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breedmitch's avatar

How well do you know your fellow jellyfish?

Asked by breedmitch (12171points) January 5th, 2009
56 responses
“Great Question” (11points)

I was just pondering the quirky details I know of other Fluther member’s lives (eg. Uber’s praying mantis shrimp, gail’s college days, pupntaco’s famous grill…)

Can we start a game here where you tell as many details about the person who has posted directly before you?? How much information have you learned about the jellyfish whom you’re posting after?

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breedmitch's avatar

Somebody start…

gailcalled's avatar

I know what Ben looked like, starkers, on a changing table. Does that count?

I know what Breed and his cats look like; I know where they live; I know about the naming of the wine bar; I know he likes tennis. I know some secrets about him. I’ll never tell. I know that he calls me Maude, which l love. He is an adorable Harold.

SuperMouse's avatar

I know that Gailcalled has a fabulous feline friend named Milo. I know that she is a gifted linguist who has shoveled a LOT of snow in the past few weeks. She also enjoys Latin banter with Knotmyday.

gailcalled's avatar

(MIlo here: Supermouse; don’t think you can sweet-talk me. I am on your trail.)

jessturtle23's avatar

Milo likes to take long naps all over various places in the house and eat and explore and make sure his human is staying in line and doing whatever he wants them to do.

augustlan's avatar

Jessturtle has a boyfriend, and was run over by a boat!

Also, since milo broke the rules:

Supermouse has a sister, Gimmedat, and is related to at least 2 other jellies.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Augstlan is the mother of 3 [beautiful] children, she likes the creative/artistic process, and lives in the U.S.

And I know her real name, but obviously won’t divulge that personal info here for the sake of her anonymity.

Allie's avatar

Tali got into Brandeis, she’s a super super super smart high school kid, she’s 5’2 3/4’’, she’s going to study in Israel, she’s from Connecticut, she’s good at driving in rain and snow, she likes the color blue the best of them all, she has a thing for accents, and she can’t smoke hookah.

jrpowell's avatar

Allie lives in California and is in fact, not a slut. She just celebrated her 21st birthday. She is going to college to be a socialist. Perhaps law school after that. She likes stencils and robots? WTF? She has held a monkey in a diaper. The monkey was wearing the diaper, not her. She hates onions but loves macaroni and cheese. marry me, onions are the devil

She has been to Tennessee and somehow remains cool. Her love of booze is almost as great as mine. I could go on forever.. But I won’t. I’m lazy and eating a baked potato.

SuperMouse's avatar

John Powell is lazy and enjoys booze and baked potatoes. sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Harp's avatar

SuperMouse has a bright gaze and clear blue eyes (not at all bad for a mom of three). Her profile obligingly divulges the following tidbits: She’s originally from SoCal, but was lured to the bleak interior of the continent by the promise of riches working as the director of disability services at something resembling a college there in the heartland. She’s of the B’hai faith and a flaming liberal.

DrBill's avatar

The only thing I know about Harp is he once lived in Illinois, like me. But I’m new here and have not learned about very many Jellies

richardhenry's avatar

DrBill is new here, and once lived in Illinois (and may still do, he or she was sort of vague). He or she doesn’t yet know many jellies, so I’ve added him or her to my Fluther because I’m nice like that. He or she signed up on the 2nd of January, which means that he or she has raked in 32.75 lurve points per day. DrBill hasn’t asked any questions yet, so perhaps he or she isn’t a particularly curious fellow. DrBill should write a profile for him or herself so that this post could have been interesting. ;)

DrBill's avatar

I know the picture is small, but most girls can’t grow a beard like mine

richardhenry's avatar

DrBill has an intimidating beard, feared by many across the land. He also has a man-sized cat. Seriously though, fill in your profile. And welcome to Fluther! :D

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Richard Is a Brit (meaning he has a very sex accent ;) ). He is skinny, and has a radio show (podcast?) called The Tea Talk. He is usually very funny, and actually has a sensitive side. He is scared of lamprey, but loves honey on his meat.

Allie's avatar

RichardHenry: Richie (aka Dick.. <4) is from across the pond, he is a young lad with a shmexy accent, he does not like lampreys (but who in their right minds does?). He’s a good photographer. He runs the sites Cursebird and Salt in Your Popcorn. He doesn’t like processed cheese and makes people who eat it feel bad. He is the original Campfire “whore”, but we love him anyways, perhaps even more so because of it. When someone says “bobbles” he thinks of “boobies” and that is okay because he is a man. He can spell.. just give him a few minutes. When we were making up gangsta names his was Richard Henry, because he is the OG. Lastly, he doesn’t need a watch because he decides what time it is.

