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Comedian's avatar

Does this make me a bad person?

Asked by Comedian (1123points) December 17th, 2008
24 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Ok, so I like hate Hitler of course, but for some reason I find him handsome. I don’t know why though. Does that make me a bad person because there is something I like about him? Again I hate what he did and what he stands for though

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Raggedy_Ann's avatar

I would say that it depends why you think he’s handsome. Does he remind you of someone perhaps? Or is it something else? I think we might need more info.

Comedian's avatar

No he doesn’t remind me of anyone. It’s just something about how he looks. Like, I really am just simply attracted to him.

qualitycontrol's avatar

there must be something you find attractive about him subconsciously because he is NOT good looking. So I think it does make you a pretty bad person. I mean, he exterminated millions of people. Who wouldn’t find that sexy? If only Hitler was a chic.

cookieman's avatar

Well he is kinda cute

Too bad about his Birthday Cake though.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Nothing wrong with finding him attractive, doesn’t make you a bad person. You can divorce personality from straight up looks. He can look attractive without, you know, being attractive overall to you.

Comedian's avatar

@quality: Not I absolutly HATE what he did. I just find him atractive

GAMBIT's avatar

No this doesn’t make you a bad person. Millions of people were affected by Hitler’s presence. The problem would arise if you agreed with his politics and if you supported his deeds.

“If all you believe are your eyes. Your eyes will just tell you lies” – Bob Dylan

dynamicduo's avatar

Nothing makes you a good or bad person.

I admit I find nothing appealing about Adolf Hitler, but I wouldn’t look down on anyone who found his looks appealing. I do look down on those who think “he was right” in his actions, but since it’s obvious you do not, I don’t see an issue here.

rossi_bear's avatar

No, it don’t make you a bad person. It is good that you see that what he did was totally wrong. that is what matters. so if you did see nothing wrong with what he did then ya that would kinda make you a little on the bad side. but you don’t see him as a good person so you are safe. don’t worry be happy!! :)

steelmarket's avatar

No, but if you find yourself becoming attracted to the looks of Stalin or Dahlmer – whoa….

Resonantscythe's avatar

Actually what your saying is quite normal.After all, it was through his charm and speech that he was able to get an entire country to back his insane ideals. You’re just drawn in by what drew in all those people who would listen to his speeches, doesn’t make you bad, just means you are affected by something that naturally, well affects people.

Likeradar's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with it.
I personally think Bin Laden has lovely eyes, just a terrible soul.

Comedian's avatar

@radar:now you are just like mocking me

And welcome to fluther reason

seekingwolf's avatar

No dear, you’re fine. You’re not a bad person.

Just because someone does horrible, unspeakable things doesn’t mean that you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to hate them with every fiber of your being.

Hitler was a very cruel man and I still shudder when I see pictures/read text about what he did. It’s actually easier to just say that he was “all bad” and cast him aside, but it’s a strong person who can see some good in everyone, no matter how little good there is.

I will give you THREE good things about Hitler

1) He was intelligent. Extremely smart, maybe genius. He was so calculating in his plans and he really pulled off his goals. :( Honestly, I can’t think of another historical person who would have the know-how to pull off a mass genocide like that in modern times, even “masking” it with fake videos portraying the camps as good! He knew how to plan, how to manipulate, how to influence people, and how to kill effectively. :(

2) I can see why you think he’s handsome. I’m totally not digging the mustache but I do kind of like his haircut.

3) He could paint! Did you know he used to be a painter? Too bad he didn’t stay in that business…

And see? I know I’m not a bad person for thinking those things. Most of my friends are Jewish and we’ve talked about this same subject and they even agree with me. :)

Comedian's avatar

@wolf: I did know he was a painter. But I think he was rejected so many times he quit.

mrdh's avatar

No you’re not a bad person. It’s kind of weird, when I see a photo of him, his eyes, they just suck you in.

Likeradar's avatar

@comedian…. I’m really not mocking you at all.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I don’t think you’re a bad person for finding Hitler physically attractive. I’m sure some people did. And he’s dead, anyway. As long as you’re not one of those people who overlook everything about a person because they’re hot to you, then I think you’re all right. Hitler, good-looking? IMO, not so much.

Young Stalin was a cute guy, but when I saw a photo, it seemed to me that he had a bit of the “crazy eyes” thing going on, which always makes me scamper in the other direction.

PupnTaco's avatar

Yes, it makes you a bad person. Sheesh.

augustlan's avatar

He obviously had charisma…why do you think so many people followed him? I don’t think he was attractive, but I don’t think it’s such a terrible thing that you do. Looks and actions are worlds apart. For instance, I think Mel Gibson is gorgeous on the outside, but ugly on the inside.

Mizuki's avatar

Does that little moustache make your knees weak?

Mtl_zack's avatar

Hitler was a vegetarian and strongly believed in animal rights. If you are a vegetarian, you are anti-semitic. Just kidding. Of course not. Hitler also almost never drank, and apparently was a very courteous person. If his political views were different, and his goals were for the better, the world would be so much better. I mean, he had so much influence over the people.

Many people voted for Bush because they felt like he would be a nice guy and be someone who they can share a beer with. Look at how bad a leader he is.

loser's avatar

I think what really matters is if you think you’re a good person.

MacBean's avatar

I think the fact that you’re worried it makes you a bad person hints that you probably aren’t.

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