General Question

steelmarket's avatar

If you could create the next National Holiday, what would it be?

Asked by steelmarket (3603points) February 16th, 2009
31 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

And how would we celebrate it?
Let’s set aside the whole issue of whether we have too many already.

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eponymoushipster's avatar

September 11th Rememberance Day.
– everyone gets off school/work.

that or a holiday where chicks get to go topless. either or.

aprilsimnel's avatar

We need a fortnight in August. Everyone takes it anyway, it may as well be sanctioned: Aestas, or some Anglicized version of that word. It means “summer,” but I can’t think of any good word. I need more coffee.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@aprilsimnel that could be the topless chick holiday!!

steelmarket's avatar

Or, topless chick fortnight.

seVen's avatar

Unknown soldiers day

elijah's avatar

National Mind Your Own Buisness Day
Where people get a whole day to make life decisions without other people putting their 2 cents in.

steelmarket's avatar

How about Forthright Fortnight. Might be easier to get through congress than “topless chick fortnight”.

Before we enact it, remind me to buy stock in Coppertone, Solarcaine and Visine.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@steelmarket my guess is quite a few topless chicks have gone through congress.

DeanV's avatar

Another Thanksgiving type holiday. It doesn’t need to have anything related to giving thanks, or any of that. You just stuff you face with food.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@dverhey so legalize the Super Bowl?

tellelefler's avatar

Do we honestly need another holiday? Most holidays are working days for the average individual, making them completely non-celebratory, unexciting days. I work retail and there are only two days my company is closed: Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. All those other Hallmark Holidays we suffer to stay open for, get in tons of related merchandise, only to never sell enough of it, it’s a total waste of productivity. I think if anything, we should GET RID of some holidays, and pay more attention to the most important ones. Earth Day? When was the last time that was ever made a big deal?
Look, the more holidays we have, the less each one will mean. It’s depleting the “holiday gene pool” if you will.

Mr_M's avatar

Danny Bonaduce’s birthday.

Les's avatar

@tellelefler: Read the “details” of the question. This discussion is meant to neglect the fact that people feel we have too many holidays. Its just for fun.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Grisson's avatar

@eponymoushipster Topless chick day… isn’t that Mardi Gras?

DeanV's avatar

@eponymoushipster: Not exactly. More like make a bigger deal out of the Stanley Cup.

forestGeek's avatar

I’ve always thought we should have Ice Cream Day, where we all get the day off, and we celebrate by spending time with family and friends, eating ice cream related goodies.

But more realistically, I would like to see Hunger Awareness Day so people don’t forget that others in this country live far below the poverty line and struggle for basics such as food and shelter. Oh, wait, there’s no money in that…nevermind!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@dverhey you’d have to convince the majority of americans that hockey is played in this country. it’s about a half-step easier than a national World Cup holiday.

Grisson's avatar

. o O ( Ok, now I’m confused: Does ‘World Cup’ day have anything to do with ‘Topless Chick’ day? )

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Grisson it can. it absolutely can. i’m sure in some countries it already does.

world cup = soccer (football for non-americans)
stanley cup = hockey
my cup = huge.

DeanV's avatar

@eponymoushipster Oh how I wish I could come up with a clever answer for that.

Maybe Beach Volleyball would be more successful…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@dverhey if bush was still president, you could do it, he’s down with it.

DeanV's avatar

See, that’s the thing about Bush. He’s down with about anything. Hockey, Basketball, hell, even Cricket

Maybe a day celebrating when he left office?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@dverhey a day where we all get to slap a female volleyball player on the back 9. that’s a holiday.

AstroChuck's avatar

October 16th, Founder’s Day.
We could celebrate with heavily salted and peppered food.

steelmarket's avatar

With a little pepper in hand, we could honor them with a 21 sneeze salute. And then, margaritas.

AstroChuck's avatar

Made in my Magic Bullet.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

We need a National Day of Diversity and Tolerance so that on this day Americans of all walks may embrace the idea that this country is great because of our great diversity of thought and ideas. On this day we can all learn about those things we fear most and dont quite understand. On this day we should encourgage Americans to enter a foreign place of worship, a neignborhood of a differnt culture , and some of us could maybe attend a rap concert…........okay I’ve gone too far. ( ””

Allie's avatar

Free Alcohol Day.

jlm11f's avatar

I have always thought that everyone should get the day off on voting day so they don’t have work as an excuse to not go. So the once in four years that we vote, should be a national holiday.

Jeruba's avatar

I would declare an Authors’ Day and celebrate the great and humble writers of our own language and others’. I would put it in August, which needs a holiday. And I would call for every kind of recognition and celebration of literature and writing, from library visits to community readings to dramatizations and documentaries.

I would also encourage publishers to pull a few lucky winners out of the slush pile and give them a break.

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