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shadling21's avatar

Remember a certain computer game...?

Asked by shadling21 (6501points) February 26th, 2009
20 responses
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Have you ever played a children’s computer game on Windows (95, I think) in which the main character (possibly a rabbit) solves a mystery in a two-level school? This memory from my childhood is tormenting me.

I remember a variety of robots. I remember odd clues. I remember that it had a very square-ish look to it. Colorful.

Please help!

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essieness's avatar

No but I sense rabbit filled nightmares for me tonight

Foolaholic's avatar

Could it be Jazz Jackrabbit(game)?

essieness's avatar

Oh wait… Qbert?

dragonflyfaith's avatar

What does that have to do with clues, a rabbit and a school?

rawpixels's avatar

The best game was Day of the Tentacle

Dog's avatar

Reader Rabbit was like that I think.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
ubersiren's avatar

Reader rabbit! I played that on my Tandy 200 in the basement!

wundayatta's avatar

Reader Rabbit was hell on my video card. My daughter liked it a bit, but not my son. I don’t recall it being a mystery though. Just math problems, or spelling problems.

Jack79's avatar

doesn’t Sam and Max have a rabbit?

shadling21's avatar

Hmmm some good games mentioned here, but none are what I’m looking for.

@Dog – I thought it was Reader Rabbit, but couldn’t find the game I was thinking of.

I’m not sure that the character is a rabbit. My brother thinks it is, but something about that doesn’t seem right. So let’s open this up to school mystery games with robot enemies (because I remember the robot enemies… one robot reminded me distinctly of a vacuum cleaner).

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Was it a sidescroll?

Dr_C's avatar

i can’t be very helpfull with this but as far as computer games from childhood or played at school…. who could forget oregon trail?

Jack79's avatar

probably not it but it has a bunny and plenty of robots…

popo7676's avatar

@ Jack79 That game is AWESOME!!!

shadling21's avatar

@dragonflyfaith – Yes, sidescrolling.
@Jack79 – Nope, but thanks for finding me a new way to waste time.

hchan's avatar

OMG I was just trying to figure out what game that was when I came across your post! I think it was win 95 too. If I find out, I’ll let you know. The character also had a flashlight.

blabla's avatar

Super solvers midnight rescue! That doesn’t have the rabbit but it is a two level school with robots and mystery and is from back in the day!

blabla's avatar

sorry its super solvers outnumbered and one of the robots/bad guys looks like a wierd animal maybe your rabbit but I think that is what youre looking for!

shadling21's avatar

AHHHHHHH! @blabla 5000000000 lurve for you! You found it! It is Midnight Rescue. I don’t know why I thought it was a rabbit. Obviously, my memory has suffered over the years.

Here’s a video of it:

Also, thanks for joining just for this. You rock! Please stick around and help me fill in more holes of my memory…

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