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wundayatta's avatar

What are the uses of vaseline?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) February 11th, 2009
47 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I know some, but I’m sure there are many I’ve never thought of.

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Bri_L's avatar

dry skin
babys bottom cream

MissAnthrope's avatar

You can use it to create a moisture barrier on dry skin. Also I have used it around my hairline to keep hair dye from staining my skin. Once I had a tick removed by someone putting vaseline on it, but I’ve read you shouldn’t do that.

peedub's avatar

For cuts in boxing matches.

nikipedia's avatar

Is this related to this question?

tennesseejac's avatar

i lurve to lube

you can put it on a baseball and throw a nasty spit ball

wundayatta's avatar

@nikipedia. I’m confused. Is that a use of vaseline?

KrystaElyse's avatar

It can be used to remove gum from your hair, to remove makeup stains from clothing, and apparently if you rub some on the exposed edges of a carved pumpkin, it can help slow down the rotting/drying process.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Marathon swimmers apply thick slabs of it over themselves for insulation when swimming across the Channel and similar cold-water feats.

nikipedia's avatar

I can think of some ways it could be….

KrystaElyse's avatar

Oh and sexual lubricant.

Vinifera7's avatar

Except it dissolves latex condoms.

steelmarket's avatar

If you need to store something iron or steel for a while, coat it in pj and seal it in a baggie. This will minimize the possibility of rust.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Vinifera7 – Hahaha, it does?? I didn’t know that. Thank god I haven’t done that.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

You can fill your left glove with vaseline to keep one hand soft for your wife.

Vinifera7's avatar

Yup. That’s why water-based lubricants are popular. They don’t dissolve condoms.

KrystaElyse's avatar


Vinifera7's avatar

Like that guy from Of Mice and Men.

peedub's avatar

A sculpting medium for Matthew Barney.


Richard Serra

steelmarket's avatar

Also, liberal application on exposed skin can help to prevent frostbite in very cold weather.

Also again a very thin coating on a neutral filter over your camera lens can create interesting photo effects.

seekingwolf's avatar

Works great on chronic dry lips…I always put some on my lips before I go to bed.
Also, if you have a cold and your nostrils get red/dry from tissues, then pj can also help there.

Of course, it’s the perfect thing for rectal thermometers, or enemas (if you are so unfortunate to have to use one).

Bri_L's avatar

@seekingwolf hehe I read the “pj” as “peanutbutter and jelly” wow I must be tired.

seekingwolf's avatar


hehe yeah sorry…
ewww pj under the nostrils…:(

Vinifera7's avatar

I read on Wikipedia that it’s not good to put petrolium jelly in the nose, but it doesn’t give any references, so I dunno.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@Vinifera7 oh, that came up in Of Mice and Men?

tennesseejac's avatar

Once you carve your Halloween pumpkin, rub Vaseline on the exposed edges. it keeps it from rotting or going dry.

seekingwolf's avatar


Oh no, I met outside of the nose…just under it, in that area between the nostrils and the top lip.

At least for me, that area gets all dry and red from constant tissue usage.

Yeah, that’s what I mean. I agree, NO pj in the nose.

seekingwolf's avatar


Yeah, there was a villian named “Curly” I believe, and he was a jerk!
The whole joke with him was that he ALWAYS wore the glove and vaseline on his hand to keep it soft for the wife.

Vinifera7's avatar

Yup. It was Curly.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Vinifera7 – You’re right, it’s dangerous to put PJ in the nose. It can cause exogenous lipoid pneumonia.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@Vinifera7 yes, I know, I was joking

steelmarket's avatar

They make a water-based jelly to go up the nose. I always use it when I go skiing. Guess it is like KY for the nostrils.

buster's avatar

Lets say you want to smuggle bricks of weed, heroin, coke, meth etc across the border or across the great American highway system. Vaseline or axle grease is used to keep the dopes smell in the package so drug dogs can’t smell it. First you put your dope in a vacuum sealer if you got one. If not a ziploc bag. You watch your hands before you touch the package again. You wrap the package in saran wrap. Then you coat the whole package in vaseline. Watch your hands you dont want any smell to transfer. Wrap again with saran wrap and another layer of vaseline then another cover of saran wrap. Finally you wrap the entire package in postal tape. You do this right and its undetectable to drug dogs as no smell leaves the inner package.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@buster – Wow, craziness. So I take it you have experience with this? ;P

buster's avatar

watch your hands=wash your hands

peedub's avatar

Buster, you’re a MANIAC!

TaoSan's avatar

Filling for chocolate custard bars of people you don’t like…

Vinifera7's avatar


cheebdragon's avatar

I saw a guy at walmart who was buying 8–9 large jars of vasaline, lol. I thought about asking “WTF?”, but he seemed really embarrassed about it.

TaoSan's avatar


I hope he didn’t have any oversized dog collars or anything like that too :)

answerjill's avatar

makes a good (and cheap) eyecream if you apply it before bed. also, conditions your eyelashes, i’ve heard.

mzgator's avatar

Dip a cotton ball in Vaseline and put it in your ear to keep. Water out when swimming. We had to do that with my daughter when she had tubes in her ears for shampooing hair or swimming as reccomended by her ENT.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

About Vaseline in the nose…my doctor said never to do it because it may slip down into your lungs. He said to use mineral oil in your nose.

Bri_L's avatar

you put it on the earpiece of the phone in the room across the hall from you in the dorms. Then you sit in your room and when the guy comes back to his room you call him.

Mr_M's avatar

I remember a joke that used vaseline. You blindfold someone. Then you say “Pretend I am a cow. Point to my front right paw”. And the person points. Then you say “Point to my left paw”. And the person points again. You go to the rear paws. Finally, you say “Point to my tail”. And when the person points, you make sure she puts her finger in the jar of vaseline..

Bri_L's avatar

@Mr_M Hhahahahahaha. That is udderly rediculous!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’ve seen Saran Wrap stretched tight over a toilet seat & smearing Vaseline over that?

steelmarket's avatar

Back in the college days, we used to vaseline the door handles of certain individuals’ automobiles. I will not say more.

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