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sbrannon's avatar

What are the names of the children that have been killed in Gaza?

Asked by sbrannon (17points) January 16th, 2009
76 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

want to make a list for an exhibit.

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EmpressPixie's avatar

I think this is a job for Google. It’s unlikely that any of us will be able to simply spout a list off. But good luck!

Have you ever seen the Pinkham Synagogue or anything similar?

mea05key's avatar

only god knows

sbrannon's avatar

I have searched the web over…I only found those horrible images. I will wait. I have a few days. thanks

Harp's avatar

I seriously doubt that anything like an exhaustive list exists yet, but here’s a partial list of casualties that lists names and age. This is dated Jan. 6 , and casualties have gone way up since then.

sbrannon's avatar

Wow! Thanks Harp….I have no idea how you found it. But it is a start!

flameboi's avatar

You know… Good luck with your exhibit, the manslaughter carried out by Israel is just way too much, thinking about it gets me depressed I don’t think I want to know the names of those kids, it breaks my heart…

flameboi's avatar

And thank you harp!

rawpixels's avatar

Ask Hamas. After all, they are the ones hiding behind innocent women and children.

flameboi's avatar

Ask Israel officials, after all, they even bombed the U.N. headquarters, and an U.N. school, right rawpixels?

archaeopteryx's avatar


And do you think it’s fair to burn the entire strip to the ground (using the most lethal weapon systems on earth, let alone using air forces too!) and kill thousands of innocent unarmed women and children just to stop a bunch of hamas warriors from launching rockets?

(However, that’s IF what you’ve claimed about them hiding between women and children is anywhere near “true”, which is NOT)

archaeopteryx's avatar


And, btw, this also leads us to my previous answer, they burned the entire buildings of the U.N. headquarters, and a U.N. school, and killed dozens of innocent unarmed people in there over what? A couple armed hamas men (who weren’t even there)?

How’s that fair?

flameboi's avatar

Yep, I agree, have you seen the Palestian kids throwing stones to heavy armored vehicles… look for the images in the New York Times slide archive, you’ll be amazed…
And the f-16 fighters flying above Gaza killing innocents…

rawpixels's avatar

When Hamas hides behind civilians, it is Hamas who is to blame for all the innocent deaths in Gaza. I wish this wasn’t the case, but Israel has no choice. Maybe, the Arabs who support Hamas in Gaza will have second thoughts about who they support to lead them in the future, but I highly doubt it.

archaeopteryx's avatar


Yeah, I saw them, they’re amazing!

archaeopteryx's avatar


Again, you’re not making any bit of sense. Or is he, @flameboi ?

First of all, hamas warriors are also human being just like you and me. They too have their families, wives and children. But they fight for their freedom, their dignity and their right to live. They would never hide behind their families. And before criticizing them, why don’t criticize the complete unfairness of the Israeli army?

Is it anywhere near “fair” to fight a basic machine gun with an f-16? It’s just the same as an elephant fighting a rabbit!

rawpixels's avatar

You’ve got to be kidding me? I’m supposed to feel sorry for Hamas, a group that sends young Arab boys and girls out with bombs strapped to their waists for one purpose, which is to blow up innocent Jews? They are not human beings like you and I…they are fanatics who only want one thing…to end the Jewish State of Israel.

Is Osama Bin Laden just a human like you and me? Let’s face it, there is no peace in the middle east based solely on the fact that fanatical groups like Hamas will never negotiate. Even if moderates on both sides signed a peace agreement, groups like Hamas would send in their suicide bombers and that would be the end. The only way there will ever be any sort of peace in that region is if moderate Arabs refuse to support the nut jobs in their midst.

flameboi's avatar

Nope, they are not hiding behind civilians, I have friends there, civilians are trying to hide and take refuge but it doesn’t matter where they move or hide, Israel forces strike anyway.
Hamas does no send young boys, they beg to join because some jew blew the strawberry field and killed half of his family… israel is now fighting the grandchildren of the spring of youth operation, so don’t come and say that Israel did not give them the reasons to stand and fight…

flameboi's avatar

And the only way we will find peace in the region is when Israel moves out from a land they invaded…

rawpixels's avatar

Sorry, but you’re being ignorant. Hamas does indeed send young boys & girls out to murder innocent Jews. They are nothing more than terrorists, which is why they are on our list of terrorist groups.

