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simone54's avatar

Are my eyes special?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) December 21st, 2008
32 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I wear contacts. They’re the Day and Night kind. You’re supposed to change them every month. (Even though the doc told me still change them everyday). ANYWAY, I NEVER change them or take them out. The ones in my eyes have been in there for at least 8 months. My eyes never hurt and I can easily move them contact around if I wanted to. How is this able to happen?

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AstroChuck's avatar

Of course. Eyes special, youse special.

simone54's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

Incidentally, I think you may be hurting your eyes in the long run. I’d take them out regularly. And I hope that they’re gas permeable.
Check with your eye doc on this.

asmonet's avatar

This is why people are made to take classes before they get contacts.

You’re pushing your luck.

AstroChuck's avatar

I never took any classes.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I never took any classes either…

asmonet's avatar

Almost everyone I know took a ‘class’, maybe it’s just the parents in this area. I know my aunt made my sister take one. More like Contacts Orientation for an hour at the office, they explained the risks, proper care, etc.

I should mention only my teenage friends seem to have taken it. I can’t think of anyone who has gotten contacts recently.

mrdh's avatar

You should listen to your doctor.

simone54's avatar

I didn’t take classes ether.

I’m just invincible that’s all.

judochop's avatar

Classes? You mean glasses. Silly!

Randy's avatar

Mine are “supposedly” good for two weeks. I can wear them to bed but after the first week, I’s supposed to take them out and clean them, leave them out for the night and put them back in the next morning. I do not do follow those directions. I put a pair in and leave them for about 4–6 months before they start to hurt. I really think it’s going to hurt me in the long run, but my vision is so bad anyways, I figure, screw it. My vision is -9.5 in the left and -7.0 in the right.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

That’s the spirit, Randy! Why worry about your sight? (or your health at all, for that matter)
It’ll go away eventually!

Randy's avatar

Well, you make a good point, but, no one makes it out of life alive. =)

asmonet's avatar

@randy: Yeah, but I’d rather not be blind on exit.

Randy's avatar

I have to say, so far, so good on the way I’ve been doing it. I do eventually plan on LASIK surgery though. That should help.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeah, it should help make your eyes even drier than they probably already are. Have fun with that.

judochop's avatar

I got Lasik about 8 weeks ago. My eyes were only dry for the first 2. They are fine now.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

from the mayo cllinic website:

“What might disqualify you from having LASIK surgery?

LASIK surgery carries higher risks if you have:

* An immune system disease.
* Persistent dry eyes.
* Certain eye characteristics.
* Unstable vision.



As with any surgery, LASIK eye surgery carries risks, including:

* Undercorrections.
* Overcorrections.
* Astigmatism.
* Glare, halos and double vision.
* Dry eyes
* Flap problems.”

buster's avatar

You guys are going to get eye ulcers leaving them in like that all the time. Your eyes must be special because when I wear my contacts for more than 2 or 3 days they get hella crusty and I at least have to pop them out and clean them. I can see the protein or whatever it is on them. All kinds of funky bacterias and creepy crawlies could grow on there.

judochop's avatar

All I was getting at is that Lasik made my life all that much better. As with any surgery there are risks and dry eyes are a common side effect that most times goes away in the first six months.
As far as leaving your contacts in for too long you will eventually do unreversable damage to your eyes. That is why they come with instructions that should not be ignored. Kind of like a dummy light in your car. Sure you can go 50000 miles on the same oil but eventually the light will come on and you will have done damage to your engine that you may not SEE for some time.
I highly recommend Lasik if you are a good candidate. The procedure takes about 20 minutes start to finish and will change your life. Only your doctor can tell you if you are a good candidate. ie, good cornial thickness, right size eyes, good depth, etc. I now have 20/10 vision in both eyes. Amazing!

gimmedat's avatar

That seems dicey to me. I don’t wear corrective lenses, but why take a risk? The eye doctor has the professional training that qualified him/her to make those kinds of prescribing guidelines. Follow your doctor’s orders to protect your vision.

basp's avatar

For heaven’s sake…take care of your eyes properly!!

I’ve been losing my perioherial vision and my prognosis sucks.

You don’t know what ya got til it’s gone…

mamasu's avatar

Please remove and clean your contacts regularly. Just because they don’t hurt or feel dry, you’re assuming nothing negative is going on. You are trapping bacteria in your eye and unsettling a very delicate balance.

Don’t believe me? My best friend did as you are doing. She felt no ill effects. She kept them in because they were comfortable. Not only did they change the shape of her eyes so Lasik was not an option, she developed a bacterial infection. By the time she was able to feel or notice something was off, it was too far gone to treat. Her eye was removed.

