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Kiev749's avatar

Miller light Commercial?

Asked by Kiev749 (2092points) February 1st, 2009
9 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Did anyone Hear of/ Or see the 1 second Miller light commercial that was supposed to air? I missed it and i really wanted to see it.

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AstroChuck's avatar

It was just the Miller delivery guy saying, “High Life!”

It wasn’t a nationally televised spot and may have not aired where you are. Budweiser has the exclusive rights (for beer companies) to advertise nationally during the Superbowl.

Kiev749's avatar

aww that sucks.

madcapper's avatar

it didn’t work because Miller Lt. still tastes like shit…

joni1977's avatar

ohhhhhhhhh, so that’s what that was!

Kiev749's avatar

AH! just did a little searching and found it for anyone who wants to see it,

madcapper's avatar

ML blows…

timeand_distance's avatar

Epic fail.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I thought it was funny. And, as Astro points out, the ad was for High Life not Miller Lite. High Life is a fine American beer. Lite, not so much.

Sakata's avatar

That’s cool and all but… they both suck. Miller Lite, MGD, High Life; their time has come and gone. 25 years ago they were the shit but now they have 1 second commercials that most people didn’t see.

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