General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Will AstroChuck be opening a school for smartasses, and if so, what subjects will he teach?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) January 21st, 2009
80 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I ask this with slim hopes it will happen, but I seriously want to be able to have as smart an ass as AstroChuck’s. I’d love to take a course with him, and I’m curious as to what subjects he would teach. Any ideas?

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Grisson's avatar

Why would smartasses want to go to school? I mean they think they know everything already! And I’ve got to tell you, that’s really irritating to those of us who really do!

scamp's avatar

I want a seat in the front row if he does!!

bodyhead's avatar

Agreed, Scamp. I would go. He’s probably teach a couple of courses:
General Jackassary 101
Humorous Retorts 101
And then someting boring like Acounting 101.

Everything can’t be fun and games.

Harp's avatar

“Creative Mail Routing: Thinking Outside of the Box”

LostInParadise's avatar

100 Creative Uses For the Rule Book
How to Avoid Coloring Between the Lines

answerjill's avatar

How to Maintain Your Youthful Appearance

jasongarrett's avatar

Practical Jokes 050: How long will the class wait for the instructor to show up?

wundayatta's avatar

We seem to be doing… well, you seem to be doing pretty well, even in the absence of the teacher.

shilolo's avatar

Perhaps a philosophy class thrown in:
Do smartasses fart, or are they too smart for that?

wundayatta's avatar

Or more to the point, if a smartass farts while fluthering, does anyone smell it?

scamp's avatar

@shilolo That would make a funny T-shirt logo… Too Smart To Fart!!

Trustinglife's avatar

How to Come Up with Kooky Questions No One’s Ever Thought Of.

syz's avatar

Contemplating your navel: yoga 101


Why do dogs lick their penis?: Yoga 201

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (3points)
janbb's avatar

“Why I Live at the P.O.”

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

“How to get Free Magazine Subscriptions” subtitle: “How to handle customer complaints about late periodical literature deliveries”

janbb's avatar

How to Win Friends and Influence Nobody

janbb's avatar

Being a Smartass for Dummies

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

“Why Naval Lint has Nothing to do with Sailors”

scamp's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous I think we found our substitue for the days Chuck is on vacation or if he has to take a sick day!!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Dog avoidance manuevers 101
Shoot from the hip responses 511
Lurvenomics 354
Lurvanese 101 – 104 (become fluent in the language of lurve)
Fluther Self Marketing 245 (you too can become a fluther celeb)
Hip Hop dance class…..

asmonet's avatar

Can I has a scholarship?

90s_kid's avatar

How to get lurve?
:s I don’t know…

Trustinglife's avatar

“Wisecracks for Smartasses.”

SuperMouse's avatar

How to Make Lurve not War
Fluther Humor – Less is More
Making a Frizzer Work for You

If I may suggest the name: AstroChuck’s School for Wisecracks and Smart Asses

augustlan's avatar

Please, please let this question come true!

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, guys. Whazzup?

Harp's avatar

Good morning Mr. Chuck!

AstroChuck's avatar

This has been here for 6 days? Where the hell have I been? PnL just gave me the heads up on this thread.

Trustinglife's avatar

Well, I guess it won’t also be called AstroChuck’s School of Omniscience.

Nimis's avatar

Usually if the professor doesn’t show up in half an hour, I leave.
Six days, Astro! Six days! You should be flattered.

jlm11f's avatar

@Nimis – half an hour? Really?? I am all about the 11-minute rule.

Nimis's avatar

@PnL Depends on the class!
Though it’s more like 20 minutes
because our classes would start 10 after.

wundayatta's avatar

@AstroChuck: actually, since you didn’t show up, we had to start without you. But I’m sure you’ll raise the level of smartassdom to never before seen heights, now that you’re to take the podium.

Where do we start? Is it like boot camp? We all learn to shout “SMARTASS” in unison every time someone lands a good one?

AstroChuck's avatar

Actually, I think every one of you has done a great job with that before I even got here. However, I grade on a curve so that’s going to work against some of you.

wundayatta's avatar

[waiting for the other shoe to drop]

AstroChuck's avatar

Youve got a long wait. I teach in my slippers and robe.

syz's avatar

Please tell me you’ve got something on under that robe. If not, tie that sash tight!

