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SuperMouse's avatar

May I indulge myself for a moment?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) December 24th, 2008
26 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I would like to take a moment to wish the most fabulous sister on the planet a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Many Happy Returns Gimmedat!!!!

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goober's avatar

Happy Birthday Gimmedat.

cookieman's avatar

Gimmedat cake.
Gimmedat present.

Happy Birthday Gimmedat!!

chyna's avatar

So it is PNL and Gimmedats birthday?
Happy birthday all!

gailcalled's avatar

Happy birthday to you both and condolences from another Dec. holiday baby. I often think we should have a big unbirthday party in June.

sndfreQ's avatar

Happy birthday Gimmedat-you get two presents from me!!!

90s_kid's avatar

Have a pleasant Birthday Gimmiedat.

wildflower's avatar

Happy Birthday Gimmedat (aka just about the coolest username ever!)!!!!

jessturtle23's avatar

Happy Birthday!!!!

jlm11f's avatar

Happy Birthday gimmedat!!! December birthdays rock :)

@chyna – it’s not my birthday quite yet (except in australia). I still have 12 hours before I age haha. but thank you for the wishes!

gimmedat's avatar

I clicked on this question expecting SuperMouse to talk about something she’d accomplished…what a pleasant surprise! Thank you all so much! Happy Birthday to me! And PnL & Gail!

@wildflower, thanks!

@everyone else, I have to rant about my morning. At 5:00 A.M. Max the ferocious dog started to whine to go out. I rolled out of bed and on my way to the back door was greeted with seven piles of Max shit. Runny, nasty, stinky Max shit. I freaked and started scrubbing, thinking I would steam clean the carpet later (shout out to SM, whose steamcleaner I still have). So I’m scrubbing, spraying anti-stick and spot removed and taking forever, but finally get done. I go back to bed (after tending to Max of course) and finally fall asleep. 7:30 A.M., Mr. Gimme comes home from work and freaks because there is Max shit and puke downstairs! I didn’t bother to check the basement, but sure enough, five more piles of Max shit and five puddles of Max puke. Ugh. Cleaned that up, woke up the 15-year-old and made her drive to KMart to buy steamcleaner solution and more carpet cleaner.

I am annoyed by a couple of things:
1. Sick dog (he’s been fine so far today, too much human food yesterday).
2. Mr. Gimme waking me up to clean more shit after I cleaned up all kinds of shit.
3. The princess (15-year-old) asking me, “Why didn’t anyone let Max out? Why was he roaming the house all night?” Um, last I checked she was perfectly capable of opening the back door!
4. It’s my birthday and I couldn’t even sleep in!


augustlan's avatar

Oh, what a horrible day you’re having so far! I sure hope it improves, and you do indeed have a Happy Birthday : )

gailcalled's avatar

Gimmedat; Let’s all do the unbirthday in June; Max will be able to get sick outside at least. Do not feed him table scraps (repeat that 100 times) ever again.


gimmedat's avatar

In the greater scheme of things I am blessed beyond belief. Hubby, kids, sister, friends, Fluther….it’s all amazing!

@Gail, I know, I got over indulgent!! June 17th work for you?

gailcalled's avatar

@Gimme: So far, my dance card is pretty empty on the 17th.


Harp's avatar

Merry Gimmemas!

jlm11f's avatar

aww sorry about your rough day so far, hope it gets better and fast! one question though, how is your 15 year old driving already?

gimmedat's avatar

She drove me. Learner’s permit, I wasn’t going into KMart, so she did.

jlm11f's avatar

lucky girl! It always took me about 1 hour of pleading before either of my parents agreed to sit in the car with me haha

gimmedat's avatar

She drives everywhere! Even her favorite aunt SuperMouse makes special trips so that Cecil can drive. She’s a trip!

Foolaholic's avatar

Happiest of birthdays, Gimmedat!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

happy birthday! :D

janbb's avatar

Happy Birthday, Gimme, Gail and PnL!

Hope there’s no more dogshit on your birthday.

And for Gail, no Milo shit.

(How’s that for lowered expectations?)

gimmedat's avatar

@janbb, just shows how easily pleased we are! No more dogshit here! The hubberino took me out for Indian food, we finished off some shopping and now we’re just relaxing. I shipped the boys out to shovel, got the girl doing dishes…..ahhhh, birthday bliss. Oh, and Max is sunning himself in the snow, literally lying on the snow in the sun! He refuses to come in. We’ll have a Maxcicle soon!!

janbb's avatar

@gimme – Sounds like the day improved greatly. Good for you!

scamp's avatar

Here’s a little dance to celebrate your birthday!

Have a Happy!!

gimmedat's avatar

@Scamp, nice!! B-boys for life!

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