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scars2b's avatar

Being a mom is...?

Asked by scars2b (111points) February 25th, 2009
36 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

what’s it like to be a mother? what does it mean TO BE a MOM?

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Johnny_Rambo's avatar

….....something I dont wanna experience. ( :

jonsblond's avatar

It means that you get to worry for the rest of your life.

Then they smile and you get all warm and fuzzy inside.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Sorry, but mom’s have’nt yet cornered the worry market.

chelseababyy's avatar

Not something I will ever be.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Come on Chelseababyy , you can do it.

jonsblond's avatar

@Johnny_Rambo You haven’t met my mom!

@chelseababyy LOL I used to say that. :)

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

jons: Is she a super worrier ?

jonsblond's avatar

@Johnny_Rambo The ultimate worrier!

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

jons: Have a t-shirt made with that for her with a ” warrior ” on it.Tell her there was a mis-spelling at the print shop.

chelseababyy's avatar

@jonsblond I pretty much raised my siblings, all three of them. Then went through a pregnancy/abortion.
Don’t want anymore of any of that.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

You’ll find the right guy Chelseababyy and it will be worth it. Have faith.

scars2b's avatar

i think being a mom means to GIVE LIFE, i mean wow that’s like LIFE man. of course dudes plant the seeds and everything but, mothers they nurture the seed for months, and then GIVE LIFE. thats like wow to me.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

It is pretty Wow-ish.

KrystaElyse's avatar

I don’t know what it means to be a mother since I haven’t experienced it yet (and i’m not sure if I ever will) but I know others have said it’s the most challenging yet rewarding experience.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Ive been told its like accidentally peeing in a dark suit, ” its a warm feeling, but no one really notices ”.

chelseababyy's avatar

@Johnny_Rambo I’m with an amazing guy now, neither of us want kids.
Plus I’m way too selfish to have kids, I’d rather have a dog.

Johnny_Rambo's avatar

Maybe when you are older it may be a more do-able and rewarding option. Kids are great fun and have given my life purpose.

Kiev749's avatar


TheHaight's avatar

I don’t know how it feels to be a mother because I don’t have any children, but let me tell you my fellow flutherers- I can’t wait till that day happens. No way ready now! but one day. :D

cak's avatar

It’s experiencing all the highs and lows of life; sometimes, all in one day. It’s understanding pure, unconditional love – but knowing some days, you just don’t like the person they are – that will probably change by the next morning.

It can be physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting, but understanding that you wouldn’t trade it for the word.

It’s painful, not just the physical birthing part – but when your child says something hurtful, it can hurt you to your core. It’s sheer joy, when they look at you and smile or tell you, in the most sincere way possile, how much they love you.

It’s knowing that for the rest of your life, you have a responsibility to another human being.

It’s love, in its most natural form.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (6points)
bythebay's avatar

The most amazing, wonderful, difficult, and joy filled thing I’ve have experienced. It’s a gift beyond all proportions that goes both ways.

autumn43's avatar

cak and bythebay have summed it up perfectly.

cyndyh's avatar

It means the word “push” will never be the same for you. :^>

I think of it a lot like being a boat owner. You know the saying. The happiest two days of a boat owner’s life are the day they buy their boat and the day they sell it. Well, the happiest days of a parent’s life are the days they’re born and the days they move out. :^>

Actually, I love seeing the people they’ve become. When the nest is empty it means the birdies are flying. That’s just such a cool thing.

bythebay's avatar

@cyndyh: I’m years away from my birdies flying away (for any length of time); but I also enjoy seeing the people they’re becoming.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@Johnny_Rambo More like peeing in your pants. Everyone can is but only you can feel it’s warmth.

It’s most demanding but rewarding and beautiful job you could ever have.

autumn43's avatar

The hardest job you’ll ever love.

elijah's avatar

The most important job you will ever have.
You can’t even begin to understand until you experience it.

Blondesjon's avatar

I have no idea what it is to be a mother. I’m just a mother fucker.

i’m so sorry everyone…it’s a disease…

autumn43's avatar

@Blondesjon Well, your mother should give you a spanking then!

Dorkgirl's avatar

Someone asked me shortly after I had my son how it felt to be a mom. Well, I really didn’t have an answer at the point. I’m not sure when I actually ‘felt like a mom’, but he’s been around for almost 23 years and I can’t imagine not being a mom.
He brings me joy and makes me laugh. He makes me so mad that I’d like to choke him. He is sweet and self-centered, and smart yet so utterly stupid sometimes. I love talking to him, but find him exhausting sometimes.
He is central to our lives but not the center of it. My husband and I don’t always see eye to eye on parenting, but we’ve bumbled our way through without inflicting too much emotional damage on our kid.
There have been moments when I was sure that I had ruined him and he turn out to be a serial killer or in therapy for years, but he seems to be pretty normal.
True, you will worry about them and I’m not sure that will ever go away no matter how old he gets. I want what’s best for him. I want success for him (whatever that may look like), I want joy and happiness for him. If I could pave the road so he would not have to suffer or sacrifice, I would. But, I know he needs to make choices and sacrifices and mistakes to be a fully formed person. Letting go is so hard. Watchiing them grow up is joyful and heart wrenching. You want to hug them and hold them, but know you have to release them.

cyndyh's avatar

@bythebay : Well, if yours are younger than mine I’ll tell you this for free. :^> Everyone told me I’d have this “empty nest syndrome” thing. Like hell. If you’ve done a good job you’re so happy for them with every step they take toward adulthood. And it doesn’t mean you love them any less when you’re happy as can be for yourself that they’re gone and you have more time for yourself and for being part of just a couple. It’s even better than you imagine. Cheers!

chelseababyy's avatar

@Johnny_Rambo Nah. As I said, I’m selfish. I want to do too many things in my life, that I couldn’t do if I had kids. Kids = Not an option for me.

augustlan's avatar

Being a mother is like being pecked to death by chickens. “Mom?” peck “Mom!” peck, peck “Mooommm!!” peck, peck, peck.
And rather enjoying it :)

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@augustlan Or in my case “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…WAAAHHHHHHHHH.” Nudge. Nudge. “Honey, Max wants his Momma.” And that is when my husband gains a new knot on his head.

autumn43's avatar

@augustlan – this is my ringtone for both of my kids:

cyndyh's avatar

@autumn43 : Masochist. :^>

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