General Question

tennesseejac's avatar

When you ask a stranger "How are you doing", do you really want to know or are you just being polite?

Asked by tennesseejac (3778points) March 1st, 2009
17 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Why do we do this? I get asked this question about 20 times per day and usually just give the same old response such as “Im making it” or “good”. It just seems pointless to ask a question that uses responses like this.

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Mr_M's avatar

Actually, I don’t ask this of STRANGERS.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Mostly being polite. You really don’t want to hear about that mysterious rash that showed up on that strangers pubic region do you.

Allie's avatar

Honestly, most of the time the answer is the same so I hardly listen, but if they start in with a story about their day I’ll tune in.

In case you’re wondering how I am, I have a headache and am off to take a nap.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I don’t ask that, ever, unless I actually want to know. I always found it extremely irritating when bosses or random people asked me that when I knew they really didn’t give a rat’s ass. One time, on a really bad day, an old boss of mine asked me that in passing, without even pausing or making eye contact. My reply? “Oh… Pretty horrible, actually.” His steps faltered and he cocked his head to the side, but he kept walking anyway. Made me snicker.

gailcalled's avatar

My mother taught me never to talk to strangers.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@gailcalled – HAHAHAHA!

Yeah, I think that’s a funny question to ask of complete strangers. I don’t believe I ever have. And strangers who ask that of me are usually skanky dudes trying to pick me up.

How YOU doin’? /Joey

onesecondregrets's avatar

I don’t ask the question unless I want an answer. If someone asks me how I’m doing I give an honest answer, even if they’re just being polite which most people don’t give a damn what your response is. Conversation can arise from it- when you get an honest answer like “I feel like shit,” or something like that. But seriously, if I ask someone how they’re doing, stranger or not.. haha I wanna know. Is it so wrong to care?! :P.

Blondesjon's avatar

@gailcalled…You talk to me and there aren’t too many stranger than I am.

How are you doing, What’s up, How’s it goin’, Have a nice day; these are all just modern language equivalents of our grunting, simian roots. We don’t say these things because we want a response. We say these things because we are letting the stranger know we see them. It’s an ancient, genetic memory that says, “Yeah, I see you there and you see me. Let’s just leave things that way.”

gooch's avatar

Yeah I only ask that to people I know. Then I am usually just being polite.

augustlan's avatar

Being polite. If a stranger asks me on a bad day, I’ll say “I’ve been better, but that’s alright.” and keep on walking.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I couldn’t care less how someone is doing, most times.

TheHaight's avatar

When I am ringing up a customer, I always ask how they’re doing and always get a “good” and that’s it, kinda response. But once in a while they tell me their bidness and I love hearing about their day; how much it sucks; etc. I dunno, it makes my day when they acknowledge me. Lame I know.. Haha.

gailcalled's avatar

When I get phone callers who are soliciting, and they start the conversation with, “How are you today,” or “How ya doing.” I always answer, politely, “I never discuss my health with strangers.” That’s a conversation stopper.

@Mamradplvo: Re: “I couldn’t care less,” see Syz’s fluther quip and also this similar one.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i usually feel awkward when someone, even a friend, asks how i’m doing. so usually i don’t ask unless i really want to know. BUT usually when i really do want to know, people are so accustomed to just answering “pretty good”, etc, that they don’t actually tell me anyway.
really, i think the phrase is just a polite way to say hello.

augustlan's avatar

@gailcalled & @Mamradpivo My husband (by way of John Wayne in The Quiet Man) says “It is a matter of complete indifference to me.”

MacBean's avatar

I don’t ask if I don’t want to know. So it drives me nuts when I get insincere answers. However, I know that most people only ask to be polite, so I never give a sincere answer, either. Ugh. This is why I stay in the house and don’t talk to anyone.

Not really. I stay in the house and don’t talk to anyone for other reasons.

diamondAngel's avatar

I’m always honest when anyone asks stranger or not. My response 99.9% of the time is Fantastic or Wonderful! and sometimes it’s “I have had better days” “Every day is a good day, some days are better than others” If the person “Really Cares” they will ask why what’s going on. When I ask, I genuinely want to know, but that’s just me. If I can make anyone’s day a little brighter even for a moment in Time I will, it costs nothing. We have the power within us to create any type of day “we want” “Life is 10% of what happens, and 90% of how you react to it.” This takes a lifetime of Practice. I call it “adulting” and “Emotional Intellect”. I practice it every day, still have bunches to learn. Angel from The Bay

Angel from The Bay

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