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SuperMouse's avatar

Do you ever wonder about Flutherers we haven't heard from in a while?

Asked by SuperMouse (30845points) February 21st, 2009
47 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I do. I wonder what happened to whatthefluther, playthebanjo and o’sullivanbr among others.

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Allie's avatar

In addition to those you mentioned, I also miss phoenyx. He had such good questions and answers.

tinyfaery's avatar

Also, The Haight and wildflower. I do wonder…

AstroChuck's avatar

Seesul is another flutherer that is sorely missed. I just hope that all is well.

jrpowell's avatar

Allie.. phoenyx is ok. He just wanted to take off for a while and focus on the real world.

tinyfaery's avatar

…and Alena D (well, she pops up), and Delirium…

augustlan's avatar

All the time! I really miss Delerium.

SuperMouse's avatar

Dragonflyfaith, deezerqueue, and sccrowell are also missed.

Edited to add: I know dragonflyfaith has a new baby to focus on, that’s probably why she hasn’t been around much lately.

augustlan's avatar

I think we should all make a pact… if you are taking a break, post it on your profile. A friend or family member should be assigned to let the community know if something bad has happened to you.

@SuperMouse Dragonflyfaith (Scamp’s daughter) is pretty busy with her baby and her illness and sccrowell (Whatthefluther’s SO) is probably wherever he is.

SuperMouse's avatar

@augustlan, I was typing at the same time you were!! I see Scamp crafting a response, I hope it is an update on her grandson!

@augustlan, speaking of children, flyawayxxballoon hasn’t been around much lately.

augustlan's avatar


scamp's avatar

I am really worried about whatthefluther, and sccrowell. I left them both a private comment a very long time ago, and never heard a word. I wish we knew if he was ok, and how she is holding up.

@SuperMouse Yep! It’s a “Max update”! he is now 6 months old, and just started crawling! He is cutting his first teeth, and he is a handfull! His Mom is doing the best she can, but the fibro kicks her butt quite a bit. I’m going down to visit the first part of april, and when I call her tonight I will tell you you asked about her. Now… wanna see some pics??? (I sent you a private comment.)

SuperMouse's avatar

YES! I would love to see some pictures! I didn’t realize she was dealing with fibromyalgia, I’m sorry to hear that. Please tell her Fluther misses her!

I worry about whatthefluther and sccrowell too. I saw awhile back that she said his computer had gone down and he was doing fine, but that was quite awhile ago. I hope they are both doing alright.

scamp's avatar

Oh Thanks so much for the update!! I was so worried about him, and thought the worst…whew!!

There is a link for you ion your private comments so you can see my lil maxasaurus!! time to clock out and go home now.. I’ll see you all on Monday!!

figbash's avatar

Mirza. He was around a lot, way back in the day. Now I think he just watches from the sidelines. I always miss it when Marina goes off the radar too.

augustlan's avatar

I always miss Marina, too :(

janbb's avatar

I second eveyone’s comments and wonderings. I miss all the oldies too. Regards to dragonfly when you talk to her, scamp; hope she’s feeling better. Fibromyalgia’s a bear.

SuperMouse's avatar

I third Augustlan and figbash, I am very glad Marina is back.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m not sure why folks are missing Delirium. She’s been around, and her profile says her last visit was February 17th, less than a week ago.

AstroChuck's avatar

I miss augustlan. She hasn’t been around for four responses!

dragonflyfaith's avatar

I was tagged in on this one.

Thanks so much for the well wishes and thoughts! I thought no one would remember me by now.

As others mentioned, I have been busy chasing after my baby boy and just enjoying motherhood. My fibromyalgia has made it quite difficult for me to do much beyond caring for Max (he’s exhausting but such a joy!). I have certainly missed it here though! Thanks again.

SuperMouse's avatar

@dragonflyfaith! I am so glad you checked in! Congratulations to you and hubby on your beautiful Baby Boy! He is so cute (grandma shared pictures!). I’m sorry you are feeling miserable, I hope you begin feeling at least a bit better soon!

AstroChuck's avatar

@dragonflyfaith- Congratulations to you and hubby on your new baby boy. And just remember not to leave him on top of your car.

janbb's avatar

@ Jeruna – It’s true sometimes you don’t know if someone has gone AWOL or is just not answering the same questions you are, but it did seem like Delirium hadn’t been around as much.

@ Astro – We miss your smiling face if you don’t show up every two answers! :-)

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Thanks SuperMouse and AstroChuck!

I will try to remember not to leave my son on top of the car. ;)

Right now things are a little rough as we have one vehicle broke down in Georiga (transmission blew over Christmas), so it’s hard to get out of the house. It should be done next week so Max and I are looking forward to some fresh air.

eambos's avatar

@Jeruba: Delirium checks in a lot, but she seems to post much less frequently than before. I miss her informed responses…

augustlan's avatar

@dragonflyfaith It’s so nice to see your butterfly around these parts. We have missed you. Take good care of yourself, so you can take good care of that beautiful boy! :)

AstroChuck's avatar

Auggie’s back!

augustlan's avatar

I can never stay away for long… I’d miss you too much!

augustlan's avatar

@SuperMouse Flyaway is really busy during the school year. She pops in now and again.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@augustlan Thanks!

I’m happy to hear an update on Flyaway, she’s a sweetheart.

90s_kid's avatar

Don’t forget deaddolly.

AstroChuck's avatar

@90s_kid- Good call.

janbb's avatar

I think I remember deaddolly saying she/he was leaving.

90s_kid's avatar

Yeah and she is one of those people with “Bad Bios”. But she checks-in everyonce in a while…I always look at the “Last Visited”” thing….actually, I am doing it now. :)

90s_kid's avatar

Didn’t need to read her profile…

cookieman's avatar

Yeah, I liked deaddolly.
No idea why she split.

AstroChuck's avatar

Perhaps she was distressed over the death of her dolly.

cookieman's avatar

Could be it.

eambos's avatar

How does @90s_Kid know about deaddolly? She left before he joined, then check in once without posting.

90s_kid's avatar

Well I look at previous posts. And, there was a whole question asked by JCA on it.

MacBean's avatar

He’s JackAdams in disguise.

SuperMouse's avatar

@MacBean Bjork is JackAdams in disguise? WOW!! I think I may have lost track of this thread somewhere along the line.

90s_kid's avatar

MacBean said “he” not “she”, so rather you didn’t see that, or well… know the other one

osullivanbr's avatar

i just found this. it’s from 2009. How bloody long was I actually stuck in that toilet for exactly. I’m out and back now though. :-) Time to get all re-acquainted.

SuperMouse's avatar

@osullivanbr I was really happy when I noticed you are back! It is awesome to see you again!

osullivanbr's avatar

@SuperMouse Thanks kindly. It means a lot. :-)

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