General Question

Elumas's avatar

What makes you happy?

Asked by Elumas (3170points) January 22nd, 2009
43 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

What is it that makes you happy? An object. A memory. Anything.

(BTW I know it’s a repeat I just wanted a more updated answer)

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2late2be's avatar

It makes me happy everytime i go to the doctor and he tells me that my baby girl is growing well and healthy! and it’ll make me happier the day she’s born and get to see her and the doctor telling me she is just as expected: healthy….

2late2be's avatar

I changed the picture that i had, for one my baby girl ultrasound so then all of you can see her….!!! :)

asmonet's avatar

Puppies, Pancakes, Sunshine, Clouds, Fog, Mist, Rain, Lightning, Thunder, Musicals, Rock Music, Nalgene Bottles, Ice Cubes, Documentaries, Straws, Nail Polish, Red Hair Dye #44, Art Supplies, Clean Water, OLEDS, Stretched Canvas, Oil Paints, Guitars, Toddlers Who Have No Idea What They’re Really Saying, AstroChuck’s Answers, Frogs, Check Cards, The Internet, Encyclopedias, Lurve, Cell Phones, Anthropology, College Classes, Those Binocular Things You Have To Put Quarters In, Ferries, Inherited Vintage Fur Coats, Three Hole Punchers, Double-Sided Tape, Ice Cream, Cheesecake, Mountains, Rivers, The Ocean and The Sea and the Smell That Comes Off Both In The Late Afternoon…I could keep going.

Siren's avatar

Small things. A stranger’s smile. A warm embrace. A cup of tea after an exhausting day….

Wow! I like asmonet’s plethora of answers

Elumas's avatar

@asmonet Please do.

@2late2be Congratulations, when are you due? Babies make me so happy. Just seeing that new life. Incredible.

asmonet's avatar

Here goes:
Popsicle sticks with nothing left on them, high school lockers, freshly plucked eyebrows, helium balloons, arias, glam rock, confetti cannons, waterfalls, lions, tigers, bears, oh my!, old disney movies, leather boots, creaky dusty photo albums, old hardcover books, the smell of libraries, air motes you can only see when the sun is shining just right, ballet, weird infomercials, dedicated specialty tv channels, discovery health, instant coffee, bacon, piglets, and Clydesdale horses, the green energy movement, eddie izzard, mike birbiglia, citalopram 20mg, pushpins, obama buttons, hail, my first snowman, german and gaelic, russian and japanese, eyeshadow primers, aviator sunglasses, surf boards, and seaweed…

melanie81's avatar

Chocolate :)

asmonet's avatar

…and puddles.

Puddles are amazing.

Mtl_zack's avatar

Getting an unexpected hug, or any hug for that matter.

One of my friends started a new thing today. He’s gonna start calling everyone beautiful and saying “you’re beautiful”. It makes everyone feel better. Except me, today I was in a room with like 10 other people and he said it to everyone else but me. :(

Siren's avatar

Girls in white dresses, with blue satin sashes.

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

2late2be's avatar

Elumas, I’m due on march 17th! Just 8 more weeks!!! I’m excited and anxious! And tired of course!

AstroChuck's avatar

Barack Obama as president.

asmonet's avatar

Oh hey, AC made me happy, as predicted. :)

nikipedia's avatar

symmetry, running, walking, sleeping late, getting up early, brains, cells, signal cascades, receptors and ligands finally meeting, puns, science jokes, the beach, my roommate, my school, the sunshine, the rain, lemongrass, cooking, music, @johnpowell’s iPod, bottled water, my favorite professors, hilariously mean professors, palm trees, pine trees, being read to, my orange wall, my red wall, my incredibly brilliant and talented friends, my horrible fuckup friends, my lab!, my adviser, everyone who works in my lab, including the undergrads, sex, orgasms, love, coincidences, hydrangeas, aloe plants, text messages, the arrivals gate, postcards, other people being happy, portmanteaus, good questions, good answers, prime numbers, asymmetry

augustlan's avatar

@Mtl_zack You’re beautiful, man :)

Neck hugs from small children, sunshine streaming through the clouds, bare trees in silhouette against twilight skies, the first day it feels like spring, dancing in the living room with my husband, philosophical talks with my kids on long drives, old books, new books, chairs, baby cups, bookcases, hearing ‘I love you’.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Happiness for me is family, relatives, friends, pets, and my entirely successful and inspiring life.

