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ekglad's avatar

When did you finally become happy with yourself?

Asked by ekglad (29points) December 29th, 2008
15 responses
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I want to know other people’s experiences

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buster's avatar

Im still in the pursuit of happiness. If I find it I will let you know.

queenzboulevard's avatar

I thought that no one can every truly be happy. We always want something more.

I haven’t even scratched the surface on my life yet; fear not I hope to become happy with myself one day.

And just in case I’m misinterpreting the question, I was 13 and had just learned what kind of images were on the internet

KatawaGrey's avatar

When I went to college, I was out of my house and didn’t know anyone. It was the most liberating experience of my life. I gained 20 pounds and stopped looking like a rectangular stick and my confidence leveled soared. It was as if my body and mind went “What took you so long!?”

McBean's avatar

I think being at peace with myself is the closest to happiness I can come. That’s because I’m not a static being and I still have so much to learn. I will do things that will make me unhappy from time to time, but being at peace with the process of living and knowing that I’m at least trying to do my best makes me pretty happy.

mea05key's avatar

I think its really easy to find happiness. Just tell yourself stop. That’s it. I am not chasing after anything else and just be contented with what i have. You will find happiness. Just that when people start to go further to gather more and more things in their life that they find it hard to settle down.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I haven’t found it yet. I’m still young, so I can hope. I’ve been close, I think. But being content is not the same as being happy. I do believe, like mea pointed out, that you probably have to stop looking for it so hard in order to experience happiness. You can’t find it, it has to find you. But first you have to let it.

augustlan's avatar

I don’t think it’s likely or necessary to be ‘happy’ with yourself exactly, just to accept yourself and be at peace. It took years of therapy for me to achieve that, but nothing has ever made such a difference to my mental health as doing so.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh God! Happiness? It’s not for me, I think. The best is those moments when I forget about judgement. There is no happiness, and no unhappiness. There’s just me, and I’m not thinking about it. That is such bliss! And it happens for such short periods of time.

I don’t particularly like being me. I hate making mistakes, and I do that all the time. I have so many goals, and I’m not close to a single one of them. That makes me miserable.

But there are moments when I don’t remember the goals, and I don’t think about all the things I fucking up in (like my relationship, my work, my music, my writing) and I just do things. Doing without judging is happiness, as far as I’m concerned. It is a precious commodity, and very difficult to find. There is no hope of holding onto it.

Happiness, I believe, is a chimera created by the advertising industry. If we get things; if we make ourselves look good; if we make ourselves feel good; then we’ll be happy. Unfortunately, that’s just so much cow patties in the field. Of course, it goes without saying that I am in the thrall of that image of happiness as strongly as if I had no perspective on it at all. Knowledge is not a help.

If you don’t look for it, you may find it. If you try to get it, it’ll never be where you are. It’s an Alice in Wonderland kind of thing.

googlybear's avatar

As soon as I realized that I had everything I could ever want or need….2 kids who love me, a nice small house, and a big family…

cookieman's avatar

The 10th of never.

( But I’m pretty sure*mea05key* is on to something)

galileogirl's avatar

When I realized I didn’t have to please anyone but myself. I don’t mean that I lead a selfish existence. In fact most people would describe me as responsible and kind. I enjoy making others happy but I found I don’t have to do it if it causes me pain. I enjoy the anonymity of ‘paying it forward’. I enjoy my job so going above and beyond is not a problem. If my plans conflict with time others need, I have no problem offering another, more convenient time.

For example, one thing I have always hated is weekly work meetings so I have managed to miss 90% of them. There are always strategies to avoid what makes you unhappy.

tessa's avatar

I’ve always been happy with myself. There are ups and downs in life, but I have always been happy with myself; with who I am, what I do (career wise, school wise, fun wise . . . everything), how I look. I’ve made mistakes and I am most certainly not a supermodel, but the mistakes were mine and the way I look is who I am. And the simple reason, my parents raised me with love, respect and admiration. That is not to say they completely spoiled me, but they taught me to do good and to love. They sent me all over the world, that might help as well, I know what other people and have and don’t have. I know I have it good.
Being happy with yourself is a mindset. In my world there is no other way to be. You’ll never be anyone else. And until you love yourself, no one else will. And when you start loving yourself, the rest just falls into place. A general happiness in life and yourself shines through and you in turn attract other happy people, who in turn help raise your self happiness factor.

jazzjeppe's avatar

It depends. I am happy with myself in different aspects. I hate myself when it comes to my weaknesses and looks. I am happy with myself when it comes to most of my qualities and characteristics.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

When I discovered who I truly was, and stopped living the lie of pretending to be something that everyone else wanted me to be. I am proud of who I am, and if others don’t understand it, well , I see it as their problem, not mine.

Lovely's avatar

When I finally realize that those that matter don’t mind and those that don’t matter do mind.

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