I’m not surprised at your opinions based on your recent remark that Israel needs to move out of the land they “invaded”

archaeopteryx's avatar


Yeah? Well, let’s assume that any of what you said is true. Do you think the solution is to wipe the entire Ghaza strip and kill all the people living there whether they were innocents or not?

You’re still not making any bit of sense until now.

rawpixels's avatar

What I say is true. Do a little research.

I would love for the Israelis and the Arabs in Gaza to come to a rational agreement, but unfortunately, far too many Arabs only want the destruction of Israel and nothing else will do. So, they send suicide bombers to kill innocent Jews and then they hurl missiles into Israel to murder innocent Jews. I’m hardly sympathetic at this point.

archaeopteryx's avatar


By the way, what did your “government” do to get Iraq and Afghanistan rid of Al-Qaeda and Taliba?

Well, let’s see:
1. They massacred people in Al-Fallouja, Baghdad, Basra, as well as in many Afghani cities.
2. They arrested completely innocent people and sent them to Abu-Ghraib and Guantanamo bay, where they received the most humiliating and painful punishments and interrogation methods on earth.

3. Afghanistan (after the war on Taliban) became the world’s #1 country in growing and exporting all kinds of illegal drugs…

…and the list goes on…

And did Al-Qaeda and Taliban go after all that? Nope!

shilolo's avatar

@archaeopteryx Does Hamas’ placing its command and control bunker within the main hospital in Gaza make sense? Only if they cynically think that either a) Israel won’t attack a hospital or b) if they do, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe and PR bonanza.

Does hiding weapons in mosques and schools somehow avert civilian deaths? How is using a 14 year old, mentally handicapped child as a walking bomb ethical or humane?

Hamas are not warriors. They are terrorists and thugs with no regard for the lives of either Israelis, or even more strangely, other Palestinians.

rawpixels's avatar

Going into Iraq was a MASSIVE mistake in my opinion. I’m not going to rationalize the mistakes my country has made. I do, however, have no problem humiliating jihadists. They need some good humiliation every now and then.

archaeopteryx's avatar


Again, assuming what you’ve said is anywhere near “true”(which it isn’t at all), is it logical to bomb the entire city from the air and kill thousands of innocent souls? Wouldn’t it be much more peaceful if they they just invade the city with ground units??

If you say “yes, it’s fair”, then I’m not sure who’s the real terrorist here.

archaeopteryx's avatar


And again, you’re not making any bit of sense..

archaeopteryx's avatar

Btw, neither are you @shilolo.

rawpixels's avatar

Of course, I’m not making any sense to you. I’m being logical and factual. I wouldn’t expect you to comprehend. To be honest, I don’t think I should waste any of my time and knowledge on you. It’s an act of futility for sure.

shilolo's avatar

@archaeopteryx This question “Wouldn’t it be much more peaceful if they they just invade the city with ground units??” is absurd on its face. You must know quite a bit about warfare to make that statement. Urban battles are very messy, and, more dangerous for the ground forces who have to search booby trapped buildings room-by-room. Why would the Israelis subject themselves to that? They clearly learned powerful lessons from the recent war in Lebanon, namely, don’t haphazardly charge into your enemy’s terrain.

Also, if you are going to make statements like “you make no sense”, you had better back that up with some sort of argument. It is weak on its face to state that, since it reveals a failure of logic on your part. More importantly, it isn’t really consistent with the Fluther guidelines. Your quip has no point.

archaeopteryx's avatar


You still haven’t answered my question, is it fair?? Or NOT?