Please take care of your eyes.

chyna's avatar

Buster is right, you can get ulcers. You have to let your eyes get air. My sister in law did the same thing and went to get lasik surgery and almost didnt quailfy due to ulcers on her eye. She had to go back to wearing glasses for a month before they would check her and then do the surgery. Lucky for her, they healed, but that is not always the case.

autumn43's avatar

Wow. I can’t imagine why you would chance hurting your eyes. I hope you can get them out when you try. What would it hurt to take them out and put in a fresh pair?

skfinkel's avatar

Do you have a second set of eyes handy? Just in case this approach doesn’t work in the long run?

miasmom's avatar

I had extended wear contacts and I would sleep in them…did this for 15 years and now I can’t wear them anymore because I ruined my eyes…they got bumps on them and it hurts to wear contacts, so if you don’t care fine, but if you want to protect your eyes as long as you can then take out your contacts and give your eyes a break.

judochop's avatar

But hey!!!!!! Don’t listen to any of us, check these folks out!
Case one

A 21-year-old male returned to the UK from a beach holiday. He presented to casualty at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH) with a painful right eye for 1 day, with hand movements acuity and a 7 mm times 8 mm infiltrated corneal ulcer with hypopyon (Photograph 1, top). He had been wearing a pair of SiH lenses for 1 week and had swum in the sea without goggles each day. Corneal scrape cultured moderate growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sensitive to ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, and gentamicin. He was initially treated with intensive topical ofloxacin 0.3%, with topical prednisolone added once healing was underway. After 2 months, acuity was 6/12 with pinhole with a 4.5 mm central scar and small epithelial defect.

Case two

A 28-year-old male presented to MREH with a painful red eye with a central infected ulcer after wearing an SiH lens overnight for 1 night only. He had previously worn hydrogel soft contact lenses on a daily wear basis for 7 years with no problems. At 3 days before presentation, he commenced wearing a pair of SiH lenses for the first time. As instructed, he wore them during the day only for the first 2 days, removing them in the evening and disinfecting them with the solution provided by his contact lens practitioner. On the third day, he was to wear them overnight and be reviewed by the contact lens practitioner the following day. That day he woke with an extremely painful red left eye, unable to see, removed the lenses and presented to casualty at MREH. The acuity was 6/5 RE, light perception LE, with a dense central circular infiltrate and ulcer (Photograph 1, middle). Both corneal scrape and contact lens cultures isolated moderate growths of P. aeruginosa sensitive to ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, and imipenem. He responded to intensive guttae ofloxacin, with topical steroid added once improvement was apparent.

After 3 months, with a depressed facetted dense paracentral corneal scar of 3.5 mm diameter, the acuity is 6/18 unaided not improving with pinhole.

Case three

A 42-year-old SiH contact lens wearer presented to Bristol Eye Hospital after developing some discomfort in the 3 eye three days previously and having removed the contact lens at that time. He had been wearing the lenses for 5 days, which his contact lens practitioner changed on a weekly basis. Visual acuity was reduced to 6/12. A circular 2 mm corneal abscess was present in the upper one-third of the cornea (Photograph 1, bottom). Cultures yielded a scanty growth of coagulase-negative staphylococci. He responded well to cefuroxime and gentamicin over a period of 7 days. Topical steroids were administered for several days in order to reduce inflammation and scarring. He was discharged 6 weeks after his initial visit, with acuity returning to normal.

Case four

A 25-year-old male presented to MREH casualty on return from a holiday abroad. He had a central corneal ulcer in the right eye with 1 mm hypopyon. His vision was reduced to hand movements compared to 6/4 in the left eye. He had been a user of monthly disposable SiH extended wear lenses for 2 years, but admitted that he sometimes took the lenses out at night and stored them in hydrogen peroxide and also that he had been swimming in the sea wearing lenses prior to developing his current problem.

A growth of P. aeruginosa was cultured from the corneal scrape and this was sensitive to ofloxacin. He responded to treatment with intensive topical ofloxacin 0.3% and later topical prednisolone but has been left with a 1.6 mm central facetted scar and reduced vision of 6/9 at 1 month.

I don't normally cut and paste in to but I felt that this may be needed to extended the worry that everyone is expressing. It pretty much just boils down to not being lazy. Spend the 3 minutes it takes to do what is needed. Please. The last thing any of us need is to be hot on the street and killed because someone did not take care of their eyes.

saranwrapper's avatar

Seriously be careful. I thought the same thing. Then one day the contact attacked my eye. Not kidding.
It took forever to get it out. I couldn’t open my eye for about 2 hours and any kind of light hurt.
My eye was bright red for about 3 days.I looked like a cyborg sent from the future with the intent of killing the entire human race. It took all my human resolve not to give in.

syz's avatar

You’ve merely been beating the odds so far – it will catch up with you eventually.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (1points)
augustlan's avatar

Keep it up and one day you may need a ‘special dog’, and maybe even a ‘special cane’!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@saranwrapper, how does a contact “attack your eye”? LOL

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