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acebamboo77's avatar

Is it just me, or is Valentine's Day all about the woman?

Asked by acebamboo77 (720points) February 9th, 2009
16 responses
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I have never been in a meaningful relationship on V-day before. Now this year, I am, and I feel the need to get him something…but what the hell do I get him?
I was thinking something sexy and fun, but do you think all those bottles of tastey oils and lubes actually get your man excited? Or does it appeal to us and not them, but they go along with it anyway because they know exactly where its leading?
Feedback would be welcomed from everyone, and man friendly sexy v-day gift suggestions!

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Les's avatar

Make him dinner. Food + boys = Happy boys
Edit: I suppose you could add a sexy negligee to the whole soiree. Food + sexy + boys = really happy boys.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (5points)
KrystaElyse's avatar

I agree with @Les – The way to a mans heart is through his stomach!

melly6708's avatar

hmm yes make him a dinner .. a movie and maybe a small some candies.. or something that he really likes.. something unique that will make him blush. heh

dik2312's avatar

I assume you’ve never heard of Steak & BJ Day?? =)

Invented to go hand in hand w/Valentines Day

Likeradar's avatar

@KrystaElyse I think you’re about 6 inches too high…

dik2312's avatar

@Likeradar & KrystaElyse – check the link, its perfect then…

dynamicduo's avatar

Valentine’s day is for women as Steak and a Blowjob day is for men. At least that’s how I treat it. Then again, I’m the kind of girl who recognizes Valentine’s day for the corporate money-grabbing sham that it is. I don’t need a day to tell my significant other I love them. Thanks, Hallmark.

But all types of people can enjoy all these events. I’m sure there are men who fawn and hold high hopes for Valentine’s day as well.

kevbo's avatar

One year I got homemade “fuck bucks,” which was awesome, but I foolishly invested them in an 18-month CD and by the time it matured the relationship was over.

If you’re shooting for something more conventional, a six pack of upscale beer is good. A video game that you know he likes is good (probably not worth it to guess). Baked goods are good. If he’s into some kind of hobby or project and is missing a tool or a part or whatever, put a red ribbon on it and that’s good. Generally, anything with some degree of utility is good. Just because it’s Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean it has to be a purely romantic gift. The more it says “I get you, and I get what you like” the better.

Sex as a gift idea is good no matter how it is wrapped just as long as you’re not making your guy do most of the work (with the oils and such).

Likeradar's avatar

@dik2312 Hummm… on my computer the link just pulls up a copy of this page.

dik2312's avatar

@Likeradar My apologies… I scratch that to being ‘new’ =P

Hmmm… I’ve just tried again and it still links to this page =S Not sure why. The site was

tinyvamp's avatar

why does everyone seem to have some intense hatred or disgust for valentine’s day? so what it’s a stupid hallmark day. it’s a cute day. have fun with it. i don’t just celebrate v-day for my significant other, it’s a fun day to do things with ALL the people i love or do something randomly nice to someone that isn’t enjoying v-day.

just like we should appreciate veterans’ everyday not just on veterans’ day.

veneziana's avatar

Make him a great dinner, lots of candles, bubble bath and home made coupons….. (massage, hand job, bj).... he can redeem any time…

acebamboo77's avatar

baking him cookies and brownies is something we do together all the time. and ive promised im making him my homemade turkey soup that he loves. weve already made plans to cook dinner together on valentines day… so the food aspect of things is covered from all angles.

lefteh's avatar

Yes, by the way, it is all about the women.
My boyfriend and I aren’t getting each other anything, as is the case with almost all of the gay male couples I know.

cdwccrn's avatar

It’s not about the girl or the guy or the BJ or the roses. It’s about LOVE , pure and simple.

EmpressPixie's avatar

With us, we’re following through on a joke from our anniversary. The place of eating was supposed to be a surprise for me, but I kept bugging him about it until he flat out told me we were going to a hot dog stand. At which point he learned I’d never had a Chicago-dog. So for Valentine’s Day, we are in fact going to a hot dog stand. But you can be SURE we’re going to be dressed to the nines for it.

We’re also seeing Coraline because we were too lazy to see it on Sunday and “dinner and a movie” sounds like a real date.

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