General Question

Magnus's avatar

Why is pounds abbreviated lbs?

Asked by Magnus (2884points) December 16th, 2008
6 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Makes no sense at all.

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Nimis's avatar

It’s from libra pondo.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The word pound comes from the Latin word pendere, meaning “to weigh”. The abbreviation lb comes from the Latin word libra, meaning “scales, balances”, which also described a Roman unit similar to the pound.

aanuszek1's avatar

On a semi-related funny story, I always made fun of my first grade teacher because she couldn’t comprehend how plural lb. and lb’s. worked

SuperMouse's avatar

I was gonna say the same reason ounce is abbreviated oz, but Nimis’ and Blue Freedom’s answers make much more sense.

Nimis's avatar

Oz. is from onza!

tyrantxseries's avatar

the fatter you get the more you look like a “b” then a “B”

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