hair that puts those other moms off. SuperMouse loves to tell me to put on my approachable face to be more inviting. I say screw it.

chyna's avatar

I’m mostly unapproachable or try to be. For some reason, in grocery stores, people talk to me all the time. I’ll be standing there, looking at the label on something and someone will start telling me their daughter eats that soup, or a man will give me his business card to do yard work, or a kid will latch on my leg that doesn’t even know me. It is the weirdest thing ever. I dont even make eye contact with these people and they do this. I think they must be lonely to be trying to get me to talk to them.

Snoopy's avatar

@gimmedat….yeah, I am not so into the whole playgroup scene either. Luckily there are a few not too uptight moms around that we occasionally, casually meet up at the park.

jessturtle23's avatar

I am approachable I guess because I smile a lot and make eye contact. I always talk to cashiers and other people because I was a server and bartender for so long so I like to show people I appreciate them and what they do. I ask people how they are doing and really mean it.

SuperMouse's avatar

I am ridiculously approachable, in Manhattan, on the west coast, and here in The Cornfield. I can close up and put a snarl on my face if I don’t want to be approached, but most of the time I’m pretty relaxed about it. Gimme is correct when she says she is not approachable, unless we are riding the subway, shopping on Melrose, or walking through Times Square at 11 at night, then all the locals are talking her up. Very interesting phenomenon if you ask me.

I was into the playground scene when my boys were younger! I was all about the Mom’s Club and play-dates in the park! Now that feels like a whole other life, I look back on it and it feels very surreal.

cdwccrn's avatar

Yes, I am.

MacBean's avatar

I am, and you know what? It’s really annoying. I have anxiety issues that make it very difficult for me to even leave the house. When I do work up the courage, people are constantly getting in my personal space, telling me their life stories, whatever, and it freaks me out. I can’t sit in my car in a parking lot with my window open without some stranger coming over to talk to me. I really don’t understand…

arnbev959's avatar

I try to be, but I’m on the shy side, so it’s difficult. When I pass people on the street I always say hello, or nod a silent acknowledgment. I get into conversations with crossing guards, and the guy who puts the Christmas lights on the tree on the municipal lawn, and the old lady in the library who pushes the cart of books around. I can never think of what to say though, so the conversations usually don’t last long.

Nimis's avatar

I’m picturing your avatar doing all of those things.
Shucks. That’s just too cute.

cookieman's avatar

I like to think I am approachable and friendly looking but people are always nervous approaching me.

Never understood it until I asked my wife about 5 years ago. She says to me, “Well, duh! You’re frickin’ scary looking and you always look so serious.

So I looked into it and apparently I’m always deep in thought which makes me look serious, and also…apparently 6’0”, 280 pounds of Italian guy is scary to many people.

Here I thought I was cudley.

augustlan's avatar

I always talk to people, and people always talk to me. I don’t mind it a bit. I hope I’ve never made someone like MacBean uncomfortable! I would mind doing that.

@cprevite: My hubby is 6’2”, 280lbs of craggly faced mountain man. He scares the crap out of people! If they only knew…he’s just a teddy bear, not a grizzly ; )

MacBean's avatar

@augustlan—If people stay at arm’s length, I’m usually okay. People who make polite conversation while standing in a shopping line or make a comment from across the aisle if they see me looking at something they think they can help with aren’t a problem.

But people get seriously in my space. Shoulder-to-shoulder in my space. Do-you-want-a-tictac in my space. And just recently I was sitting in a parking lot doing some writing in the car when some guy came over and practically leaned in my window to tell me a story about the biggest potato he’d ever seen. (I haven’t changed my Idaho license plates back to New York ones yet.)

augustlan's avatar

Whew…I’m in the first group you described : )

buster's avatar

Im approachable and outgoing if I feel like being that way. If I am riding the bus or train I try and find a seat by myself. I sit and put my mean mug on. I glare at people getting on the bus hoping they seat elsewhere.

tinyvamp's avatar

I’m very gregarious which means I’ll probably approach you before you approach me!

but yes, I’m extremely approachable!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i try to be approachable, but i’m not exactly good at approaching people. i love meeting new people, but i guess i’d prefer them to meet me first? haha

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