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Nathanael's avatar

Should I upgrade to the new iPod Touch?

Asked by Nathanael (289points) February 14th, 2009
4 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Well i have a 1st gen iPod Touch. It’s engraved on the back, a little beat up, an 8GB, and about 6 months old. Should I trade that in and get the second gen, with speakers and the whole shmeal?

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Breefield's avatar

Mainly because it’s not worth it, you have the core functionality, and it’s not faster hardware.
The speakers are just annoying, so unless you do a lot of gaming and want to hear it without headphones, all you’re getting are volume buttons on the side, and a convex back – which I think is a downside.

chelseababyy's avatar

Nahh. I have a first gen, the boyfriend has the second gen. When we got them both, which was around the same time, I got to pick what I wanted, I picked the first gen. Honestly. I don’t think the second gen is all that much better, really not something to brag about. Plus your 1st gen is only 6 months old. The only reason I would say to get a new one, is if you need more space. If you don’t, stick with the cute-wornout-engraved-8gig-first gen :]

Kiev749's avatar

nah. just spend the 10 to upgrade the software. in all honesty, i don’t use the speaker very much anyways…

eambos's avatar


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