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RandomMrdan's avatar

What does your weekly grocery list look like?

Asked by RandomMrdan (7436points) January 24th, 2009
27 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I’m trying to get myself into a routine of buying groceries for lunch to carry into work, and dinner at home. I just don’t do it often enough, and I always eat out for lunch while I’m at work which is quite costly.

I guess I’m just looking for ideas for what kind of stuff I can get into the routine of picking up while I’m grocery shopping.

I’m also trying to keep my diet as healthy as possible, fruits, vegetables, light meats, and so on.

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AstroChuck's avatar

It looks like a rectangular piece of paper with writing on it.

RandomMrdan's avatar

haha, thanks Chuck

cak's avatar

abnormally organized.

It started when I was a broke single mom – I created a list on Excel – stuck to the list and that was it. Over the years things have changed and the list expanded. Now there is a husband, another child, 2 dogs, a cat and a guinea pig. My shopping list is still a spreadsheet, organized into categories, with coupons attached – it’s just bigger.

I buy only what is on my list – it saves us money and I don’t go overboard! I found it was easier to stick to a certain way of eating if I just never brought it into the house.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
eponymoushipster's avatar

does this question concern organization or contents?
i’m going for contents. w00p!

i try to cook everything for the week in one day: i buy several packages of chicken breasts, 2 – 3 different vegetables and a starch/carb.

6 chicken breasts (either roast or in a wok, add spices per taste)
2 cans garbanzo beans (boil, add olive oil and lemon juice, S&P to taste)
2 bags spinach (quick saute with garlic and olive oil, add lemon juice)
2 head brocolli (boil, add S&P)
1 bag green beans (boil, add lemon juice, olive oil)
1 pkg brown rice pilaf

that usually gets me thru the work week for meals to take. i have an organic yogurt and a banana with each meal. sometimes a handful of nuts.

for home:

1 whole chicken
2 sweet potatos
1 box of chicken stock
1 pkg mushrooms (usually portabello)

i roast the chicken, just butter and S&P on the skin (rinse it out first!).
cut up the potatos, boil them in the chicken stock and a bit of water. cool, and then puree in a blender. add sauteed mushrooms, some s&p and cinnamon, and it’s a great meal. you can also shred the chicken and add it to the soup.

you might have extra veg from the lunches to add to this.

i eat out 2 or 3 times a week i should add, for variety. breakfast is between eggs, scottish oatmeal with fruit and cold cereal, with coffee of course. sometimes a grapefruit.

my grocery bill per week is about $70. obviously, i didn’t include beer, cleaning supplies, etc.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Well I try not to buy more than 50 or 60 bucks worth of stuff at one time cause it goes to waste if I dont eat it fast enough. So like bread, some chicken or steak to cook, fruits, eggs… umm cereal, stuff to make sandwhiches like cheese and sliced meat. but yeah im not much of a cook as you know. sphaggetti is good, im making some right now, and I will be eating it with a fork…

RandomMrdan's avatar

@eponymoushipster thanks, thats exactly what I was looking for.

joni1977's avatar

I’m the same as Kyle. It’s just my son and I at my home and I don’t eat that much although you wouldn’t know it because of my weight…I have hypothyroid disease, so I if I buy too much it goes to waste. I usually get one family pack of meat, that way I can cook half and store the rest in the freezer. Rice, fresh and canned vegetables, some healthy snacks for my son (pop tarts, bananas, raisins, grapes, animal crackers…), fruit drinks and occasionally a half gallon of ice cream for my pleasure. Ummm…does that really answer the question? lol

KingMalefic's avatar

To get list:

Beer. check

eponymoushipster's avatar

@RandomMrdan no problems. let me know if you’ve got any questions on prep, etc.

juniper's avatar

I try to spend the bulk of my money on fresh produce. In the winter I get: oranges and grapefruits, apples, bananas, a lemon, a head of broccoli, a large bag of carrots, a few bags of kale or spinach, 2–3 sweet potatoes, onions, lots of garlic, a few sweet peppers, and some avocados. (Of course, if a certain kind of produce is on sale, I’ll substitute.) I usually roast the potatoes and carrots, steam the broccoli, and saute the kale. And I always save some greens for stir fry.

I get some other staples each week, too: oatmeal, coffee, cheese, chicken breasts, canned beans, eggs, bread, brown rice or whole wheat couscous, etc.

If you make a big pot of rice at the beginning of the week, you’re in good shape. I throw it together with veggies and chicken and take it to work in a pyrex container every day. My lunches are the envy of my office. My shopping bills are a little high, but I save a lot from not eating out for lunch, and I eat far healthier fare.

Good luck!

augustlan's avatar

For my husband’s lunch sandwiches I usually buy sliced deli meats & cheese(generally 1 pound of turkey, 1 pound of ham, 1 pound of swiss), one loaf of good high-fiber bread or whole wheat tortillas for wraps, and a head of lettuce. I include fruit (apple, pear or grapes) or carrots, something crunchy (SunChips, Pretzels) sometimes a pack of cheese or peanut butter crackers, a cereal bar and a bottle of water.

