first of all I would ignore it, and hopefully nobody I know ever goes there
my second thought though after reading it is that perhaps there is a point at trying to warn others of perverts, liars etc. As long as it is done honestly, which in 99% of cases it is not.
I am sure that most people just use it out of spite. Most of the things they say are probably lies, just to get back at someone that hurt them by dumping them (and in some cases even got dumped). I would therefore not trust any information there.
My ex wife has been trying to use the media (mainly tv) to defame me in a similar manner. People who don’t know me may believe her. But these are people I’ll never get to meet anyway, and even if they do they’ll probably find out that I’m neither a drug dealer nor a homosexual, nor do I beat people up with my 7-fingered fist and one of my three tails.
I’d never use something like that.