Be logical, and factual and answer my question.
And by the way no, what you’re saying is not even in the same zip code as “logical and factual”.

flameboi's avatar

You are talking to a person who studied 2 years of middle east affairs and has a diploma… so I am not the ignorant in this discussion.
1) I have explained like 4 or 5 times that Israel self-proclaimed an independent state after the British mandate of Palestine expired, this is creating a country in a land that does not belong to them, that is considered an invasion, you can check that in any international affairs book.
2) Under the Coran, a person cannot be forced to become a martyr, this means, no one can force you to become a suicide bomber because it’s a sin, needless to say, that does not happen.
3) Hamas is considered, and I agree with it, a terrorist group, simply because of how they operate, but then we should consider Israel as a genocide state for the pain it is infilling on civilians and how it operates during a warfare situation, right?
4) Let’s set an example, there is a group of vandals in your local mall, instead of searching the place and evacuating the shoppers to find them, the security forces will go and lock all the doors, will shut down all basic services and will burn down the mall to ashes, with everyone inside… Whoa, that’s an amazing way to solve a situation…
5) And humiliation (They need some good humiliation every now and then) you just say it, mmm… I’m speechless, what kind of person can think that humiliation is a way to change things, that generates more anger… what can I say, that would lead to more violence, if you say that, I can say that Israel might need a good dose of WWII again too, just to keep it fair, right?
Mind your words very careful, this is a very complicate situation, we are talking women and children dying in a horrible way because Israel does not know what measure means…

rawpixels's avatar

which question?

archaeopteryx's avatar



It’s okay for the Israelis to care about the lives of their soldiers, but the innocent people of the land they’re invading can all go to hell. What a completely fair equation, NOT!

Dude, I keep saying “you don’t make sense” because it’s true. You’re not being anywhere near fair.

rawpixels's avatar

First, what is a Coran? :)

Unfortunately, Arab/Muslim kids are taught at a very young age to despise Jews, Christians, and any other non-believers. You’re right, Hamas doesn’t force these people to blow themselves up…they just encourage them to. After being brainwashed for years, it’s not a hard sell for many. I’m not about to debate who’s land it is, because there’s a case to be made on both sides. The fact is, Israel is there and is not going anywhere. That is a fact that will never change. Jews in Israel aren’t going to wake up one day and say, “Ya know what, it’s time to leave.”

Believe me, if the damn fanatics among the Arabs in that region would focus on coming to a rational agreement with the Israelis, rather than focusing on killing innocents and destroying Israel, progress would be made. Until that day, we will have more of the same.

archaeopteryx's avatar


And it’s mention in the Torah that any non-Jew human being on earth must be treated like an animal.

Plus, in the Kur’an, non-Muslim people are NOT despised. Only those who fight us and kill us mercilessly are the ones we must resist. Isreal is a terrorist state, it was established on the skulls of innocent kids, men and women.

rawpixels's avatar

Personally, I couldn’t care less what it says in the Quran, the Talmud, the Bible, or any religious text. I look at this conflict from non-religious eyes. But, if you don’t think young Muslims in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc… aren’t teaching their kids to despise Jews/Christians, you’re incredibly naive.

rawpixels's avatar

Only the ones who fight you and kill you are despised?

Tell that to the relatives of 9/11 victims, Theo Van Gogh, and the countless non-believers who have been brutally murdered simply because they aren’t Muslim, or because they questioned Islam.

archaeopteryx's avatar


You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I live in Jordan, and I know lots of non-Muslim people, and we’re more than friends too.

shilolo's avatar

@archaeopteryx Have you lost your mind? What army sends their soldiers headlong into battle to die in order to prevent the deaths of civilians that are being used as human shields by their enemy? This is absurd on its face.

Speaking of which, where are the Hamas “warrior commanders”? Why are they in hiding? Why aren’t they leading from the front, and engaging the Israeli army on the ground? Why aren’t they martyring themselves to protect the citizens in Gaza. Oh, that’s right. Because they aren’t really concerned about protecting their subjects, but rather, saving their own skins and holding on to power.

By the way, here is a list of recent examples of other (local) countries showing no regard for human life:
1. The Syrian carpet bombing of Hama with the deaths of 7–25 thousand people
2. The Jordanian attack of Black September (thousands of civilians killed)
3. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (thousands of civilians killed and property looted)
4. The Lebanese civil war (tens of thousands of civilians killed)
5. The Iran-Iraq war (hundreds of thousands of conscripts and civilians killed)
6. The Iraqi “campaign” against the Kurds (thousands killed, using mustard gas, no less).