tinyfaery's avatar

Watching my cats play
New shoes (I just got some)
DMB concerts

tennesseejac's avatar

Knowing that I don’t have to work tomorrow, an old pair of jeans, an Irish accent, Jon Fishman playing the Electrolux, free food, my brown hoodie, getting a smirk out of a beautiful woman when we lock eyes from across the room, Seinfeld reruns, going somewhere new, the way my barefeet feel on a sandy beach, driving fast, colored lights at a concert, the smell of marijuana, theme parties, running into an old friend, getting the window seat on a plane, not having to shave, the anticipation of having sex, jamming with Jelly and The Jukes, October 22, being able to breathe freely, sleeping late and a cold beer after a long day.

asmonet's avatar

As of right now, canned foods. I just made a whole meal with only canned food save for the pasta. And it’s kind of delicious.

jonsblond's avatar

my husband, my children, a cloudy day, snow, a soft pillow, bubbles, swimming, coffee, the smell of cut grass, walking along the shore of Lake Superior, Lake Superior sunsets, catching the big one, listening to blues at a small venue, a coyote call, pine trees, hiking, Chinese delivery, kayaking, kindness of strangers, the call of the Common Loon

TheBox193's avatar

Knowing someone likes me, appreciates me. doesn’t happen often

jonsblond's avatar

the new season of Lost

Elumas's avatar

@thebox193 I’m sorry to hear that. I appriciate your answer. Thank you!

nebule's avatar

my son giggling
my bed and soft pillows
postman pat
stranger’s cats in my garden
birds on fences
soft and comfy clothes
compliments; particularly from strangers
the word “mummy” spoken by my son in an inquisitive manner
when I manage to eat healthily
being inside on a cold wet rainy day
snow; how it lights up your face when you walk on it
people asking me to dance in public places
when someone returns a smile
quiet streets first thing in the morning
getting to the last 100 pages in a book
having a shower
oh there are sooo many…that’s enough for now!

nebule's avatar

oh I must mention; wine, mind blowing films, great food cooked by someone else and rainbows and anything rainbow coloured

asmonet's avatar

Small children saying ‘mummy?’ freak me out. You can blame Doctor Who, lynne.

Are you my mummy?

jonsblond's avatar

@lynneblundell I thought I was the only person who loves snow. When weathermen say “five more inches of the miserable stuff”, I say “speak for yourself!”. It makes me want to dance in a grocery aisle :)

asmonet's avatar

@jonsblond: Snow is wonderful. We haven’t had any yet and it makes me sad.

jonsblond's avatar

@asmonet I don’t feel so alone now. :)

asmonet's avatar

@jonsblond: Join me in a virtual snow dance begging the heavens above to give us some fluff?

Nimis's avatar

I wants me a fluffernutter.

rooeytoo's avatar

My dogs never fail to make me happy. The old akita is so dignified one minute and so silly the next. The little brown dog is always on alert, checking for mousies or lizards. Now the new dingo mix, just around a year old, wants to help with everything, ensuring all tasks take twice as long. She rides on my motor scooter between my feet and sticks her head around the fork with her ears pinned back and a smile on her face. I love my dogs!

jonsblond's avatar

@asmonet I missed the virtual snow dance, had to go to sleep. I’ll think of you as I dance this morning. :)

@Nimis fluffernutter, nice!

nebule's avatar

@jonsblond I’m sooooo hoping that you and blondsjon met in a grocery store aisle??? please

let the romance live on!

@asmonet and @jonsblond we had snow here two days ago and it was magical, we don’t see it here much either anymore, so it really was very special it lasted about 3 hours though :-(

jonsblond's avatar

Thunder snow is magnificent!

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I wake up in the morning, I’ll lay there for a second, blink a couple of times and then think, “Yay! Still here!”

nebule's avatar

@aprilsimnel from someone who has often woken up to feel like “I don’t want to face the day” it’s beautiful to hear that x

wundayatta's avatar

Not thinking about whether I’m happy or not, and just being.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@lynneblundell – Believe you me, once upon a time, I had the same sentiments. And then I left home!

XCNuse's avatar

what makes me happy?

honestly i think making other people smile or happy or even getting them to laugh makes me happy really.

I read somewhere once that who you’re around typically defines what type of mood you’re in, so if everyone is in a bad mood, you’ll be in a bad mood, but it only takes one to turn that around, i just think it’s interesting how one person can alter an entire group’s emotions at the time being.. interesting stuff.

I won’t go as far as saying giving to the poor, etc. etc. makes me happy, i mean yea helping others etc. does make me happy inside but.. can’t say that happens very often to me really,

i dunno.. being nice in general seems to keep me happy, if i’m nice to others, they’re nice back so.. i give a smile and receive a smile :)

melanie81's avatar

@2late2be My birthday is on March 17!! It is the best birthday ever….so try to keep that date for your babe :)

JeffVader's avatar

Lisa…... & Caprica.

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