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SuperMouse's avatar

Do you ever forward chain emails?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) December 16th, 2008
29 responses
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I make it a practice to forward very few goofy emails, I send maybe about .5%. But chain emails, I cannot stand, they always go straight into the garbage bin while I am cursing the sender. Something about those just infuriates me! Maybe it is that nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me that if I don’t send it a tragedy will befall me in the next thirty seconds. What do you do with chain emails?

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buster's avatar

I hate them. I trash them immediately.

EmpressPixie's avatar

No, I don’t. I have a strict policy against it. I really, really wanted to forward one a week or two ago because it was just so hilariously bad, but I was really afraid that the people I sent it to might think I was, you know, forwarding it. And I couldn’t deal with the potential embarrassment from that. I don’t want anyone to think I’m the kind of person who does that. I outgrew that stuff in middle school.

Nimis's avatar

I’ve been known to send them back.
Am amused by the idea of them opening it and going ARGH! Not again!

laureth's avatar

No. I want to keep what friends I have.

aanuszek1's avatar

My thunderbird filter sends emails with “FWD:” in the subject line to the trash.
But I end up reading them anyway :P

SuperMouse's avatar

@aanuszek, that is brilliant! I have to set mine up to do that!

gimmedat's avatar

How about when you get chain emails from people and the introduction is something to the effect of, “I never forward chain emails, but this one…really works, is really cute, made me laugh, etc., etc.” That makes me batty!!

SuperMouse's avatar

@ Gimme, I got two of them in the course of three minutes with that exact greeting! One was from YOUR sister!

eambos's avatar

I return to all, ensuring anyone who sent me it gets it right back.

gimmedat's avatar

Sweety, she’s your sister.

Foolaholic's avatar

No, because chain emails are the devil. Every once in a blue moon I’ll get a warning about a virus going around or something, and I’ll forward that, but never chain mail.

tyrantxseries's avatar

yesss all the time, to my best friend that loves them garbage bin

dynamicduo's avatar

Zero forwarding of any type of mail whatsoever unless it really needs to be forwarded, as in it’s someone else’s responsibility. No chains, no cuteness, nothing.

Mizuki's avatar

I forwarded “Hampster on a Piano Eating Popcorn”—I could not resist

Foolaholic's avatar

In the case of cuteness, I just save the pictures I like. Then I’ll show them to someone later in person. I just can’t stand junk mail like that.

Knotmyday's avatar

Hell no. I especially hate the “a prayer for you” ones, or the “neverending powerpoint presentation of love.”

To your six closest friends: <the finger>

Snoopy's avatar

I don’t even read or open chain or forwarded stuff. I don’t bother. Immediate “delete”.

iwamoto's avatar

nope, i really pray that poor girl that gets money for every forwarded email dies

90s_kid's avatar

No way. You really have to know that they are false. Only lifeless people make those.

skfinkel's avatar

Really, I don’t. Although I get a fair number from good friends and sometimes family. I don’t send them on, even when promised mighty wonderful rewards for sending them out or am promised terrible consequences for failing to do so.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i hate them so much. sometimes when someone sends me one i just send it back to be equally as obnoxious.

hypeserver's avatar

I end up reading them, but the majority of the time they end up annoying me. So to answer your question, no I do not forward them at all. ever.

Foolaholic's avatar


Oh, I open it. Sometimes I read them very carefully, have a good long laugh about the especially ridiculous ones with whoever might be around to see, critique the spelling and grammar (because they always need it), and then delete it.

augustlan's avatar

If it’s chain email sent from someone whose feelings would be hurt if I didn’t send it back (my aunt, for one) I’ll send it back to them only, with a “right back atcha” comment. Then I delete it. In the case of other types of ‘forwards’ it depends. If I know of someone who truly would appreciate it (humor or cuteness) I’ll send it to them, but never to everyone!

steven's avatar

To the trash bin straight away.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Forward them here:

iwamoto's avatar

what i really like are the virus chainmails, that there’s this rogue virus on the loose, appart from the whole no-virus-on-mac thing, the funniest warnings are given in these emails, how the virus will for example, first destroy your harddisk and then take over your system..i mean…come on, don’t they teach 12 year olds how to proof read ?

syz's avatar


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Check out this website:

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