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toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Mac vs Windows?

Asked by toomuchcoffee911 (6928points) January 20th, 2009
31 responses
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They seem to hate each other. Who do you think is better?

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waterskier2007's avatar

apple. there is no debate here

PupnTaco's avatar

Hi, welcome to Fluther. Check any of the dozens of variations on this question already posted.

iAMi's avatar

Windows is definitely a better computer.

(I have a Mac also, but it just isn’t anything next to my XP)

cage's avatar

I LOVE my mac, but I have to say there are tiny things I would prefer a PC for.
I will say that the fact you don’t have to ‘save’ any settings on macs is great, but it throws me off when I’m on web 2.0 sites.
Like I tried changing my twitter background, did it, then didn’t click save (because I was in that mind set) and got really frustrated when it kept happening.
silly cage :P

iChat fucking sucks too.

Macs can’t run games, which as a guy with a lot of free time REALLY pisses me off.

Generally though I find macs a more pleasing experience.

iAMi's avatar


the question is

Mac or Windows? Which is better?

You mean Mac? Apple created the Mac, but Apple itself isn’t a computer…

eambos's avatar

Windows, and nothing can ever change that. Not arguing it here; check one of the dozen other threads about it.

iAMi's avatar

^true dat

cage's avatar

@iAMi Windows was made by microsoft.
so I guess the question should be:
Apple vs Microsoft’s Windows? Which is better?

iAMi's avatar

He said apple, i thought he confused it with something else. Maybe even judging by products? iPhone.. ehem..

robmandu's avatar

Huh… are we sure @toomuchcoffee911 isn’t referring to the Get a Mac ads featuring “Mac” and “PC”?

Those commercials feature metaphors that personify the Mac OS X vs. Windows debate. And with personification comes human emotions, like hate.

In that context, I don’t think that “they seem to hate each other.” And the point of the commercial is clear: Mac is better.

Where you trying to go with this, @toomuchcoffee911?

iwamoto's avatar

as a guy with years of experience with both i go for mac, why ? just plain better, and it looks better too, sounds silly ? i get depressed looking at 32×32 icons made 10 years ago all day

robmandu's avatar

@uber, that page is pretty damn funny.

blastfamy's avatar

Apple makes the mac, which includes OS X. Microsoft makes Windows, an operating system which Microsoft relies on third or second party-built computers to run. Without the sale of a computer from an OEM, or a computer built by the 2nd party, Microsoft can make no sale.

So the real question is this: Generic OEM/Homebrew vs Mac?

In my opinion, the mac’s tight hardware/software integration (drivers, supportability, etc), along with the Operating system combined with all of the bells and whistles, developer tools that are both free and effective, a competent modern desktop graphics display model, a pleasant, intuitive interface beat any OEM/homebrew.

The latter comes with far too many details for Microsoft to write software for. Plus, little things that should work from the get-go don’t. Case in point: My mouse has capabilities to scroll to the side. Where my windows based computer must use a clunky, resource hogging tool to super-impose the feature on top of windows, my mac takes the mouse in stride. Out of the box, the mouse, and all of it’s extra buttons were recognized and utilized (with built in customizability). The same cannot be said about windows.

Overall, the experience is far better on the Mac, where Apple does not work to skim prices down by cutting back on raw performing hardware. Good machines don’t come cheap. Apple gets this, and builds systems with great components from the start. This way, a stock configuration mac is for more future-proofed than a stock configuration OEM/homebrew claiming to be a comparable computer for less…

blastfamy's avatar

@uberbatman, lurve to you… I love maddox!

Truefire's avatar

I prefer Linux, it’s perfect for ME. You can have what you want. But if you ask me to setup your PC, I don’t feel comfortable doing it for three reasons:

Using a Mac is WEIRD. No, I’m not saying the users are weird, I’m saying the interface is.
Installing apps is just plain odd. And the renown Dock? You can’t even close an app without (Ctrl+click>close)!

Linux isn’t supported by myspace IM etc… you have to use Pidgin ( Pidgin is safer, easier to use, etc.. but try to tell that to the user who just clicked ‘install Myspace IM for WINDOWS”. I do prefer this, though, if they have an open mind.

Windows.. ahh! People click every bloomin’ popup! Then wonder what a ‘virus’ is and wondering why their PC is on the fritz. Security software only helps if you think before you click.

robmandu's avatar

@Truefire, huh… interesting. You pretty much managed to propagate notable myths about each of those three platforms in one fell swoop.

Cardinal's avatar

OSX all the way

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Truefire hmmm thats funny i used windows my whole life before i switched to ubuntu last year and i never clicked on a “bloomin popup”.How does this have anything to do with windows being crap and not the uneducated user?

Ito's avatar

It’s all personal preference. You try them out and find out what works best for you

Bri_L's avatar

@Ito 1. welcome to fluther, 2. A-FRICKEN-MEN

I don’t give a shit if windows lets you crack and hack the system down to who cares. I love programs. so I, personally want a stable system that I can just install and go.

That being said I have no problem and completely understand windows lovers. I was that way until I started designing. I wanted to do all that shit.

In the end it is all ego vs ego. Opinion vs opinion. Stupid webpage fact/joke citing vs webpage fact/joke citing.

I can’t help but wonder why people keep wondering it.

If you truly are not sure what you need, the best thing you can do is find someone like me who uses both and will talk to you about what YOU WANT and need. How YOU will use it. What YOUR knowledge and background is and get their opinion.

Whew. I got to ranting there. None of that was directed at any one person here. It was topical.

TheBox193's avatar

Side note PC = Personal Computer… therefore PC = Mac & Windows.

The real question here is Windows vs. Mac
-I feel that mac is for users that basically don’t want control or ability to customize things.

-On windows I feel there there is ways to customize, tweak, and tinker with the windows OS.

-With linux (and similar derivatives) i feel has to many hardware compatibility issues, but most can be worked with, it seems to be more for the person who doesn’t want to be mainstream.

robmandu's avatar

< < looks at System Preferences on his Mac. Then at @TheBox193‘s quip. Back at the multitude of Terminal options where, by the way, he has a the power of UNIX command line at his finger tips. Back at @TheBox193‘s quip again. Scratches head. Moves on.

cookieman's avatar

I’ve used both OSs since 1988.
I’ve taught on both since 2000.

Mac – hands down.

When I started my current job 2 years ago, they only had a Windows machine in my office. I refused to accept the job unless I had a Mac.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Guys, what I’m asking is:

If you had a choice, what type of computer would you get?


What company do you like better, Apple or Microsoft? iPods and what not included.

eambos's avatar

Microsoft, and I would not buy a computer from any vendor. I have built all of my computers by hand, selecting each part and assembling it myself. I even made one capable of running OSX, but I dislike the os, so i sold the hackintosh to a friend.

waterskier2007's avatar

@eambos, much like the technicality someone pointed out to me, you dont buy a computer from microsoft, you buy the operating system from them

eambos's avatar

You can buy OSX from apple without buying a machine to run it on.

waterskier2007's avatar

yeah but you dont buy a computer from microsoft

eambos's avatar

I don’t buy a computer from apple, either.

Truefire's avatar

@robmandu uh…those were from experience, hence, they aren’t myths. I own machines running all three. I wrote that at a time I was upset with tech in general.

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