JohnPowell: JP deserves another.. so here it goes. (cracks knuckles) He is an Oregonian who just moved and was M.I.A. for a whole damn week. He loves PBR and will share a six pack with you provided you agree to drink the bottom half of the cans (no you don’t get your own!). He is NOT geeky, let’s get that straight. He was worried about his soul for about .482 seconds because he stole the last beer from his sister. He understands that In-N-Out is a heaven sent burger, but is sad cause the closest to him is in Redding, Ca. =’{ He helped out with the Obama campaign.. yay JP!! He’s got a scar on his tummy from a skateboarding accident. Sidenote: scars are hot. He skateboards. He does not like snow, but can make beautiful and perfect snowballs. He’s got a cat named Random because she randomly showed up at his door one day. He has a big heart. He sings like a bird. He also hates onions. No, you marry me! In addition to onions he hates beans. He quit smoking!!! Last of all, in the nights, he becomes a super hero. =]

gimmedat's avatar

Allie is finally on the mend after not feeling so great, and not wanting to eat. Allie has lived only in California, which is the only other place I’ve lived, besides the cornfield. Allie is interested in many many things, including Mexico, men, hip hop, and alcohol. Maybe that explains why she hasn’t been feeling well recently.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Gimmedat is the sibling (sister) of SuperMouse. If I recall correctly, she has children—a teenage daughter if nothing else. She sometimes intentionally does things to annoy her sig. other. It takes her 45 minutes to get ready in the morning and she’s never fully dressed and ready to go at home.

Harp's avatar

EmpressPixie is a reformed Askviller who’s a huge Neil Gaiman fan. She lives in Chicago, where she practices the dark art of managing money. She has an impressive mane of red hair, which must serve her well when she belly dances. She haunts renaissance fairs and is a perennial participant in the NaNoWriMo writing contest. Oh, and she has a cat.

SuperMouse's avatar

Harp is a craftsman who makes harps by hand. If memory serves he made his first for his daughter, it came out so beautifully and he enjoyed the process so much he continued. Harp’s vocation is helping make life easier for folks living with disabilities. Harp has amazing intuition and attention to detail. Harp is much more than “just some dude.”

gailcalled's avatar

Harp is much much more than the sum of the parts. He is our resident chocolatier, amd will coat you with the chocolate of your choice for Valentine’s day (One per customer. Sign up early.)

He speaks elegant French, perhaps because he spends time in Paris, he like to bike, he knows something about Zen Buddhism and can express himself tersely, clearly and elegantly on any topic within his area of expertise.

He is patient and calm about waiting for me to mail him a leaf from my night-blooming cereus, which blooms once a year for about 3 minutes. (I will send when weather warms up.)

He can be playful and funny in a very original way and sends out unexpected zingers without broadcasting them.

His writing never needs editing.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Gail is our resident grammarian and has strong opinions about the word “awesome”.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Empresspixie has a thing for oatmeal whether it be long cooked oatmeal or some nummy Ben and Jerrys Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk it doesnt matter cause oatmeal is friggin “awesome”. She refuses to buy teacups new. And some of her favorite board games include Settler of Catan, Cranium and Ticket to Ride

and no, i dont think bugs can crawl back out of the vacuum.

krose1223's avatar

Uber seems to have a very good sense of humor. He does not drink very much…. That’s all I have. :(

El_Cadejo's avatar

Krose also seems to have a good sense of humor and DOES like to drink a lot :P but doenst like the hangovers in the morning, anyone got advice? She works with the po-po, but will be leaving that job soon. She likes to smell random things (shes not crazy guys, dont worry ;) And her birthday was two weeks ago, and ya know what, she loved it :)

happy belated birthday btw krose :)

Knotmyday's avatar

Uberbatman has a badass reef tank setup. I wish I could shrink to a tiny size and swim around in it, but then I would have to hide from Vladimir, his terrifying Peacock Mantis Shrimp and the anemone.

He enjoys “herbal refreshment” among other ingestibles :^) – enjoys a good pineapple (or clementine) and downloads at an amazing 25807 kb/s.

And he has made out with a cow.

gimmedat's avatar

Knotmyday is in Arizona, which is good, because apparently snow is bad. Knotmyday is interested in graphic arts, writing, and is a fierce grammarian. Knotmyday has a dog that must be three different colors. I like to live by Knotmyday’s advice: life’s too darn short! Get out there and do it!

SuperMouse's avatar

Gimmedat is a very happily married mom and public school teacher. She is a huge advocate for public schools. She also happens to be the most amazing sister on the planet.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Supermouse sucks up to her sister using the internet. If she was MY sister I’d think she wanted something.

Teasing! Teasing! Just teasing! But not about my sister.

gimmedat's avatar

EmpressPixie is an outstanding observer. She is quick-witted and has the innate ability to judge when she can give people shit and get away with it.

gimmedat's avatar

SuperMouse is on the neverending quest for meaningful spirituality and happiness. She has three wonderful sons, one of whom has not yet gotten his ‘r’, so he would call her SupaMouse. SupaMouse is happy when she says, “My ex-husband,” and is a pretty bitchin’ sister herself. SupaMouse’s children will be spending tomorrow afternoon with my husband, Acrazycouple.

