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TheFonz_is's avatar

What makes you cringe? and why?

Asked by TheFonz_is (367points) February 25th, 2009
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Bluefreedom's avatar

Cockroaches make me cringe because they’re one of the dirtiest, nastiest, most repulsive and disgusting things on the face of the earth.

cheebdragon's avatar

Clusters and holes. I have trypophobia.

TheFonz_is's avatar

? clusters?

loser's avatar

Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes?!!

cyndyh's avatar

When I hear someone say something narrow-minded.

cheebdragon's avatar

Yes, clusters….just google trypophobia

chelseababyy's avatar

Butterflies, yeah, I’m afraid. Weird right?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Bad hygiene.

Sparkie510's avatar

When I was a kid, it was when a sex scene came on the TV when I was watching it with my parents. Now I’m all grown up, it’s when a sex scene comes on the TV when I’m watching it with kids…

Sparkie510's avatar

Oh… I almost forgot – and belly buttons! Cannot stand poking of any form nor can I watch poking of any form…

TheFonz_is's avatar

i hate ice.. as stupid as it sounds, its fine in a drink, but I cant bite it, I cant walk on it and I cant hear people rummaging about in a freezer..

oh and wet sand.. dry sand is fine, just not wet!!!

Sparkie510's avatar

I love wet sand!

TheFonz_is's avatar

@Sparkie510 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

i forgot plastic forks on Styrofoam

Sparkie510's avatar

@TheFonz – ...and ice! I love ice! Ice and sand mixed together and smeared all over my body! Err… Ouch!

TheFonz_is's avatar

@Sparkie510 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr well im sat here poking my belly button :)

Sparkie510's avatar

@TheFonz Now that’s just evil…

Dog's avatar

Dry wood in my mouth- such as a Popsicle stick. I dip my chopsticks in beer at Japanese Restaurants.

Can’t stand having chalk on my hands and just the thought of using pastelles gives me the heebie geebies.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Sparkie510's avatar

I’ve just thought of another one. I used to HATE the sound of my mum ironing sheets!

Randy's avatar

Ah man! Fingernail files! They are the worst. I’m cringing now just thinking about them.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I cringe when someone drags their fingernails across a chalkboard. The sound of that is really unsettling and annoying.

nebule's avatar

seeing my son running towards towards the house this morning and falling over and cracking his nose on the step ..and me not being able to get there in time to stop it happening. he’s ok!...but rather bruised

SuperMouse's avatar

Seeing someone being humiliated.

@lynneblundell, poor little guy! I’m glad he is alright!

bythebay's avatar

Bad table manners (chewing w/mouth open, burping, etc.)

cookieman's avatar

When someone who clearly has no idea what they’re talking about insistently goes on and on about it as if they do.

I’m usually whispering under my breath, “shut up. for the love of pete, just shut the hell up”

Triiiple's avatar

Not the small roaches, i can deal witht hose. The big ones…that fly…ill run.

EnzoX24's avatar

MTV and the shallow whores who live by it

aprilsimnel's avatar

Rats make me cringe. Just… ugh. If I see someone physically injured, I cringe in sympathy. Weirdly enough, if someone is really, really setting themselves up for an epic fail on a sitcom, I’ll cringe. You know, like when Lucy starts doing whatever bad thing, and as rain follows heavy clouds, Ricky shows up and catches her in the act and – I cringe. Right when she’s right on the verge of having some ‘splainin’ to do.

steelmarket's avatar

The “dinner” scene in Alien.

Mr_M's avatar

Some little girls have this desire to scream like they do in the movies. My neighbor’s kid in the upstairs apartment does this and I hear it in malls and playgrounds as well. My initial reaction is to think it’s a woman in distress that needs my help.

cookieman's avatar

…at which point you begin to tug a your shirt buttons and say, “This sounds like a job for…”

Mr_M's avatar

(Actually I start heading for a phone booth. They’ve gotten harder and harder to find, what, with the invention of the cell phone and all).

TheFonz_is's avatar

then you might need one of these:


Skyrail's avatar

Bones. Eugh. Bones bones bones.

Strange body quirks and such. When bones click or knock together, the kneecap and the way it moves about, cartilage, the idea of things breaking and not being able to have control of it and such. I’m cringing writing about it heh, it’s quite funny actually, well for my friends, seeing as I cringe so much at our health physics module.

TheFonz_is's avatar

*pops every knuckle in he’s bpdy he can…

sorry where were we?

steelmarket's avatar

Tinfoil in the mouth. Like when a little piece gets stuck to, say, a piece of pizza that I’ve stored in the fridge, and I bite down on the tinfoil. yow !!

Bri_L's avatar

hair on locker room floors

Skyrail's avatar

@TheFonz_is /me cringes

wundayatta's avatar

Nails scratching on a blackboard. Any sound like that.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Other people.

jonsblond's avatar

@Dog I hate chalk on my hands. Drives me crazy! I always keep a wet towel with me to wipe my hands whenever I play with sidewalk chalk with my daughter.

I also cringe whenever I step in a big glob of gum or a big pile of dog crap.

cheebdragon's avatar

Potato bugs…..eek!

steelmarket's avatar

When you step on a spider, and a million tiny spiderettes run from it.

Sparkie510's avatar

What are potato bugs?

cheebdragon's avatar

google potato bugs and you will get a good picture of the evil little creatures

90s_kid's avatar

I don’t really get the whole question, but Spiders make me cringe (I am pretty sure).

tiffyandthewall's avatar

mtv and my grade in chemistry that consistently goes down.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Cars jerking to a stop, or hearing a car crash. That SKRREEEET! is just painful.

introv's avatar

Dry fingers on paper. When turning the pages in a book I have to lick my fingers first, multiple times. And after as well. Shuddering just thinking about it.

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