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LouisianaGirl's avatar

What color hair do you have?

Asked by LouisianaGirl (1159points) February 20th, 2009
45 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

on your head,natural,color treated,do you like your hair color,would you like to change it,to what color?

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Adina1968's avatar

My natural hair color is dark brown boardering on black which is the color it is now. I have had it every color in the rainbow though! I have been blonde, a redhead. I have had pink hair. I love that you can change your look when ever you get bored!! :-)

cookieman's avatar

Dark Brown. Wavy/Curly. But I am noticing far too many grey hairs lately.

getting old, I’m afraid

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@Adina1968 that is sooo cool i have naturally dark brown hair with natural light brown highlights u could say im just a natural kinda girl

eambos's avatar

Reddish brown? I don’t really know what to call it.

My hair is extremely straight, buzzed short.

KingMalefic's avatar

I have been every color under the rainbow, I used to dye or cut my hair when I got bored. My fav will always be blue if could have natural blue hair I wouldn’t hesitate.

Sigh my job makes me be plain normal and simple. :-(

jettaray87's avatar

I work at a salon, so my hair changes… but only between brown and blonde… right now it’s chocolate brown with hilights… gotta cover up that gray… be a 21 year old guy with grey hair is unattractive for the ladies. ahhh the benefits of working in a salon :)

LouisianaGirl's avatar

aw that dont give u much chance to express ur personallity does it bummer
how bout u die it blue then put a normal colored wig on over it 4 work then everybody wins

jonsblond's avatar

True blonde. I’d never change it, ever ever.

mcbealer's avatar

chestnut brown with more and more grey long and wavy
I hope someday my hair turns all silver!
I think silver hair looks cool…

Allie's avatar

I have really dark brown hair, but in the sun certain parts of it look almost a red/copper color. Indoors it looks almost black.
P.S. – I’ve also never dyed my hair. Ever.

ark_a_dong's avatar

Dark brown/black.

KingMalefic's avatar

I have to wear a hat for work as well… But I am getting better at hiding things perhaps i will go back to my mohawk. hehe

Examples one two three

Allie's avatar

@KingMalefic Are you holding a handgun in example one? Just curious.. Maybe it’s a funky shadow.

augustlan's avatar

@KingMalefic I like it the way it is in your avatar the best. If you must do something different, 3 and 4 look good on you, too.

My hair is naturally red. Not bright, and not auburn… somewhere in between. It is also dyed that color now, as I am about 1/3 grey.

tinyfaery's avatar

Dark brown with red highlights in the sun.

KingMalefic's avatar

@Allie : Nope not holding anything in that pic,—I don’t need a gun to be scary haha, untill i start talking of course.—Everyone always calls me Firestarter cause its the same cut as the lead singer of prodigy.

@Agustlan : 4 is my fave, eyeliner and all i am a odd ball hehe

But my hair is in color and in form to what my avatar is right now.

KingMalefic's avatar

Before dual Mohawk
umm Halloween its red there…..
Yeah i am gonna skip the last pic in the series. I wish i had the ones from my trip to japan and france with bright blue.

mcbealer's avatar

@KingMalefic ~ #3 gets my vote :)

elijah's avatar

Natural- dirty blonde
Currently- platinum

aprilsimnel's avatar

Naturally off-black, but in the sun, you can see the reddish undertones. Will do my roots tomorrow (auburn), but I wanted to see if I had any grey. I’m good for now!

AstroChuck's avatar

Plain old turkey-turd brown.
And yes, the carpet matches the drapes.

KingMalefic's avatar

…carpet what carpet… haha

Tile floor the way to go…

ark_a_dong's avatar

it’s a rolled up carpet

augustlan's avatar

As a redhead, I can’t tell you the number of times I have been asked if the carpet matches the drapes.


Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I can never figure out which is the carpet and which is the drapes. I mean think about it. A man’s toup is called a rug. And my lower lips kinda drape. Still, I guess, your head hair drapes and your pubes could look like a carpet. Really, I guess it doesn’t matter. Therefore, pretend this post does not exist

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Oh, I am a graying brunette. And my carpet really needs to be replaced because it is grayer than the drapes.

KingMalefic's avatar

… just shave.

augustlan's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous I figure the carpet is lower than the drapes.

@KingMalefic Hubby doesn’t like that look. I don’t like that itch!

KingMalefic's avatar

As for itch there are creams for that but if hubby doesn’t like then understandable.

Bluefreedom's avatar

What I have left of hair (I’m a victim of male pattern baldness and I have to keep it perpetually short anyway because I’m in the military) is a medium shade of brown.

cheebdragon's avatar


blondie411's avatar

natural blonde, every salon I go to when I get my hair cut always trys to make me dye it but I’ve never done it ever.

syz's avatar

As a kid, I had white blond hair. The older I get, the darker it gets. It’s now a nondescript non color of light brown/dark blond, so I highlight it with blond streaks.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (2points)
cookieman's avatar

@syz That’s a really interesting point about how one’s hair changes over time.

When I was a kid I had bone-straight blondish/brown hair. By the time I was 13 it had gradually changed into dark brown and very curly. Now that I’m pushing 40 it has begun losing it’s curl (and, of course, I’m going grey).

dlm812's avatar

<~~ Natural Blonde and proud of it! I’ve never put any coloring in it, nor will I ever.

A friend of mine once tried to get me to die the underside of my hair dark brunette because “It would look so pretty”. I just shot her the “Excuse me” look and told her no.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

kewl responses

Strauss's avatar

Used to be brown with sun-generated highlights or red auburn and blond, but now it’s mostly gray or silver.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

When you turn gray it just means that you are wise so dont be ashamed you`re still beautiful.

cookieman's avatar

what if I was never beautiful to begin with? ;^)

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@cprevite im sure you were everyone is beautiful!!!!!! I bet you are very gorgeous!!!! dont put yourself down ppl tell me im pretty but I dont think so.

Foolaholic's avatar

I am a natural brunette, but my friends keep trying to convince me to dye it pink…

Foolaholic's avatar

Except that the word brunette has a female connotation which I decidedly don’t…

tiffyandthewall's avatar

my hair is blondeish (i guess a dirty blonde?), and i was born with golden blonde hair (it got darker as i got older). i’ve dyed it a billion colours (which of course, didn’t help the fact that i have really thin hair already [ |: ] ) including black (i hate admitting that one), brownish, reddish, purple streaks, blue streaks, attempted pink streaks, etc.
i’m glad my mother let me get the urge to dye my hair out before i hit high school more or less, because if not i’d probably still try it now, and look even more ridiculous with black hair.
i just wish my hair was thicker. i’m okay with the colour. i wish i could get away with zooey deschanel’s hair colour (i should since her skin is almost paler than mine!), but alas.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Reddish Brown.

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