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LocoLuke's avatar

Cure for Flutheritus?

Asked by LocoLuke (1126points) February 22nd, 2009
41 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Between Fluther and Stumbleupon, I’m having trouble tearing myself away from my computer!
What do you guys to do?

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augustlan's avatar

I’m very sorry to inform you, but there is no cure. Flutheritus is a terminal disease, I’m afraid.

chelseababyy's avatar

Sex is the only cure I’ve found. Other than that, I’m sorry to say, you’re doomed :].
as if that’s a bad thing.

jrpowell's avatar

Mario Cart 64…

That is all. And weed if you smoke it.

LocoLuke's avatar

I’ll have to work on the sex cure… any female volunteers? (Purely scientific research, I assure you)

chelseababyy's avatar


NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I’m very sorry sir, but you have Flutheritus. Now, we’d like to run some tests…

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m sorry to inform you that Flutheritis Symplex II has become a pandemic. Not even Dr. Shilolo can help you. Or any of us, for that matter.

LocoLuke's avatar

I hope that we won’t have to resort to a quarrantine.

chelseababyy's avatar

@AstroChuck I bet Dr. House can. He’s smart annnnnnnnnnnnnd hawt.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I gave into Flutheritis a long time ago. It captured my soul, my essence, and my libido and I haven’t seen any of them since.

I fear there is no cure. And I don’t really want one!

nebule's avatar

sit with it maybe it will go away (it really won’t you know! lol)

dynamicduo's avatar

My name is dynamicduo and I once suffered from Flutheritus. Hi, dynamicduo. I overcame it when one Sunday I looked back on my weekend and realized that I effectively did nothing but dick around on the internet. While I enjoy spending time here chatting with all you folk, I recognized that it was having a negative effect on the rest of my life, so I’ve taken steps to separate myself from here. For instance, right now I have been surfing Fluther for about 20 minutes, and I will stop after this answer to go do another activity (in my case, taxes, how fun!). Previously I would give into the desire to stay on the site, but now I have the self restraint and power to close the browser and go on to something else.

I know it seems obvious, but that’s really the key, self restraint. You need to actively look at your actions and say, “you know what, I don’t like the fact that I’m spending all my time on Site X”, and then close the browser. By doing so, you prove that you are a superior human in that you recognize your actions and take successful steps to change the outcome, instead of acknowledging your actions but giving in to the primitive desire and “wishing” it was not so.

kevbo's avatar

Get an iPhone.

eponymoushipster's avatar

get a twitter account and like 1000 friends.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

I’ve found that the only thing that does a great job of keeping me away from the computer is a power outage. Even if I go out and engage in my version of a social life, I often find myself near a computer and itching to check Fluther, or my FaceBook, etc.

jonsblond's avatar

@dynamicduo You make it sound so easy. There’s hope for me yet. Thanks!

steelmarket's avatar

Drink lots of water.
And don’t Fluther in the bathroom.

Snoopy's avatar

I too once had Flutheritis and StumbleUponitis. Cures?

RSS feeds,,,

although a cure?....not so much…..just trading one thing for another…..

dynamicduo's avatar

Yeah I guess I did make it sound easy. But I’ll make it clear that it is most definitely not easy. It’s very tempting to come back and answer threads. It really does take determination in committing to what you’ve chosen to do. However, I take pride when I can overcome these desires. And so can you! :)

AstroChuck's avatar

edit: simplex

LocoLuke's avatar

@Snoopy hehe, my father works at netflix, so we get free netflix. After the first month of getting 8 movies at a time, my father decided that it was too much and cut it down to 2. I think that during that month, I sorta burned myself out on bad movies.

Foolaholic's avatar

Well if you’re internet were to accidentally go out, the cold turkey time away from it would probably do you a world of good.

Snoopy's avatar

@LocoLuke tell your dad to, pretty please, expand 6 day a week shipping at Netflix to nationwide. :)

arnbev959's avatar

Last night this question made me realize the same thing that @dynamicduo mentioned: that I spend all my time on the computer, and never get anything done. Last night I said I’d turn off the computer for the night and go read. I kind of succeeded. I did not turn off the computer, but I only came back to it twice, and that was to look up the definitions of a few words.

Two years ago I came to the conclusion that everything on television was garbage, and that it was a waste of my time to spend hours every day in front of it. Rather easily, I stopped watching TV. Since that day I have watched, I can safely say, less than 20 hours of television—what I used to watch in two weeks.

The trouble is, I started spending all of my time on the internet. I’m starting to see that this isn’t working; I’m wasting as much time as I ever have. The difference here is that I can’t simply give up the internet the way I gave up television. The internet is too useful a thing. I simply have to monitor myself to make sure I’m not wasting hours and hours here. That will be difficult, since time floats by without my notice when I’m on the computer.

I go on the computer when I have nothing better to do. Last night I gave myself a purpose; I was going to read a book. Hopefully it will be as easy to cut down time-wasting on the computer as to clearly decide to do something else.

I’ll always find a new distraction, but it’s a cycle.

90s_kid's avatar


Kidding, It just seems like a tumor or something. Anyways, yeah I have it, also.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i had a case of flutherea one time. had to get antibiotics. make sure you know who you’re GAing.

AstroChuck's avatar

Was it explosive flutherhea? I’ve had that before and it isn’t pretty.

90s_kid's avatar

Eww! haha

eponymoushipster's avatar

no, it was the kind of flutherea you get from fluthering with multiple flutherers in an open thread. i had to visit the free clinic.

LocoLuke's avatar

lol 90s_kid, it just keeps spreading if you don’t try to control it, and separating yourself from it is a long an painful process. I’d say it sounds a lot like a tumor.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@LocoLuke It’s not a tumor!

90s_kid's avatar

Hellz yeah it is.
Any medical tips and thrapies?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@90s_kid tsk tsk tsk

you could kill your brain.

90s_kid's avatar


A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@steelmarket i always fluther in the bathroom, thank god for laptops :D

AstroChuck's avatar

Are you Bruce Wayne?

AstroChuck's avatar

No fair! You edited it. Now my Bruce Wayne comment makes no sense. Batroom was funnier. A pox on you!

eponymoushipster's avatar

he was in the batroom dropping batarangs.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

FOR THE RECORD i originally said

i always fluther in the batroom, thank god for laptops :D

And @AstroChuck made one of the most clever jokes ive seen all day :)
dont tell Alfred, he would be pissed if he knew i was droppin bomps in the bat cave

AstroChuck's avatar

Damn. I did that? Goddamn, I am clever.

jonsblond's avatar

Yay! I’m not the only one that fluthers in the batroom! :D

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