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florarigby's avatar

If you could dontate to any charity, what would it be?

Asked by florarigby (33points) January 7th, 2009
21 responses
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AllyMay's avatar

I dedicate alot of my time to the “make a wish foundation” but for actual dontations (not just time dedication) I pick the YWCA. its a shelter for women during crisis, and they do more then put a roof over your head – help you finish school – fund any therapy you might need – teach you how to manage your money – and provide day care if needed. They also provide the other basics such as food and clothing. I think its a great charity as it provides Women a second chance at a great life and gets a great deal of them off the street or preventing them from getting to that point.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’d have to split it up between the American Cancer Society & the SPCA.

elijah's avatar

Have you seen that commercial for the polar bears who are floating away on little ice chunks? And the mommy leaves the little baby and he tries to follow her? That kills me every time. Also the SPCA commercials. I would give millions if I could.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

The one that kills me is where the animals are in cages. I can’t remember the song that plays with it, but I just get up & leave the room. When the cat puts its paw through the cage, I can’t stand it.

florarigby's avatar

Oh god, those animal ones kill me too. Ugh!

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I can, I give to the Red Cross, Oxfam America and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières.

jonsblond's avatar

St. Jude and Salvation Army

Nimis's avatar

There are a lot of great causes.
But I give to the Salvation Army and Goodwill quite frequently.
It fits so easily into my life, it’s practically effortless really.

I’m a thrifter, a hoarder, a general curator of lovelorn objects.
But most of all, I am a champion of reuse.
I’m convinced that someone somewhere will find a use for it.

Not to mention that I’ve become friends with many of the people who work at these places. And although I’m not at all religious, it’s pretty great to hear how these places have really helped them turn their lives around. (Most are recovering addicts. Many have lived on the streets and/or have been in prison.)

loser's avatar

The Marin Humane Society!

florarigby's avatar

I love the YWCA answer and I have always hoped to donate to Save the Music programs. Keep the answers coming! I am hoping to donate to a few charities this year. That is my new year’s resolution.

Nimis's avatar

Or did you mean if I had some imaginary fortune to throw at a charity?

florarigby's avatar

Give it to me! Would your answer be different if you could donate $25 or if you had a million to hand over?

Nimis's avatar

Yes, I think charities like Salvation Army and Goodwill
can run off of the sheer volume of donations they receive.
(It seems everyone donates to them. 2/6 of your responses already.)

If I had a fortune to throw at a charity,
I’d probably put it towards research for dementia and Alzheimers.
The quality of life for many older people is heart-breaking.

Oh! A small chunk of that would have to go to one particular orphanage in Germany.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Woman Shelters. Very wonderful people offering wonderful people help in times of great need.

mangeons's avatar

I like to donate items to our local animal shelter. Animals need help and a home just as much as people!

mangeons's avatar

@florarigby This was a real question, some people actually NEED the money.

Blondesjon's avatar

I became very cynical and disenfranchised about charity in general when I learned that in the U.S. you are only required to spend 6% of the money you collect for a charity on the actual charity itself. My one exception is St. Jude Children’s Hospital. The work that they do is, from all accounts, nearly miraculous and there is next to no cost to those it helps. A charity in every meaning of the word.

chyna's avatar

The animal shelter in my hometown and also the Boxer Rescue group.

jca's avatar

the animals in the cages kill me too. i would donate to ASPCA or PETA. the reason i like PETA is that Ingrid Newkirk only gets like $40,000 a year or something incredibly small as her salary. so it’s not like a big chunk of their budget goes to their leader. anything with animals has my total sympathy.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (0points)
AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I give to Red Cross—both blood, money and time—, American Cancer Society, Fund for the Arts, Community Chest, and the Science Museum as my main donations. Smaller donations to state gifted ed program, local peace and justice program, Soldiers Angels, college alumni foundations, and Backpack Blessings, homeless shelter. I also donate several hundred books each year to the library book sale.

florarigby's avatar

@mangeons- I didn’t mean give money to me. I meant give me your answer in regards to nimis’ question. I should have clarified.

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