For meals at home, I usually like to have the following on hand: Meats (in the freezer unless I’m cooking it that day): ground beef, whole chickens and/or boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs, and pork chops, sometimes some ham steaks, pot roast or keilbasa sausage. Pantry Staples: Soups, chicken and beef broth, spaghetti sauce, stuffing mix, rice, crackers, dry roasted peanuts, sunflower seeds and cereals. I buy fresh, canned and frozen veggies of all kinds but always have potatos, onions and mushrooms. The fridge is always stocked with several different kinds of cheeses – both blocks and shredded – and milk, butter and eggs. I also keep several packs of LeanPockets and Stouffer’s French Bread Pizzas, as well as a loaf of garlic bread in the freezer. And tortilla chips and salsa :)

While lunch shopping is a weekly thing, the rest of the stuff isn’t. It’s more of a stock up, then fill in as needed type of thing.

galileogirl's avatar

pre-made salad
jarred grapefruit
pork chops
ground lamb
diet pepsi
paper towels
Bertolli dinners
kaiser rolls
can green beans
can corn
peanut butter

Biweekly order will be delivered between 11–1 tomprrow.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@AstroChuck, great answer, but it is obvious you need something to occupy your time. Have you thought about a hobby that DOESN’T involve being online?

mamabeverley's avatar

weekly grocery list!! I wish. I am at the store 2–3 times a week. We drink 4 gallons of milk a week! Well, I should say my hubby and son drink that much.

emilia_eclaire's avatar

Rather than eating out, you can save a lot of money just by going to the grocery store or market and picking out some pre-prepared lunch sandwich or snack combination. Add some fruit to that and a beverage of choice and it makes for a nice little meal, and you still feel like you’re splurging a little and keeping yourself entertained during the lunch hour, which would be my problem with brown bagging it all the time.

ronski's avatar

Well, you can always take frozen meals to work and heat those up, they do have healthy options and I have done that myself before, but usually I just make twice as much dinner and than save it for the next day. I take leftover meat and make it into sandwiches or take some leftover fish and add it to salad.

What do I eat on a weekly basis:
cage free organic eggs
quinoa and other grains
corn tortillas
mac and cheese
tuna fish
fresh fruits and/or smoothie ingredients
almond milk
dried fruit

This would bring you a long, simple, and cheap way. If you haven’t made anything, you can at least bring snacks like nuts and dried fruit, which are delicious, filling, and good for you!

Facade's avatar

V8 juice
Cranberry juice
Bolthouse juices (green and berry)
Skim milk

If I know that I’ll be able to cook, I’ll add tilapia, chicken, and pork chops to the list. I normally eat food from Panera Bread and the Boston Market frequently throughout the week.

Edited to say: I sometimes buy Lean Cuisines as well. I like them because they don’t use preservatives and taste damned good.

bagelface's avatar

plain yogurt
brown rice

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Not recommended, but mine consists of:
toilet paper
Gator Ade
frozen burritos
Chex mix
antacid tablets
Frozen Tater Tots
Filet mignons
Frozen shrimp
Brown rice
Vitamin tablets

eponymoushipster's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land what’s funny – half the things on the list cause the need for the other half of the things on the list.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@eponymoushipster ROFL, you’re right, but I’m hopeless. :^P

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Pecans- Almonds- Brazil nuts
Corn tortillas
Cheddar cheese
Old Fashioned stovetop cook oatmeal
Cottage cheese
Cans of Rotel (salsa)
Thin skillet steaks
Frozen sliced 3-color bell pepper slices
Rotisserie chicken
Rice a Roni wild rice mix
Bag spinach
Canned pinto beans

Facade's avatar

I’d like to answer again with a more up to date answer

Tuna steaks
Pancake mix
Cookie Mix
Tomato Sauce

sarahjane90's avatar

Sandwich rolls
Honey Ham
Extra mature cheddar cheese slices
Grapefruit juice
Instant oatmeal packets
Skimmed milk
Frozen vegetables
Uncle Ben’s rice
Canned chicken soup
Diet Sprite
Starbucks microground coffee sachets
Tomato sauce/pasta
Chicken breast

AshlynM's avatar

I try and buy a lot of frozen foods or foods that can be frozen for a long time, like chicken, pizza, hamburgers, tator tots, french frie, because as someone already said, alot of what I buy will go to waste if not eaten right away. Any raw meat that I buy will go in the freezer until ready to use.

My main staples are potatoes, onions, white rice and some fruits like apples and oranges.

I also get a few boxes of snacks like crackers, popcorn, and pringles. I usually like to use anything I buy within one to two months time. If it’s past the expiration date, I throw it out. It’s just not worth the risk to consume just to save a few bucks.

punkrockworld's avatar

Chicken breasts (freeze them individually)
Broccoli (frozen)
Black beans (canned)
Whole wheat pasta
Brown rice
Whole weat bread
Pack of string cheese
Fresh asparagus and tomatoes
Canned soups (minestrone- Progresso)
As for snacks I go with pretzels, almonds and some teddy grahams.

partyrock's avatar

Organic Carrot juice (addicted to that stuff)
Organic cage-free brown eggs
Coconut water
Whole wheat bread
Some packs of Sushi they sell at the store
Avacado (to put in the sandwich)
Chicken from Whole Foods
and a bunch of Cliff bars, protein bars, etc


Anything they sell at Trader Joes or Whole Foods, I basically buy o_O

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