This is just a short list. Viewed from this perspective, Israel has shown a remarkable amount of restraint.

rawpixels's avatar

Yeah, Muslims are so incredibly tolerant! Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims are treated so fairly in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Afghanistan, etc. What a joke!

archaeopteryx's avatar


See how ignorant you are? You fell for the biggest conspiracy in the history of the US.


rawpixels's avatar

Which conspiracy did I fall for? Please fill me in

rawpixels's avatar

You’ve just confirmed that you’re not worthy to debate me. I’m far too intelligent to play with the likes of you anymore. Do yourself a favor and get an education.

Read this, too.

archaeopteryx's avatar


And you’re the most ignorant American I’ve ever encountered until now.
Good job breaking the record!!

rawpixels's avatar

My last post to you

The fact that you are calling me an ignorant American makes me feel really good. After all, it’s coming from you. :)

flameboi's avatar

1. Coran (it is spelled in different ways) is the sacred book of Muslims, like the Torah for Jews.
2. When the kid is old enough and starts asking about his family, the kid will find out that maybe 75% of his family has died in the different military actions that Israel has had in the occupied Palestinian territories, how does that kid is going to feel, happy with the Jews… obviously not, so this is way more complex than it seems, that’s why I mentioned that Israel is now fighting the grandchildren of the spring of youth operation (if you don’t know what spring of youth operation was, you can google it). So, kids are not brainwashed (remember, most kids attend U.N. schools in the Gaza strip, only by request, kids are admitted in schools that are sponsored by Hamas.
3. You are right, Israel is not moving out, but at least they should try to stop using extreme military force, they think they are scaring the Palestinians, when the result is totally the opposite.
4. I don’t see a happy ending here and it’s super sad that things are this way, I don’t see the conflict from a religious point of view, for me, it is a scholar point of view.

archaeopteryx's avatar


And the fact you’re asking me to get an education is making me good too!
At least it came from a pathetic victim of the CNN brainwashing. :-)

flameboi's avatar

I got your point of view and I totally respect it :)

rawpixels's avatar

Too funny! I love these people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy. I live in NYC and was working in Manhattan that day. It amazed me to hear all the wacky conspiracy theories that evolved afterward. “The Jews did it, Bush did it, etc….”

rawpixels's avatar

Gracias! Likewise. Unlike arch, you seem to have an opinion based on your studies and I respect that. I just can’t argue with people who are brainwashed, like arch.

shilolo's avatar

@rawpixels. I missed the attacks on NYC by a few months. I moved away from NYC to San Francisco in May of 2001, so, I was both fortunate and sad to not share the event with my city…

archaeopteryx's avatar


I have no idea who’s brainwashed here.

rawpixels's avatar

It wasn’t a pleasant day, I’ll tell you that. It took me over 8 hours to get home.

By the way, I visited San Fran for the first time last October, and I have to say, it was gorgeous. I had the greatest time out there, and plan to go back.

rawpixels's avatar

I should take back my brainwashed remark. After all, in order to be brainwashed, one needs a brain.

shilolo's avatar

@rawpixels My wife and I made it a point to go back to NYC only weeks after the attack. Ground zero was still smoking. We were overwhelmed with despair, but were proud of the response of the city.

archaeopteryx's avatar


That’s right, you can’t be brainwashed at all.
Your brain seems to have retired a long time ago.

rawpixels's avatar

It certainly was a tragedy, and let’s hope nothing like it ever happens again. I always wondered what the jihadist mindset is? Do they think that murdering innocents is going to make us more sympathetic to their “cause”? I just hope that decent, moderate Muslims, start to defy the fanatics who distort Islam for their own purpose.

shilolo's avatar

@rawpixels. Right now it seems that they are truly goal-oriented (i.e. returning the world to a Caliphate). When you consider that they are ok with the wholesale slaughter of other Muslims to reach their goals, you have to wonder how this will be solved? There are so many people who think that solving the Israel-Palestine problem will be a panacea, but I am skeptical. I am convinced that, even if they got their wish and Israel disappeared from the map today, they would find some other reason(s) to be pissed off (U.S. hegemony, U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia, Western support for women’s rights, Western support for democracy, etc.).

rawpixels's avatar

Oh, I totally agree with you. You could wipe Israel off the map, take American troops out of Afghanistan & Iraq, and you would still see Muslim/Non-Muslim violence all over the world. Unfortunately, there are fanatical Muslims who believe that you must kill non-believers wherever you find them.

archaeopteryx's avatar


Read this:
Hopefully you’ll become less ignorant after reading it.