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (1points)
AstroChuck's avatar

Sorry. And that robe has been known to open a bit without warning.
And please refer to me as Professor Dude.

asmonet's avatar

Oh dear. I think I might have to make a play for the professor, he’s clearly sending out signals.

Harp's avatar

Nah, that’s just the dry-erase marker in his bathrobe pocket

asmonet's avatar

Now, all I’m gonna be thinking in my Sociology class is peen when my professor searches every pocket for his marker. Thanks, jerk.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ll show you my marker, if you’ll show me yours.

asmonet's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

I still have a blackboard in my classroom. No whiteboard and no dry erase markers.
But lots of chalk.

asmonet's avatar

I miss blackboards. :’(

wundayatta's avatar

@asmonet: all right! Unless I miss my guess, my marker is getting really excited about seeing yours!

Sakata's avatar

This thread was all about Chuck until he actually showed up.


Harp's avatar

That’s just ‘cause we’re all struttin’ our smartass skills for the prof. It’s the practical exam.

Sakata's avatar

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it “practical”

Harp's avatar

Never heard of the SAT (Smart Ass Test)?

Sakata's avatar

*tips hat to Harp

janbb's avatar

@ Harp Where I come from, we took the ACT (AstroChuck Test) instead of the SAT.

Sakata's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

Okay. Open your packets now.

asmonet's avatar

I brought a No. 2 pencil!

wundayatta's avatar

Damn! I have number 3 pencils and number 1 pencils, but no no. 2s. If I bring one one and one three, will I be allowed to average them?

Sakata's avatar

Or two #1’s.
Or break a third off of the #3.

AstroChuck's avatar

Sorry. It has to be done in red crayon.

AstroChuck's avatar


augustlan's avatar

I failed.
I know I failed.

wundayatta's avatar

@asmonet: hey! You cheated! It was your idea that we should bring pencils, and you knew it was red crayons all along! I’m going over to the pranks question to find a suitable response.

janbb's avatar

Aw teach, can we have a makeup test?

Harp's avatar

No makeup tests! it’s unfair to the men

Sakata's avatar

Not all the men sweetheart. <insert Paul Lynde laugh here>

asmonet's avatar

Well, I’m kind of a diabolical genius. Deal, daloon. :)

SuperMouse's avatar

I’m finished and I’m pretty sure I aced it! Stop copying Daloon, you should have studied!

asmonet's avatar

@SuperMouse: He totally tried that on me too. Block with the forearm! Block. With. The. Forearm. ;)

janbb's avatar

Can we just have our highest scores reported??

(Daloon, stop that!)

asmonet's avatar

Daloon is a very bad boy, very bad indeed. ;)

janbb's avatar

maybe he needs a spanking (or is that the other thread?)

asmonet's avatar

pancakes? >;)

wundayatta's avatar

Hey kids, I got this F the hard way. I earned it!

Smith Barney, eat your heart out!

[daloon wonders how many people will get the reference without googling it—be honest now]

And for being such a bad boy, I shall submit to any punishment Asmonet has in mind, so long as there is a lot of whipped cream and bananas involved.

janbb, you can watch, to make sure there is hanky-panky involved.

oops. Did I do a booboo? Hell no!

asmonet's avatar

I could make a joke about earning an F…But I’m too classy.
I own handcuffs. Fact.

I did google, because I didn’t catch the ref, but that’s cool. I’m more disturbed by the result I got. The most racist essay I have ever had the misfortune of reading. I mean, wow.

janbb's avatar

I like to watch

wundayatta's avatar

I hesitate to ask what search terms you used, but this is what I meant. Here’s an example. In this one, you can see John Housman saying it.

SuperMouse's avatar

Oh, oh teacher, can I have extra credit?! I totally knew the reference Daloon was making! Smith Barney earns money the old fashioned way, the earn it! See?! I totally knew it and didn’t have to google it! I also know that Merrill Lynch is bullish on America! And I stopped someone from cheating off me, shouldn’t I get extra credit? Shouldn’t I? I really think I should.

No, I am not an apple polisher!

janbb's avatar

@ SuperMouse – brown noser

asmonet's avatar

Oh jesus, Teddy Ruxpin.

90s_kid's avatar

Put a | + after the F and make it and A+. See?
Fod God’s sake, guys, a school for smartasses. :)

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