90s_kid's avatar

I read profiles a lot and then just randomly scan through their questions and answer them if I have nothing else to do. One day, you will all of a sudden see 90s_kid answering all of your old questions. :)

shadling21's avatar


I was hesitant to do this, because I know very little about other jellies except the select few I PM and meet in the chat occasionally, and I didn’t really want to expose that sad truth. But if I know anything about Fluther or about the world in general, it’s that 90s_kid loves the nineties.

I also know that he’s 14, but he somehow has a job at a hotel. He doesn’t like people calling him “kid”. He does a lot of activities, like playing multiple instruments, playing sports, and traveling. He’s been on Fluther for only a month, but has already made it to (nearly) 1K. He’s pretty interesting.

EDIT: Oh, and his name is Alex.

augustlan's avatar

Shadling is a dancer, and she hates it when people refer to her as ‘Shandling’. She’s young and funny, sweet and smart!

90s_kid's avatar

Wow I didn’t know you new so much. You are a girl. Is that OK if that is it? :)
Supermouse and gimmiedat are related. Gailcalled is aunt of Ben and Andrew. Asmonet hates me more than hell and noon is a big debator.

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richardhenry's avatar

[mod says:] That’s enough, thanks.

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gailcalled's avatar

Gailcalled is Ben’s aunt only although she would be happy to volunteer as foster aunt for Andrew.

Trustinglife's avatar

And she sometimes speaks of herself in third person.

augustlan's avatar

Trustinglife is a very evolved man. He is completely in touch with himself, is secure in his masculinity, and plays a mean game of ultimate frisbee. He knows Ben through the aforementioned sport. His dream is to be a motivational speaker, to help others find their best selves. Also, he’s pretty damn funny!

Allie's avatar

Auggie is our newest mod!

jlm11f's avatar

Allie has an unparalleled love for Chipotle. She will eat anything with honey send her honey sticks! and for some sad reason doesn’t like cake. She wrote about 10 essays in the last 2 weeks and is still alive and can type coherently. She likes her alcohol and yet quit for almost a week to help support johnpowell’s quitting smoking. She likes graffiti and enjoys putting it on the property of frat houses. She’s pretty carefree and doesn’t anger easy. Her choice in music is very diverse and if you ever want to add something new to your playlist, just PM her and tell her what you like and she will give you plenty of suggestions. She’s also in perpetual fear of losing her mod status not really.

Trustinglife's avatar

Devi is a fabulously caring and committed moderator and community manager here on Fluther. She’s from India (which shocked the hell out of me when I found out), but goes to medical school now in Ohio. She is insanely busy, but finds a way to respond and take care of her people here. She cares a lot.

90s_kid's avatar

No way!
That’s why I need a face onthe avatar area…

jlm11f's avatar

Adam (Trustinglife) is a sensitive and smart man who isn’t afraid of questioning and discussing relationships when other men are too insecure to do so. He enjoys constantly improving himself,. that-was-about-personal-growth/ and learning about other people. He speaks eloquently and is genuinely interested in listening to other people and their complaints. Whenever someone posts asking for help with a dilemma, he is the one who always checks back in a month to ask “So is everything okay?”

He is athletic and very passionate about Ultimate Frisbee (among other sports) and refuses to let his injuries heal before going to play some game or other tsk tsk! You can follow him on Twitter to learn more about him and bug him to update more often :)

gailcalled's avatar

PnL is tactful, persuasive and overworked. She talked me into doing something I was dead set against. Her grandmothers give deserving people the evil eye, which only reinforces my sense of her wonderful gene pool. She is way too knowledgeable, considering her age.

augustlan's avatar

Gail is the Fluther matriarch She is Ben’s aunt, and a treasure around these parts. She is wise and witty, and knows her way around the English language. She keeps a list of inventive ways to spell definitely, which is apparently never finished. Every once in a while, she has a sharp tongue, but is easy to forgive. Milo the cat was an unwelcome burden at first, but has turned out to be an enjoyable presence in her life. Just as Gail is an enjoyable presence in our lives.

Knotmyday's avatar

Lan is Fluther’s hot redhead (Molly Ringwald, eat your heart out). She is also a great mom, judging by the quality of a certain flyaway balloon. I always look forward to her posts (there’s more, but I’m typing on a phone, blech).

gailcalled's avatar

I know a huge number of secrets about Knot that I cannot divulge unless you have gov’t clearance. In a past life, we were conjoined twins. He has a pseudo-fierce dog named Drake. He (Knot and not Drake) is interested in Xeriscaping. I don’t know whether he really knows Latin or reverts to cheat sheets.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@gailcalled, Considering Fluther is a front for the CIA, I’m pretty sure we all have gov’t clearance ;)

gailcalled's avatar

@Tali speaks Hebrew.

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