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LouisianaGirl's avatar

What do you think of the mother of the octopulets?

Asked by LouisianaGirl (1159points) February 21st, 2009
27 responses
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Do you feel bad for her, should the 14 children be taken away?

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peyton_farquhar's avatar

This may answer your question.

basp's avatar

I can hardly begin to sort out my feelings about this woman! And, I place a lot of blame on the “doctor” who did the procedure on her.
I really think she thought she would become famous and get all sorts of stuff and the whole thing back fired on her.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

Yea and did you hear what the guy who fathers them all has said about it?!?

basp's avatar

Haven’t heard anything about him.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

He said that he had no clue that there was gonna be so many of them and he was kind of like whoa too many children. They met one nite at a club then next thing you know the 14 kids came.

Dog's avatar

Do you have a link to that? I was not aware the father had been identified.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
LouisianaGirl's avatar

Its in a magazine his name is David Soloman they met at a night-club and went on a single date.

SuperMouse's avatar

I think she is out of her mind. Other people involved who are also out of their minds: her mom, her fertility specialist, the sperm donor, and anyone who donates on her website.

gailcalled's avatar

It would be extremely difficult to sire 7 children of different ages and octuplets (sp) from a single date.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

He was a sperm donor it says. Her kids are cute and I feel bad for them but she got herself in that position so I wouldn`t donate money.

gailcalled's avatar

Most children of multiple births have severe physical and emotional problems that last for their lifetime. Cerebal Palsy, blindess, mental retardation, problems with major organs…

essieness's avatar

Bad decision = drain on society.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

@essieness thank you i agree because just for formula alone for a complete year for her is thousands of dollars that are country is gonna have to pull from thin air in order to support America`s citizens and her little zoo that everyone but her is running. I`m adding you to my fluther so we can talk about this more.

Dog's avatar

I doubt she is done. There is no law against what she is doing and she is loving all the attention and fame and she wants 16 kids.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
LouisianaGirl's avatar

Oh h*** NO!!! America is already screwed into something we have to spend forever getting out of. Everyone else has things they need to pay for and not support all of her kids also. She aint Angelina Jolie so she needs to get over it.

bristolbaby's avatar

she’s already collected $1.5M in donations and is looking at a million dollar 4 bedroom home with an inground pool to purchase.

before the octs were born, she had a nanny that gets paid $500. per week.

She collected over $165K in workmen’s comp checks.

David Soloman is a made up name. She started the paperwork to change her name to Soloman in 2001 but never completed the process. Her father has repeatedly stated that there is no David Soloman.

There is no proof yet that the babies were born from frozen embryos. Specialists doubt that story and since she’s lied about so many things already, there may be something to it. Doctors suspect fertility drugs and regular sex, not IVF.

I suspect the truth may be horrific, in that Edward Doud Suleman may actually be David Soloman.

Do I feel sorry for her? I think she is mentally ill. She’s like the notorious cat lady that hoards the beasts, and they are dead in every corner of the messy house they are found in.

If you’ve seen pictures of the inside of Nadya’s home, you would understand what I mean.

bristolbaby's avatar

“Yea and did you hear what the guy who fathers them all has said about it?!?”

the story comes from the Sulemans’, not from any alleged father or donor. In the same magazine article you mention, she states she did not have sex with her date. She claims she has not had sex since the ‘90’s and will not have sex until the Octs are 18.

Her father will be featured on Oprah on the 24th, if anyone is interested in watching these weirdos.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

It bothers me that she’s asking for so much from people. What about the children of families who have been laid off? What about all the children who have lost a parent in the war? There are plenty of people in our country who have lost jobs and have children to support. I agree that the children of this woman are not at fault, but it angers me that we are buying this woman a house of that nature when so many others are suffering.

dynamicduo's avatar

I think it’s ridiculous, that’s what I think.

AstroChuck's avatar

Crazy bitch thinks she needs a litter of babies. I always felt that if I were a woman that I’d like to give birth. To kittens, I mean. I figure it would hurt less, and when you’re done, you’d have kittens!
Ah. I love kitties.

AstroChuck's avatar

That was kind of weird, wasn’t it.

SuperMouse's avatar

@AstroChuck yes, that is kind of weird. The thought of giving birth to kittens freaks me right out! Those little buggers have needle sharp claws!

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@AstroChuck Thank you. That’s the first today that I’ve really laughed.

90s_kid's avatar

It is somehow technologically advanced. I always think of this. When people get “injections”, I just think that the kid was formed seemingly by technology. I would not want to be one of the octuplets. I know some girl who has a brother who is 34 years old. This makes me think that the parents are well, you know…
This is not what God intended, and I am thankful I was made the right way.

SuperMouse's avatar

@90s_kid are you thinking the parents must have used fertility treatments to conceive your friend?

90s_kid's avatar

I do not know the vocabulary.
Just by SI, not anything else.

EverRose11's avatar

I think is is a shame on so many levels, I do believe she thought she would get so much attention that she would end up with her own reality show, and that backfired on her . I feel bad for her children, but I feel bad for alot of children and other women at a loss for what to do to get by in this economy… Yeah she is a lil bit crazy ,,, and still managing to get help in ways others cannot…Life is unfair I tell you.

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