Oh, yeah, and this one too:

Who’s talking there? I need not to say anything, for you can find that out for yourselves.
And I’ve got more of these too!

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archaeopteryx's avatar

Here’s more:
(There’s a picture of a Jew burning the Israeli flag in there! Can you believe that?? I doubt that you can.)

shilolo's avatar

@archaeopteryx Do you even know who these people are? They are, as ultra-Orthodox Jews, opposed to the very existence of Israel on religious grounds. They believe that Israel should only “occur” when the Messiah returns. Therefore, they have no qualms about supporting nihilists like the Iranian President or terrorists like Hezbollah or Hamas. They in no way, shape or form represent the philosophy of the majority of Jewish people. So, stop citing religious zeolots. Perhaps I should cite all of the crazy ramblings of all of the mullahs and ayatollahs extolling Muslims to jihad. I bet you 1 million dollars I could find a whole lot more of those…

And, by the way, I see you had no response to my quip above. Point, set, match!

archaeopteryx's avatar


Wow, those you’re talking about, were the vast majority when Hertzel started preaching zionism back in Germany. That’s why he didn’t start his preaching in the middle of Berlin, and started with the tiny villages surrounding it, you pathetic ignorant.

rawpixels's avatar

arch still doesn’t realize that I’m not writing him anymore. :) The sad thing is, I probably know more about Islam than him, and I’m pretty sure he’s a Muslim.

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archaeopteryx's avatar


And what do you know about Islam? Who taught you about Islam?


How pathetic. :D

rawpixels's avatar

Did someone call me a “looser”? LOL, I’m dying over here!

If you want, you can tell the genius that I’ve read many books about Islam, plus I know quite a few Muslims who have answered many questions I had regarding their faith.

shilolo's avatar

@rawpixels Don’t bother. Ignorance is a way of life in the muslim-dominated Middle East countries, sadly (think long and hard to try to come up with a Nobel laureate from there…). A big part of me wishes that it weren’t so, but a small part secretly relishes the fact that through their faith, they have driven the entire populace closer to the 7th century, rather than toward the 21st century.

rawpixels's avatar

Great point!

jlm11f's avatar

[mod says:] Flame off people. Flutherers should be able to discuss controversial issues without making personal attacks. Just because you don’t agree on a hot button issue, does not mean that you resort to insults. You might not like someone’s opinion, but you must respect it (on the site anyway). Thank you.

sbrannon's avatar

Well, geez. What about my question? I am not looking at whose fault it is, this conflict has been going on for over 60 years. However, I am concerned with human injustices. At this point I am concerned about the rights of children, who are caught up in adult conflicts, with which they have no choice but to become victims of how adults want to play with bombs.
Thus, my exhibit, the faces of Gazan children (as I saw them a few years ago) with the names of the killed from the recent incursion and bombings into the Gaza strip. The list is quite long, and I do not have all of the names, 1/3 of the victims in Gaza were children. They have names.

If anyone here really wants to compare, I can make a list of Israeli children as well, however, that list is not quite so long. in fact it does not even match with the numbers.

so, if anyone else has any “hints” on how I can find names of children who are no longer allowed to breathe, on this planet…that would be helpful.

archaeopteryx's avatar


Actually, there are no kids killed in any of the Hamas bombings on Israel. The number of victims killed and injured by Hamas rockets on Isreal does not exceed 50, and non of those are children. Otoh, like you said, more than 1/3 of the Gaza victims are innocent children, and very few of those victims are Hamas warriors. (Was the so called “mission to stop the rockets” successful? I don’t think so)

Now, regarding your question, it’s almost impossible to count all the names of the victims at this level (especially kids), since the Israeli bombings are still going until now. Medics and rescuers are not allowed to do their job in digging out the bodies from under the destroyed buildings, and there can be dozens of bodies still waiting for someone to dig them out.

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